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David Poehlman <[log in to unmask]>
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David Poehlman <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 13:52:28 -0400
text/plain (96 lines)
I've tought new mac users and it is far easier for them to learn than xp 
with jaws or window eyes.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 1:44 PM
Subject: [VICUG-L] more on XP, Vista, the Mac, and Linux, why talk about 
this stuff anyway?

Hi all,
I read everybody's feedback, and thank you all for your responses.
Here's why I wanted to bring all this up anyway.  Many folks who use 
computers (both disabled and nondisabled), have not liked Vista, and 
Microsoft knows this, because they're losing money on this, so, in 2010, 
they will come out with a new operating system, called Windows 7, and who 
knows what it will look like.  I hope it looks like xp, because it's so easy 
to use, with it's desktop, and menu structure, and of course, xp is very 
stable, compared to vista.
We will all have to decide what we'll do, for operating systems when the 
computers we are using now, well, shal we say, kick the bucket.  So, we need 
to start thinking about it as blind computer users, even more, because as 
you all do, I depend on computers for most of the activities I do daily.
So, for us, it's not just a passing fancy, of, "oh who cares what I'll use." 
We need to care about the future and what we'll use, and begin to prepare 
now to switch in the future, whenever that will be.
Now, if Windows 7 is to our liking as blind computer users, then we're set, 
but, if not, then what will we do?  So, instead of waiting till then, we all 
need to begin thinking about that day, and preparing, (at least if you like 
me, are an xp user), about what we'll do.
Now, if any of you have knowledge about windows 7, let us know what you know 
about it.  That will help people to make decisions.
As far as Vista is concerned, I don't get into tree views, so, that's out 
for me.  I want what xp is, a desktop, and a menu structure.
As for Mac, I don't like the finder.  I want a desktop, and menus, just like 
What if it's a new user, who doesn't know anything about computers?  The mac 
and vista, are just way beyond them, because remember folks, this person, 
(whoever he/she is), has just turned on their computer, so let's put 
ourselves in their place.  They want it as easy to use as possible, and 
that's why xp is so good, because it's easy to use.  There's a desktop, 
everything's there, right in front of ya.
Now, for Linux, there are 4 audio files you can listen to, and I will 
mention even more, if I find them on the web.  But, for now, here's 4 you 
can listen to.
The first is from main menu, 7 May, 2003.

then, the main menu from 14 May, 2003

then, the 3rd part, from Main menu for 21 May 2003

and the final main menu, from 11 June 2003,

So folks, that's all I have for now.  If I come up with more, I'll let you 
all know.

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