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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Dan & Sarah Anderson <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 2 Apr 2009 09:31:19 -0400
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Dan & Sarah Anderson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

A big thank you to all that shared their experiences with hypoglycemia.  I learned a lot!  As the findings below will show, hypoglycemia conditions really vary by individual.  More proof that celiac disease affects people differently.  


2 people had hypoglycemia pre-diagnosis and it resolved after going gluten free.  These individuals only get hypoglycemic symptoms upon         al glutening. 


2 people had hypoglycemia before going gluten free and then still had it once gluten free while eating gluten free grains and sugar.  One removed gluten free grains and sugar and she no longer suffers from hypoglycemia.  The other person limits gluten free grains and sugar and doesn’t think the two states are connected.


2 people developed hypoglycemia after going gluten free.  One of them saw an endocrinologist and discovered more autoimmune diseases.  With some changes in diet, the hypoglycemia is under control and the individual feels great.  The other individual has not seen a connection between hypo symptoms and gluten ingestion.


2 people had reactive hypoglycemia before being diagnosed with celiac disease and it later turned into diabetes.  


1 person has severe hypoglycemia that didn’t resolve after going gluten free. This individual also has refractory sprue.  The individual explained that the inflammation of the intestines affects the ability of the body to absorb nutrients and thus a hypoglycemic state can occur.


1 individual had hypoglycemia as a child but not anymore.


2 people suspected they had hypoglycemic symptoms but weren’t sure.


Several people use or recommended using an at home blood sugar meter to help determine what blood sugar levels are.  Another suggested seeing a doctor to have a fasting test because this test is more sensitive and accurate than meters.  Several people have consulted nutritionists to find a diet that helps them to feel good.



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