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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Tue, 18 Jan 2011 03:00:49 EST
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Jill Bellissimo <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Our 8 year old daughter has been eating gluten free since she was diagnosed 
 with CD at 18 months old.  Once she began eating gluten free, she has been 
 a healthy and active child.  
This past summer, she started getting intermittent bouts of nausea.   She 
describes it as a "yucky feeling" in her throat.  Her stomach seems to  feel 
okay during these episodes.  She does not vomit, but she feels like  she 
could, and worries about this happening.
It seemed at one point things were getting better, because I did not hear  
as much about these attacks.  But the past couple of months, it seems like  
these episodes are picking up.
And now, they are beginning to effect her day to day life.
She loves school, but now school is not as fun, because when these hit, she 
 begins to worry what will happen next.
She has had to leave in the middle of soccer practices, dance classes, and  
other activities that she thoroughly enjoys.  This tells me it is not  
stress-related, and she loves these activities, and hates to miss them.
I have tried to pinpoint these bouts as to whether it is before/after  
eating, certain times of the day, certain foods, etc., etc.  They are so  very 
random, I cannot find any type of pattern.
She had a food allergy panel done recently, and we are waiting for those  
Two summers ago, she was having urinary tract infections.  After all  sorts 
of tests, they came to the conclusion that she was "backed up", and that  
was what was causing the infections, due to pressure on her bladder.  She  
has been taking magnesium citrate since that time, in the morning, and in the  
evening, in order to keep things moving, and hasn't had any further  
infections.  However, every time we try to wean her off of the powder,  things 
slow down again, and we go back to her usual dose.
I am only sharing this piece, because I thought maybe in some way this is  
connected to the nausea.  Maybe her body is done with the magnesium  citrate?
I am running out of theories and hope someone might have some  insight.
Also, we are VERY anal about her gluten free food.  Of course, this is  
always the first thing that crosses our minds when she is not feeling well, but 
 everything checks out to be safe for her.
Thanks so much for your help!
Auburn, CA

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