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David Poehlman <[log in to unmask]>
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David Poehlman <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 5 Mar 2010 13:59:09 -0500
text/plain (29 lines)
I'm sending this on behalf of a friend:


My name is Jack. Do you like to read? Do you like to discuss what you've read? Well then, I   would like to invite you to join our book talk. List. Tis called appropriately enough  booktalk. And that is what it is. Anything to do with books slanted toward the visually impaired or out and out blind.  How you read  them. Do you prefer braille  or  audio?? and what devices you may use. Reviews of books you've read and enjoyed or ones you haven't and why??  Comments on your favorite authors or the characters they create and or series they write. In short anything  to do with books is acceptable. You will receive a warm courteous cordial  welcome and the only rule is that which applies to any public  forum, that you respect the views of others. There are two ways you can join.

Either write me at

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and I will be glad to add you

or send a blank email to

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and answer the confirmation request.  also feel free to forward this message to anyone you think might be interested.. hoping to see you there.

All The Best


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