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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Amy L Cohen <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 15 Sep 2009 22:09:00 -0400
Amy L Cohen <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (114 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

 Thank you everyone for sharing your very thoughtful insights, and in many
cases, hard earned experiences with not only quinoa, but grains in general.
Thank you fvery much for your good wishes and encouragement. I have received
a great deal of information. (I will summarize the information on sunflower
butters ina separate email).
Unless I specifically use quotation marks, I will paraphrase from the 33
replies I received.

*Ancient Harvest Quinoa www.quinoa.net*
1. comes in both red (inca Red) and white varities
2. can be bought at Whole Foods
3. One person uses it sparingly "trying to get my body back in balance" "so
I can add back in normal foods again"
4. red quinoa tastes better than white
5. "great success" with Ancient Harvest quinoa
6. Ancient Harvest is "the only one we use"

*Other Quinoas*
1. person is Very sensitive. Feels Trader Joe's quinoa is very good
2. person Had no problems with Whole Foods quinoa both in bulk and packaged
3. Costco has bagged whole quinoa

*Comments about Bob's Red Mill (BRM) products*
1. problems with BRM
2. terrible reactions to BRM (and Trader Joe's and other mainstream GF
3. rarely use BRM
4. sensitive to cross contamination. Problems with BRM

*Whole Grains in general*
1. feels better with no grains at all
2. suggests it may not be the quinoa per se, but I am having trouble
digesting whole grains. This person feels better avoiding whole grains and
inulin. Oprah's dr. said some people can't digest whole grains. Suggests
trying non whole grain versions, such as quinoa flakes, or maybe digestive
enzymes could help
3. reacts to quinoa the same way as to gluten "makes me not want to try
other grains"
4. given up on grains except for honey nut chex, brown rice products,
tapioca also tinkyada pasta with added rice bran
5. don't gove up on whole grains too quickly. If you've been eating only
rice it will be some time for your gut to adjust. Try adding 1 grain at a
time in small amounts. Wait 4 weeks before adding another grain
6. have carbs and proteins at separate meals. Eat either one + lots of
veggies, but not together. Not permananetly, but helpful when gut is going
through a bad phase.
7. first time trying quiona it did not sit well. Built up tolerance by
mixing a little with brown rice, slowly adding more. Now has equal parts
quinoa, brown rice and lentils. Adds butter and salsa for flavor.
8. only eats white and brown rice, white and sweet potatoes (in the grains
category). This keeps the digestive process moving along with regularity,
which is a worthwhile goal in and of itself.
9. be sure to rinse whole grain quinoa off under a stream of water before
cooking. Run water through until it stopas foaming. Have also heard about
sauteeting the grain in a little oil  before adding liquid and cooking.
10. "if you haven't been eating many whole grains you can expect them to not
get along with you at first." "It's best to start slow" "Easier to digest if
they are soaked/fermented/or yeast raised first. Or semi sprouted"

*Other grains suggested*
1. Nature's Path Mesa Sunrise cereal with quinoa, teff and amaranth
2. try ground flaxseed. Has to be ground, seeds are indigestible. Start off
with a very little (1/4 tsp)/day add to baked goods, muffin mix or smoothie.
Slowly work up to 2 Tblp/day. make sure to drink plenty of water to move
things along.
3. try Chia seeds (brand name Salba). Do not grind. Expands quite a bit with
water, so again start very small (1/4 tsp/day). A really intense omega 3
provider. Person making this suggestion has worked up to 1 tsp/day and is
happy currently staying at that point
4. recipe suggestion once you are able to handle 2 Tbsp/day:
Put in a bowl 1 Tblsp Salba + 1 Tblsp ground flaxseed. Add 1 cup water. Put
in fridge overnight. In the morning drain off any excess water and mix into
the grain raisns, nuts, etc and eat for breakfast
5. www.birkitmills.com for bulk purchasing of buckwheat (50 lb bag available
by phoning - not listed in catalog)
6. www.teffco.com teff grown in Idaho

*Specific diet suggestions*
1. 3 people mentioned the SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) devised by Elaine
Gotteschall. aka Paleo diet. It is a diet specific for people with celiac
disease or Crohn's. One person kindly attached "a summary of the diet and a
table giving which foods are Ok to eat on it and which not.  When I first
read the list, I was really struck that all the foods I found difficult
(although not necessarily contining gluten) were the ones that she advised
against" .
another person sent these links:
"here is the link to the Paleo forum that I like"
2. Book suggestion, "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Tauber
3. Lifestyle Eating and Performance www.nowleap.com
4. Rosedale diet www.mercola.com which omits starchy carbs and grains
5.suggests trying other GF grains and flours: millet (grain and flour)
sorghum (flour), montina (prefers pure flour not blend). A blog of easy
recipes www.blog.kitchentherapy.us
6. again, introduce 1 new food at a time. Adding both kinds of B12 as
supplements made a big difference.
7. try expanding horizons with sweet potatoes

*Things That Are Good To Remember*
1. from a person 8 years post diagnosis: "Celiac is a fickle demon...it
reacts so differently to each person."
2. a person who has stuck with rice since being diagnosed 26 years ago is
now branching out to other grains and now she is teaching her nutritionist
vs the other way around
3. one family where the husband can eat buckwheat and the wife gets
indigestion from it says, "so you see, we are all very individual"

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