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Tue, 19 Jan 2010 16:20:54 -0500
Beth Athey <[log in to unmask]>
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Beth Athey <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (71 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Just today, I finished off the last of the dough using it for hamburger
buns.  I am wholly impressed with this recipe, and I am confident the other
recipes will be just as good!  I urge you to give it a try!  You won't be


Summary of responses:

First off, I failed to mention in my original post the authors of the book.
They are Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois.  


One person was interested in how the Boule dough worked for a pizza crust.
It was absolutely wonderful!  So much so, we made it twice over the holiday
weekend.  I've always been a thick crust pizza person, so I was hesitant to
have a thin crust.  No worries-it ROCKED!  


One person asked about the egg content.  Yes, it does contain eggs-4 of
them.  Following is a link from the books' web site:
http://www.artisanbreadinfive.com/?p=1396.   This link contains the recipe
and a step by step description for making and baking the dough.  In this
particular blog, they use a dutch oven to bake the bread.  The book details
how to use a pizza peel and baking stone.  Either way would work just fine!
As well, there is a comments section for those of you with questions such as
the egg content.  Both Jeff and Zoe have been very timely in their responses
to me, so please feel free to contact them about specific concerns.  


One person asked if I made this by hand or used a bread machine.  This is
strictly by hand.  I've seen no reference to using a bread machine.  If
you'd like to try a bread machine, I would suggest contacting the authors.


One person had the following to share:  You see, I make the rest of my
family (5) the gluten filled olive oil bread from  Artisan Bread in Five
Minutes a day--practically everyday. They love it and it is so successful
....I haven't had the nerve to try the GF version:)  I don't use the boule
technique. Just tear off a chunk press gently into a brownie pan 8x11, top
with same ingredients as an everything bagel. I use the microwave as 'proof
box' for about 40 minutes-- after heating a cup of  water about 2 minutes,
and then bake 400- 25 minutes.  They use it as sort of foccacia bread for
sandwiches and snacks. Also successful rolls and pizza crust. So I am
encouraged now to try the GF version!  


I had a few people asked where I purchased the book.  I purchased it through
Amazon.com only because I'm a "Prime" member and get free shipping on
certain items.  You can also purchase the book via the link above.  And I'm
guessing you can find it most places that sell books.


Hope this helps!

Beth Athey


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