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The Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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The MUNIRAH Chronicle of Black Historical Events & Facts <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 25 Jul 2016 12:07:48 -0400
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*                Today in Black History - July 24	        *

1651 - Anthony Johnson, a free African American, receives a grant 
	of 250 acres in Virginia.

1807 - Ira  Frederick Aldridge is born in New York City. He will 
	become an American stage actor making his career largely 
	on the London stage. He will be the only actor of African 
	American descent among the 33 actors of the English stage 
	with bronze plaques at the Shakespeare Memorial Theater at
	Stratford-upon-Avon. As a youth, he will attend the African
	Free School in New York City. His early "education" in 
	theater will include viewing plays from the high balcony of 
	the Park Theatre, New York's leading theater of the time. 
	His first professional acting experience will be in the 
	early 1820s with the company associated with the African 
	Grove, where he	will debut as Rolla in Pizzaro. He will go 
	on to play Shakespeare's Romeo and later become a rather 
	famous Hamlet. Confronted with the persistent disparagement 
	and harassment that Black actors had to endure in the 
	antebellum United States, he will emigrate to England, where 
	he will become a dresser to the British actor Henry Wallack.
	When he starts appearing on the stage at the Royalty Theater, 
	he will be just called a gentleman of color. But when he 
	moves over to the Royal Coburg, he will be advertised in the
	first playbill as the American Tragedian from the African 
	Theater New York City. The 2nd playbill refers to him as 
	'The African Tragedian.' He will perform scenes from Othello
	that will stun reviewers. One critic will write, "In Othello
	(Aldridge) delivers the most difficult passages with a degree
	of correctness that surprises the beholder." He will 
	gradually progress to increasingly larger roles. By 1825, he
	will have top billing at London's Coburg Theatre as Oronoko 
	in "A Slave's Revenge," soon to be followed by the role of 
	Gambia in "The Slave" and the title role of Shakespeare's 
	"Othello." He will also play major roles in plays such as 
	"The Castle" Spectre" and "The Padlock" and will play 
	several roles of specifically white characters, including 
	Captain Dirk Hatteraick and Bertram in Rev. R. C. Maturin's 
	"Bertram," the title role in Shakespeare's "Richard III," 
	and Shylock in "The Merchant of Venice." He will first tour 
	to continental Europe in 1852, with successes in Germany 
	(where he will be presented to the Duchess Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
	and perform for Frederick William IV of Prussia) and in 
	Budapest. An 1858 tour will take him to Serbia and to 
	Imperial Russia, where he becomes acquainted with Leo 
	Tolstoy. He will master enough Russian to perform roles in 
	that language. After advancing in years, he will play (in 
	England) the title role of King Lear for the first time. He 
	will apply for British citizenship in 1863. He will spend 
	most of his final years in Russia and continental Europe, 
	interspersed with occasional visits to England. A planned 
	return to the post-Civil-War United States will be prevented 
	when he joins the ancestors on August 7, 1867 while visiting 
	Lódz, Poland. His remains will be buried in the city's 
	Evangelical Cemetery. Twenty three years will pass before a 
	proper tombstone is erected. His grave will be tended by the 
	Society of Polish Artists of Film and Theatre.	

1893 - Charles Spurgeon Johnson is born in Bristol, Virginia. He 
	will attend Wayland Academy and receive his undergraduate 
	degree from Virginia Union University. He will complete the 
	doctoral degree in Sociology in 1917 at the University of 
	Chicago. While a student in Chicago, he will assume 
	responsibility as director of research and investigation for 
	the Chicago Urban League. During World War I, he will enlist 
	in the army and serve in France. He will return to Chicago 
	after the war, one week before the race riot of 1919. He 
	will complete a study and analysis of the race riot and 
	present a plan to study its causes. The governor will accept 
	his plan and appoint him as associate executive secretary of 
	Chicago's Commission on Race Relations. The commission will 
	publish a report entitled, "The Negro in Chicago." In 1921, 
	he will become the director of research for the National 
	Urban League in New York, where he will found and edit 
	"Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life," a periodical 
	designed to stimulate pride in past racial achievements and 
	to show there was hope for the Black future. He will come to 
	Fisk University in 1927 to head the department of social 
	research, which will be established by a gift from 
	the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial. As head, he will 
	create a first-class department and receive large grants 
	from foundations. He will devote his life, research, 
	writing, and teaching to explaining Blacks to whites, whites 
	to Blacks, southerners to northerners, and urban and rural 
	dwellers to one another. His scholarly ability will be 
	recognized by awards and appointments, including the 1930 
	William E. Harmon Gold Medal for distinguished achievement 
	among Blacks in the field of science and service on the 
	National Housing Commission under President Herbert Hoover 
	and on the U. S. Committee on Farm Tenancy under President 
	Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1934, he will be elected the
	first Black trustee of the Julius Rosenwald Fund and become 
	the first Black accorded the honor of being elected 
	vice-president in 1937 of the American Sociological Society. 
	He will help Fisk become a center for research in race 
	relations. When the university creates the Institute of 
	Race Relations in 1944, he will be chosen to head the unit. 
	He will gather distinguished scholars at Fisk, including E. 
	Franklin Frazier, Horace Mann Bond, Bertram Doyle, Paul K. 
	Edwards, and Robert E. Park. In October 1946, the board of 
	trustees will choose him as the university's first Black 
	president. Their selection will be inspired by his 
	capabilities, not his race. Under his presidency, the 
	university will enlarge its student body and the endowment. 
	He will join the ancestors in 1956. He will live long enough 
	to celebrate the landmark Supreme Court decision, Brown v. 
	Board of Education, which will declare racial segregation in
	the public schools unconstitutional. He played a key role in 
	the effort to implement	the decision the face of "massive 
	resistance." He will join the ancestors on October 27, 1956.
	His work and that of his peers helped pave the way for the 
	civil rights legislation of the Sixties. 

1898 - Katherine Yarborough is born in Wilmington, North Carolina. 
	She will be educated in Wilmington's Catholic schools and 
	will go	to New York at age 13 to study music. During the 
	1920's, she will study under the singing masters in Paris 
	and Milan and will debut in the role of Aida at the Puccini 
	Theatre in Milan, Italy in 1930 as Caterina Jarboro. She 
	will make her triumphant American debut in 1933 with the 
	Chicago Opera Company's production of Aida at the Hippodrome 
	in New York City. Her distinguished career will include 
	appearances in Paris, Madrid, Vienna, Warsaw, Moscow and 
	many of the great opera houses throughout the world. On two 
	separate occasions, she will graciously perform before a 
	Wilmington audience at the Academy of Music (Thalian Hall) 
	in 1933 and at the Williston Industrial High School 
	Auditorium in 1951. She will be a special guest of honor at 
	the first St. Thomas Celebration of the Arts in 1982. She 
	will join the ancestors on August 23, 1986 in Manhattan at 
	the age of 88. She will be posthumously inducted into the 
	Arts Council of the Lower Cape Fear - Walk of Fame on 
	December 11, 1999.

1900 - A race riot occurs in New Orleans, Louisiana. Two white 
	policemen are killed.

1908 - Charles Melvin "Cootie" Williams is born in Mobile, Alabama. 
	He will become an American jazz and Rhythm and Blues 
	trumpeter. He will be known for his renditions of "Echoes 
	of Harlem," "Concerto for Cootie," and "Carelessly." He 
	also will lead his own group, The Cootie Williams Sextet 
	and Orchestra, performing "Tess' Torch Song" and "Cherry 
	Red Blues." He will rise to prominence as a member of Duke
	Ellington's orchestra, with which he will perform from 1929 
	to 1940. He will also record his own sessions during this 
	time, both freelance and with other Ellington sidemen.
	In 1940 he will join Benny Goodman's orchestra and in 1941 
	will form his own orchestra. Over the years he will employ 
	Charlie Parker, Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis, Bud Powell, Eddie 
	Vinson, and other important young players. He will begin to 
	play more Rhythm and Blues in the late 1940s. In the 1950s 
	he will tour with small groups and fall into obscurity. In 
	1962 he will rejoin Duke Ellington and stay with the 
	orchestra until 1974, after Ellington's death. He will be 
	renown for his use of the plunger mute, and is reputed to 
	have inspired Wynton Marsalis's use of it. He will join the 
	ancestors on September 15, 1985 in New York City.

1919 - A race riot occurs in Washington, DC.  Six persons are 
	killed and one hundred are wounded. 

1921 - William "Billy" Taylor is born in Greenville, North Carolina.  
	He will	become a jazz pianist. His recording career will 
	span nearly six decades. He will also compose over three 
	hundred and fifty songs, including "I Wish I Knew How It 
	Would Feel To Be Free," as well as works for theatre, dance 
	and symphony orchestras. Playing the piano professionally 
	since 1944, he will get his start with Ben Webster's Quartet 
	on New York's famed 52nd Street. He will then serve as the 
	house pianist at Birdland, the legendary jazz club where he 
	will perform with such celebrated masters as Charlie Parker, 
	Dizzy Gillespie and Miles Davis. Since the 1950s, he will be 
	leading his own Trio, as well as performing with the most 
	influential jazz musicians of the twentieth century. He 
	will not only be an influential musician, but a highly 
	regarded teacher as well, receiving his Masters and 
	Doctorate in Music Education from the University of 
	Massachusetts at Amherst and serving as a Duke Ellington 
	Fellow at Yale University. He will also host and program 
	such radio stations as WLIB and WNEW in New York, and award
	winning series for National Public Radio. In the early 
	1980s, Taylor became the arts correspondent for CBS Sunday
	Morning. He will be one of only three jazz musicians 
	appointed to the National Council of the Arts, and also 
	serve as the Artistic Advisor for Jazz to the Kennedy 
	Center for the Performing Arts, where he will develop one 
	acclaimed concert series after another including the Louis 
	Armstrong Legacy series, and the annual Mary Lou Williams 
	Women in Jazz Festival.	With over twenty three honorary 
	doctoral degrees, he will also be the recipient of two 
	Peabody Awards, an Emmy, a Grammy and a	host of prestigious 
	and highly coveted prizes, such as the National Medal of 
	Arts, the Tiffany Award, a Lifetime achievement Award from
	Downbeat Magazine, and, election to the	Hall of Fame for 
	the International Association for Jazz Education. He will
	join the ancestors on December 28, 2010.

1924 - Townsend "Sonny" Brewster, playwright and activist, is born. 
	He will compose many plays including "Amator, Amator," 
	"Ananlas, Jr.," "Andromeda," "The Anonymous Lover," 
	"Arrangement in Rose and Silver," "Arthur Ashe and I," 
	"Black-Belt Bertram," "Chief Rathebe," "Chocolat Volatil," 
	"The Choreography of Love," "The Cocktail Sip," "The 
	Complete Works of Kalkbrenner," "Ebur and Ebony," "The 
	Ecologists," "The Girl Beneath The Tulip Tree,"
	"Hariequinades For Mourners," "How The West Was Fun," 
	"Idomeneus," "The Jade Funerary Suit," "Johnny Renaissance,"
	"Lady Plum Blossom," "Little Girl, Big Town," "Look 
	Eastward," "The Main-Chance Rag," "Mascara and Confetti," 
	"Mood Indigo," "Mowgli," "No Place For A Lady," "O My 
	Pretty Quintroon," "Oh,	What a Beautiful City!," "The Palm-
	Leaf Boogie," "Pinter's Revue Sketches," "Please Don't Cry 
	and Say 'No'," "Praise Song," "Rough and Ready," "Sight 
	Unseen," "Singapore Sling," "Thirteen Ways of Looking at 
	Merle," "Though It's Been Said Many Times, Many Ways," "A 
	Threnody for the Newly Born," "To See the World in a Drop 
	of Brine," "The Tower," "Waiting for Godzilla," "The 
	Washerwoman," and "What Are Friends For?"  

1929 - Cornelius H. Charlton, Korean War Hero, is born in East 
	Gulf, West Virginia.  Sergeant Charlton will join the 
	ancestors after being killed in action,	from wounds 
	received during his daring exploits, on June 2, 1951 near 
	Chipo-ri, Korea. He will be posthumously awarded The 
	Congressional Medal of Honor on March 19, 1952. His Medal 
	of Honor citation will read: "Sgt. Charlton, a member of 
	Company C, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry 
	and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action 
	against the enemy. His platoon was attacking heavily 
	defended hostile positions on commanding ground when the 
	leader was wounded and evacuated. Sgt. Charlton assumed 
	command, rallied the men, and spearheaded the assault 
	against the hill. Personally eliminating 2 hostile positions
	and killing 6 of the enemy with his rifle fire and grenades, 
	he continued up the slope until the unit suffered heavy 
	casualties and became pinned down. Regrouping the men he led 
	them forward only to be again hurled back by a shower of 
	grenades. Despite a severe chest wound, Sgt. Charlton 
	refused medical attention and led a third daring charge 
	which carried to the crest of the ridge. Observing that the 
	remaining emplacement which had retarded the advance was 
	situated on the reverse slope, he charged it alone, was 
	again hit by a grenade but raked the position with a 
	devastating fire which eliminated it and routed the defenders. 
	The wounds received during his daring exploits resulted in 
	his death but his indomitable courage, superb leadership, and 
	gallant self-sacrifice reflect the highest credit upon 
	himself the infantry, and the military service."

1939 - Walter Jones Bellamy is born in New Bern, North Carolina. 
	After becoming an Olympic athlete and winning a gold medal 
	in 1960, he will become a professional basketball player. 
	He will be the NBA first overall draft pick in 1962. He 
	will be the NBA	Rookie of the Year in 1962, and his 31.6 
	point per game average that season will be second all-time 
	for a rookie to Wilt Chamberlain's 37.6. He will also grab 
	19.0 rebounds per game that year — third best all-time for 
	a rookie (to Chamberlain and Bill Russell). He will have a
	stellar 14 year	career in the NBA. Due to trade scheduling
	skews during the 1968-69 season, he will set the still-
	standing record for NBA	games played in a single season 
	with 88. He will be elected to the Naismith Memorial 
	Basketball Hall of Fame in 1993.

1954 - Mary Church Terrell, civil rights leader/educator and first 
	African American to serve on the District of Columbia 
	board of education, joins the ancestors at the age of 90 
	in Washington, DC.

1961 - Grace Ann Bumbry makes her debut in Richard Wagner's 
	"Tannhauser" at the Bayreuth Festival in Bavaria.  
	Surrounded by controversy that saw the German press protest 
	the role of Venus being sung by an African American, 
	Bumbry's performance dispels all doubts as she receives 42
	curtain calls during a 30-minute ovation.

1963 - Karl "The Mailman" Malone is born in Bernice, Louisiana.  
	He will become a professional basketball player with the 
	Utah Jazz. He will be selected at least six times to the 
	All-NBA first team during his career. He will be nicknamed 
	in college as "The Mailman" for his consistency ("the 
	mailman always delivers"), and will be arguably the 
	greatest power forward ever in the NBA. He will spend his 
	first 18 seasons (1985–2003) as the star player for the 
	Utah Jazz. He will then play one season (2003-04) for the 
	Los Angeles Lakers before retiring from the game. He will 
	be famous for his extremely well-defined physique, which 
	resembled that of a bodybuilder. Along with Patrick Ewing, 
	Charles Barkley, Reggie Miller, Dominique Wilkins, Elgin 
	Baylor, and his longtime Jazz teammate John Stockton, he 
	is considered to be one of the best players, perhaps even 
	the best, never to have won a championship ring. His 
	jersey will be retired on March 23, 2006, when the Jazz 
	host the Washington Wizards. He will also be honored with 
	the unveiling of a bronze statue outside the Delta Center
	next to one of teammate John Stockton, and the renaming of 
	a portion of 100 South St. in Salt Lake City in his honor. 
	The intersection where the Stockton and Malone statues 
	stand is now the intersection of Stockton and Malone.

1964 - Barry Bonds is born in Riverside, California.  He will 
	become a professional baseball player,playing left field 
	for the San Francisco Giants. He will be a six-time All-
	Star, six-time Gold Glove winner, and three-time National 
	League Most Valuable Player. He will hold many Major 
	League Baseball records, including most home runs in a 
	single season (73) and is second on the all-time career 
	home runs list at 753, trailing only Hank Aaron's career 
	total of 755. He will be generally thought of as being 
	one of the top 3 greatest hitters of all time along 
	with legends Ted Williams and Babe Ruth. He is also 
	considered by many to be one of the best all around 
	players in the history of baseball.

1965 - Kadeem Hardison is born in Brooklyn, New York.  He will 
	become interested in acting in his early teens, and will 
	begin studying theater at New York's Eubie Blake Theater. 
	One of his instructors will be Earle Hyman, who will 
	later portray Grandpa Huxtable on "The Cosby Show." His 
	work with Hyman will help win the young actor a guest spot 
	on a 1984 episode of "The Cosby Show," playing opposite 
	Lisa Bonet. The same year, He will make his big-screen 
	debut with a small role in the hip-hop musical "Beat 
	Street." He will make a handful of appearances in movies 
	and television projects over the next two years, but his 
	debut appearance on "The Cosby Show" will earn him a 
	major dividend in 1987, when Denise Huxtable, Lisa 
	Bonet's character on "The Cosby Show," is spun-off into 
	her own series, "A Different World," and he is cast as 
	fellow student Dwayne Wayne. While Bonet will leave the 
	show after its first season, he will remain in the cast 
	for its entire seven-season run, and direct several 
	during the show's final two seasons. During his down time 
	from "A Different World," he will continue to work in 
	motion pictures, with supporting roles in "I'm Gonna Git 
	You Sucka" and "School Daze" and a leading role in the 
	independent horror film "Def By Temptation." After "A 
	Different World" goes off the air in 1993, he will 
	concentrate on film work, with roles ranging from the 
	horror/comedy "Vampire in Brooklyn" to the political 
	drama "Panther." In 1997, he will take another stab at 
	series television on the short-lived sitcom "Between 
	Brothers," and begin adding more TV guests spots to his 
	resumé, appearing on "Touched By an Angel," "Just Shoot 
	Me," and the revived "Fantasy Island," while still 
	maintaining a busy schedule of film work.

1967 - Three days of racially motivated disturbances begin in 
	Cambridge, Maryland, the site of a 1963 confrontation 
	between civil rights demonstrators and white 

1969 - Muhammad Ali's conviction for refusing induction in U.S. 
	Army is upheld on appeal.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Mr. Rene' A. Perry
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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