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Chris Gilland <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 22 Oct 2003 07:53:44 -0400
text/plain (59 lines)
Well, let's see:  I have arachnophilia

so don't be talkin to me bout no spiders here...


it's amazing how as horrible as I feel, with a majorly high fever, and major
stopped up nose, how I can be still, in such a good mood despite how
ickally horrid I feel...  I think I brought it on myself, but I don't really
wanna talk about it...

O, and kerry, thanks for that mail again you sent the other day from God's
work ministry...  I actually wrote the e-mail address for prayer requests...
Granted, I know I gave far too much detail, i really couldn't help it...  I
needed to talk and really open up and pour myself out...

I shouldn't a, in this case with this situation, as it had to do with...
well...  OK I'll keep it general...  My OCD's killing me!  And really it's
getting so aweful, guys, this may sound stupid, I dono, Reberta, you
probably could anser this more professionally and more effectively as you
were a nerse at one time, but I literally feel if this continues, no, not so
much the temptation, as much as the after effect, from the strain it puts on
me of stress,  God forbid, he knows!  it's gonna kill me alive literally
speaking physically!  i've got a real strong immune system, so for me to
have a fever of 103, and be coughing, watery eyes, puking, sore throat,
chills, swetty hands, diareah etc.  OK you all don't need to know the
rest...  Heheheheh.  That's not too cool...  I think it would help to be
able to talk with a friend, like via phone, and within the US and canada, I
do have unlimited calling with a brand spankingly charged phone over here,
but still, i don't ask yall to do that and give me your numbers, I feel i'd
be asking to much to do so...

I will however ask to be praying, not for me to get well...  Heck, I could
care less about that...  i'm just very concerned for my health, as I know
this isn't good, and can be exceptionally not to mention seriously
dangerous...  Reberta, I would call you with your permission, however, the
last time i brought out in very clear vivid detail what was going on, you
nearly killed me, so i guess I feel a bit uneasy...  I'm only trying to be
honest as I feel that is better than telling a lie...

Despite my fear of needles, I will say, I now regret hnot getting a flu

it may a hurt like madness, but at least this may could a been prevented.

i still feel though that this wasn't a virus...  it was totally brought on
by the strain that's being inflicted on myself...  Not that I'm purposely
trying to put the strain on myself a corse...

