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Vinny Samarco <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 27 May 2012 07:59:05 -0700
text/plain (64 lines)
I can't tell you how many times the Lord has done that kind of thing for me. 
I have asked many times, upon missing something, that the Lord would put my 
hand right on the thing I needed, and he did it, almost before I could 
finish praying.
Remember, we were once lost, and He found us-we did not find Him.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Vicki" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2012 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: It happened yet again

Thinking more about this, today I was missing my house key which I had 
dropped in my pocket after locking the door.  When I got home I could find 
it nowhere.  I prayed, asking the Lord for his help, and could he please put 
is so that I could lay my hand right on it.  And, I had thought to put it in 
my purse but got distracted.  I looked in my purse before praying.  My 
husband looked as well.  After praying, I opened up my purse for the last 
time and my hand felt the key ring.  It was where I had already looked.  So 
I know God did one of his small yet big miracles for me.  Thank you Lord. 
Even if it was there and I missed it, still, to find it... Wow!

I know that we have concentrated times of prayer.  But some of our prayers 
are in that category of "pray without ceasing."  I believe God longs to hear 
from us, his children.  Sometimes in a personal relationship with someone 
you find yourself just sitting down together and having a cup of coffee 
enjoying one another's presence.  So, prayer doesn't have to be all that 
hard or complicated.  It's part of co union.  Still, wonder if my belief 
system could use some examination.  Just my thoughts here.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Phil Scovell
  To: [log in to unmask]
  Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 5:59 PM
  Subject: It happened yet again

  My left hand desk drawer has gotten pretty disorganized over the last few 
months.  Well, frankly, there is no real organization to the drawer to be 
truthful about it.  Anyhow, I had a package of rubber bands that were in a 
zip lock bag than somebody unzipped so I had around a hundred rubber bands 
flapping around like worms as I hunted for an item in my drawer.  Papers 
everywhere, my USB port for transferring books from my computer to my victor 
stream or iPhone, a rubberized rolled up blue tooth keyboard, 3 by 5 cards 
for short notes, A small wooden box that I keep my memory cards in that I 
keep books on from NLS, and about a dozen other things.  I could not find 
the item in all the mess but I was positive I had seen it the other day by 
accident, or as my kids used to say, and my younger grandkids still say, "On 
accident."  After about 60 seconds of making the mess into a bigger mess, I 
realized I had not prayed so this time I did ask the Lord to put my hand on 
it.  As in almost every case, when such a specific petitionary request is 
made, the very next thing I touch is what I am looking for in the first 
place.  Now, I ask you the same thing I asked myself today.  If the Lord can 
help me find something of no important, what why won't the Lord keep His 
promises concerning answered prayer?  Is what we  believe involved with the 
problem?  Oh, surely not.  Why, we be Christians; Bible believers we is.  So 
that surely ain't the problem.  Right?
