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Batsheva <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 Dec 2011 14:30:00 -0800
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Okay, so I knew I was asking for trouble, but decided to go to a regular MD and get a bunch of tests done now that I'm at that midway point in life.  
So, here's the bad news, or is it?
1.  Cholesterol:  233 total; HDL 79  Triglicerides  67;  LDL  141
2.  Doctor is freaking out about my thyroid panel:  TSH  19.45  (normal range is .5-6);  Total T3-68.6 (normal range 71-180); Circulating T3-1.09 (range 2.0-4.9);T4 .69 (.75-1.54).    I explained that I had Hodgkins Lymphoma 13 years ago, had massive full mantle radiation, and despite my doctors, was able to save my Thyroid and stay off Synthroid.. For 12 of those years,  I have been on a natural bovine thyroid with B vitamin supplement called Thyroid Plus.  I take 2 pills per day, and have decided to go for the full 4 per day.  
3.  Bone Density Scan is troubling:  since my last one in 2007, my lumbar spine had a6.1% decrease in bone mass, whch is significant.  I'm wondering if I'm eating too much meat.  I am in the osteopenic range, with a reading of-2.2 T Score  (it was -1.7 in 2007).  According to the WHO, Normal is at or above -1.  Osteopenia is between -1 and -2.5;  Osteoperosis is at or below -2.5.  My femur scores are -2.3 and -1.9, with only a -.6% increase since the 2007 reading.
Any help from MD's or self proclaimed do it yourselfers  out there who accept the Paleo way of thinking.......I started taking Jarrow's "Bone Up" and have increased my seaweed consumption to include Maine Dulse, about 1/3 cup to provide iodine.  I've been eating paleo 8 years. 
I  am going to try to include more  yoga to compress the thyroid (head stands), and of course, being a cavegirl, walk the woods.  Do I have to start pounding on a treadmill and wearing one of those polyester gym outfits?  What next, the Clapper to turn off the lights.....YIKES!  I can't wait for my colonoscopy in 3 weeks.  
Thank you for any input.....
Batsheva, or "Cavegirl in Mid Life Crisis who thought she was healthy until her lab results showed  otherwise?????"