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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 30 Aug 2009 14:37:47 -0400
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Sorry took so long I was on vacation, much needed after 3 weeks of 
electrodes thats for dang sure. 

Most people simple say it's a sensitivity nothing to do with Gluten. Here are 
some other solutions and situations we encounter on or CD journey. Thanks 
everyone for your feed back. 


I have had to wear a TENS unit for the pain for the pain from my back injury.  
I have had horrible rashes and etc from the electrodes.  Mine come from a 
company called Tyco Healthcare.  They have been able to find a blue patch 
called Superior Silver Unipatch that has blue gel which I guess is the adhesive. 
This is the only patch that doesn't make me itch after I have had it on for 
about 15-30 minutes.   Also they provide me with this Unipatch adhesive 
remover which seems to help and the same manufacture makes this aloe vera 
gel that makes it feel better.  I checked this all out several years back to 
make sure it was GF before my allergist told me that I have a skin allergy to 
wheat (which was not a surprise to me).  
None of the ingredients contain or are derived from gluten. It is possible that 
you may be allergic to one or more of the chemicals in the pads. Acrylates 
(glacial acrylic acid) are fairly common allergens and Darocur 1173, a 
photoinitiator which causes acrylates to polymerize may also be responsible 
for your reaction. 
Most likely you have had a plain old allergic reaction to one of the chemicals 
which has nothing to do with celiac disease. 
Potassium chloride, like sodium chloride, is a salt and has nothing to do with 
Joel Elias, PH. D. Chemistry 
This type of rash happens to many.
Gluten is not the problem.
You are sensitive to something in the electrode chemicals.
Don’t worry.
This almost certainly had nothing whatsoever to do with gluten. Skin reactions 
to electrodes, bandages or anything with an adhesive are not uncommon. 
Your skin doesn't like the adhesive but that's entirely separate from CD. 
My daughter does not have CD (I do), but she does have a lot of allergies and 
had have Hodgkin's Lymphoma 5 years ago. During her treatment she became 
sensitized to the adhesive in all kinds of medical tapes, even the hypo 
allergenic paper tapes. She recently had a baby :) and long before the birth 
she met with the anesthesiologist to discuss bandages and adhesives. The 
only bandages she can tolerate are Johnson and Johnson (except for their 
hypo allergenic paper tape which uses a different adhesive to which she is 
sensitive). She lives in Jerusalem, and Israel does not carry Johnson and 
Johnson brand. Her Dr gave her a list of bandages he might need and we sent 
over an assortment. They used them to hold her IV in to hold the tape for her 
epidural. all the nurses loved the way the Johnson and Johnson bandages 
performed and wished they had them in stock for everyone. I know this 
doesn't answer your question, but I just thought I'd toss it out there to show 
that the adhesives can affect all sorts of people. I know as a person with CD 
my skin is still very thin and sensitive to all kinds of things that never bothered 
it before.
I had a similar experience..but it was the tape that held the leads that did me 
in...upon rigorous, combative investigation, I discovered all the ingredients 
came from China....and that checking with the FDA (they have to file with 
FDA on any product) ..had the tape caught fire, ti would have required 
HAZMAT teams....I don't think (or know ) if it was gluten...but it was 
poison....I wrote hospital a long letter and they discontinued using it... 


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