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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 Oct 2009 15:21:50 -0700
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Greater Cleveland Celiac Association CSA Chapter #50 upcoming events:

October is Celiac Awareness month. So many things are happening; I hope you will be able to attend many if not all of our events.  Please mark your calendars if you have not already done so.

Mustard Seed Market Gluten Free Taste Fair     Saturday, October 10th  Next Support Group Meeting                       Sunday, October 11th
Gluten Free Beer Tasting Event                      Tuesday, October 20th
The National CSA Conference in Erie, PA        October 29 thru November 1st
Columbus Celiac Conference                      Saturday, November 7th
Support Group Meeting                            Sunday,  November 15th
Support Group Meeting                             Sunday,  December 6th
Support Group Meeting                            Sunday, January 10, 2010

Details Below
****Reminder: The next meeting of the Greater Cleveland Celiac Association CSA Chapter, #50 will be:
Solon Branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library
Sunday, October 11th
2:00 PM
34125 Portz Parkway Solon, 44139
The library is off of Route 91 (SOM Centre road) about 1/2 mile south of Route 43(Aurora Road) in Solon.  
   If you need specific directions--Please go to http://tinyurl.com/33y3k3 or www.mapquest.com or Call the library 440-248-8777 

   E-Mail Cindy with any questions: [log in to unmask]   and to RSVP
Topic: We will be discussing any gluten free products you have found to be especially good or bad since our last meeting as well as new sources for gluten free products  

Bring any questions you may have regarding the gluten free diet.

**Please bring your favorite gluten free side dish to share along with 2 dozen copies of the recipe if possible.  Please include any brand names of ingredients, if available, to help those with multiple sensitivities. 
Come ready to share your thoughts, take notes, and enjoy gluten free food!
An additional reminder - the library has a refrigerator and a microwave oven if needed 

In addition to our regular meeting...
We will be discussing plans for future events

Future events- mark your calendars if you haven’t already
****Saturday, October 10th   Mustard Seed Market Gluten Free Taste Fair  Noon-4 PM    6025 Kruse Drive Solon, OH 44139

There will be samples of all kinds of gluten-free fare, including a full range of meal choices.   Many new gluten free items will be available to sample so you can try them before you buy them. 
Guest speakers at 1 PM, 2 PM and 3 PM to provide more information and answer questions on Celiac and living a gluten free lifestyle...  Be sure to stop by the Greater Cleveland Celiac Support Association Table and say hello. 

**** Sunday, October 11, 2009   Support group meeting Solon Library  2-4 PM
Following a gluten free diet is easier than you might initially think. Find out how to shop and cook on a gluten free diet.
****Tuesday, October 20th Gluten Free Beer Tasting Event     6:30 - 8 PM
Come sample several different brands of gluten free beer and cheese.  This is sure to be a fun event. If you are interested in this event, email me for more information.  You must be 21 or over and have a valid ID to attend.   
****October 30 - November 1, 2009 32nd Annual CSA Conference Erie, Pennsylvania
Below is information regarding the upcoming CSA Conference in Erie, PA  (October 30-November 1).  If you are planning to attend or if you are interested in sharing rides/hotels, please send me an email [log in to unmask]) I am keeping a list of people who are planning to attend.  
 National Celiac Sprue Association (CSA) Conference  http://www.csaceliacs.org/Conferences/2009AnnualCSAConference.php  Click on the links on the left side of the page to get details of the conference-
   All meals are gluten free and are included in the price as well as many gluten free snacks.  Vendors will be sampling and selling products. Be sure to check out the pre-conference activities scheduled on October 29th 
Conference Registration:   Be sure to register by Oct. 12 (registration fees increase 30% on 10/13/09).  This is a unique opportunity to meet and talk with many of the experts in the celiac world.  For a list of speakers click here: http://www.csaceliacs.org/Conferences/2009Presenters.php
Registration Form  http://www.csaceliacs.org/Conferences/documents/2009ConferenceRegistrationForm.pdf

**** Saturday, November 7, 2009 Columbus Conference   7:30 am - 3:30 pm   
 Children's Hospital  Nationwide Children's Hospital Education Center
     700 Children's Drive                          Phone: 614-355-0662' 
     Columbus, OH 43205                        Fax:   614-355-0670
Keynote speakers this year will be Dr. Stefano Guandalini and gluten free cookbook author Carol Fenster.
More details at our meeting on Sunday.
Registration Fee  $40 per person.  For conference information and to register Click:  http://tinyurl.com/5hlq6j . Children 11 and under attend free. 
Registration fee includes: Educational materials and activities, lunch and snack breaks.  
Register as soon as possible, as the conference fills quickly. 
****Sunday, November 15, 2009   Support group Meeting  Parma Hospital 
Holiday Pot Luck and Pie Baking contest – Details Sunday
****Sunday, December 6, 2009   Support group Meeting  Parma Hospital 
Annual Cookie exchange and Support group meeting, 
Special Guest Speaker:  Cookbook author Connie Sarros

**** Sunday, January 10, 2010   Support group meeting  Solon Library Annual Bread baking Contest 

**Note all meeting times are 2 PM unless stated otherwise**
I will have more information on all of these and other events and I look forward to seeing you 
Sunday, October 11th at the Solon Library

 Everyone is welcome!

We encourage family members - especially of the newly diagnosed to attend.
**Please let me know, either way, if you will attend. . Please RSVP as soon as possible by e-mail to:  [log in to unmask] 
by phone to Cindy 440-248-6671  Thanks.  
See you there. 

 Please forward this e-mail to anyone who may be interested in attending any of our events.
 If this email was forwarded to you and you would like to join our email list contact Cindy at [log in to unmask]
 Note:  If your email changes, please let me know so I can continue to keep you informed of future events.
Cindy Koller-Kass
Greater Cleveland Celiac Association
CSA/USA Chapter #50
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