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Sat, 2 Feb 2013 02:23:50 -0500
Migraines and Lactose Intolerance versus Milk Intolerance <[log in to unmask]>
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Migraines and Lactose Intolerance versus Milk Intolerance <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Headaches and Lactose Intolerance versus Milk Intolerance

First, let us take a look at the definition of both lactose intolerance and food intolerance...

As you may already be well aware, lactose is a sugar found in bovine milk and other dairy products.  Lactose intolerance is when the small intestine either does not make enough or any at all of the enzyme lactose (aka - lactase), which the body requires in order to properly digest lactose.

Food intolerance on the other hand, is when elevated levels of certain antibodies, such as Immunoglobulin G (IgG) and/or Immunoglobulin A (IgA), attaches to (or "attacks") partially undigested food proteins circulating in the body's blood stream.

With these two definitions in mind, one can see where lactose intolerance and food intolerance are two different conditions of the human body... 

Yet, when it comes to migraine headaches (including cluster headaches) both lactose intolerance AND food intolerance can either directly cause and/or complicate these ill-health conditions.

 I. Lactose Intolerance & Migraine Headaches:

Medical citations, such as a paper from the Rush University Medical Center, report that lactose intolerance can lead to migraines.  Commonly referred to as “dietary migraines”, scientific evidence exists for an association between these “dietary migraines” and lactose intolerance.*

* "Food Allergy: Adverse Reactions to Food and Food Additives", 2003.

II. Food Intolerance & Migraine Headaches:

ANY food can be the culprit behind migraines and cluster headaches.  Two of the most common foods behind these type of headaches include dairy (bovine) products and gluten-containing grains such as wheat, oat, barley, rye, triticale, spelt, kamut, and a couple others.*

* “Migraine; A Diagnostic Test for Etiology of Food Sensitivity by a Nutritionally Supported Fast and Confirmed by Long Term Report”, Annals of Allergy.

Now, in regards to your specific situation, without the findings of some lab screenings such as an IgG ELISA food intolerance test or a secretory IgA food intolerance assay, I would assume one or more of the following is possibly in play based upon the limited information I am working with…

1). Your lactose intolerance condition is causing and/or provoking your migraine headaches.

2). IgG and/or IgA food intolerance towards bovine whole milk or one of its individual proteins, such as casein or whey, is causing and/or provoking your migraine headaches.

To learn more, visit www.bettercontrolofhealth.com.

Better Control of Health (BCH)
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"Optimum health is at the tip of your finger..."

P.S. - Our company provides finger-stick and saliva kits for IgA-Mediated Food Intolerance, IgG-Mediated Food Intolerance, Celiac Disease, H.pylori and IgE-Mediated (Immediate-Onset) Airborne & Food Allergy. Please visit our web site at www.bettercontrolofhealth.com for more details.

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