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Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 24 Jul 2003 02:01:07 -0500
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*                    Today in Black History - July 24                   *

1651 - Anthony Johnson, a free African American, receives a grant of
        250 acres in Virginia.

1807 - Ira Aldridge is born in New York City.  He will be one of
        America's earliest African American Shakespearean actors whose
        fame will come only after leaving the racism of the performing
        arts in the United States and emigrating to Europe.

1893 - Charles S. Johnson, educator, is born in Bristol, Virginia.  He
        will become a noted sociologist, founder of the National Urban
        League's "Opportunity" magazine, and professor at and president
        of Fisk University.

1900 - A race riot occurs in New Orleans, Louisiana.   Two white
        policemen are killed.

1908 - Charles "Cootie" Williams is born.  He will become a professional
        musician specializing on the trumpet.  He will be known for his
        renditions of "Echoes of Harlem," "Concerto for Cootie," and
        "Carelessly." He also will lead his own group, The Cootie Williams
        Sextet and Orchestra, performing "Tess' Torch Song" and Cherry Red

1919 - A race riot occurs in Washington, DC.  Six persons are killed and
        one hundred are wounded.

1921 - Dr. Billy Taylor is born in Greenville, North Carolina.  He will
        become a jazz pianist.  Over his career he will lead The Billy
        Taylor Trio, co-found Jazzmobile '65, become music director of
        "The David Frost Show," perform in jazz segments on "Sunday
        Morning with Charles Kuralt," and become the Artistic Advisor for
        jazz at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC.

1924 - Townsend Sonny Brewster, playwright and activist, is born.

1929 - Cornelius H. Charlton, Korean War Hero, is born in East Gulf,
        West Virginia.  Sergeant Charlton will be killed in action, from
        wounds received during his daring exploits, on June 2, 1951.  He
        will be posthumously awarded The Congressional Medal of Honor on
        March 19, 1952.

1939 - Walt Bellamy is born. After becoming an Olympic athlete and winning
        a gold medal in 1960, he will become a professional basketball

1954 - Mary Church Terrell, civil rights leader/educator and first
        African American to serve on the District of Columbia  board of
        education, joins the ancestors at the age of 90 in Washington, DC.

1961 - Grace Ann Bumbry makes her debut in Richard Wagner's
        "Tannhauser" at the Bayreuth Festival in Bavaria.  Surrounded
        by controversy that saw the German press protest the role of
        Venus being sung by an African American, Bumbry's performance
        dispels all doubts as she receives 42 curtain calls during a
        30-minute ovation.

1963 - Karl "The Mailman" Malone is born.  He will become a professional
        basketball player with the Utah Jazz. He will be selected at least
        six times to the All-NBA first team during his career.

1964 - Barry Bonds is born.  He will become a professional baseball player,
        playing left field for the San Francisco Giants. He will be a six-
        time All-Star, six-time Gold Glove winner, and three-time National
        League Most Valuable Player.

1965 - Kadeem Hardison is born.  He will become an actor and will be best
        known for his roles in "A Different World" and "The Sixth Man."

1967 - Three days of racially motivated disturbances begin in Cambridge,
        Maryland, the site of a 1963 confrontation between civil rights
        demonstrators and white segregationists.

1969 - Muhammad Ali's conviction for refusing induction in U.S. Army
        is upheld on appeal.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Brother Mosi Hoj
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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