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VERA R CROWELL <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
African Association of Madison <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 21 Sep 2009 16:38:11 -0500
text/plain (467 lines)

                      AAM ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

                     Saturday, November 14, 6:30 pm

                      GOODMAN COMMUNITY CENTER

                         149 Waubesa St. Madison



That's an excellent letter though I am tired of the assumption that only conservative whites exhibit racist tendencies...that's simply not true.

----- Original Message -----
From: [log in to unmask]
Date: Monday, September 21, 2009 4:27 pm
Subject: Fwd: FW: A Must Read Editorial
To: [log in to unmask]

> ********************************************************
>                       AAM ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
>                      Saturday, November 14, 6:30 pm
>                       GOODMAN COMMUNITY CENTER
>                          149 Waubesa St. Madison
>                   http://www.africanassociation.org
> ********************************************************
> ____________________________________
>  From: Richardllowe
> To: Richardllowe
> Sent: 9/21/2009 4:25:54 P.M. Central  Daylight Time
> Subj: Fwd: FW: A Must Read Editorial
> ____________________________________
> Subject:  FW: A Must Read Editorial
> Importance:  High
> Calm, Peace,  UNDERSTANDING and discretion..
> Read  what a White Reporter wrote in a Georgia Newspaper  (YESS)
> Andrew  M. Manis is associate professor of history at Macon State 
> College 
> in  Georgia and wrote this for an editorial in the Macon Telegraph.  
> Andrew  M. Manis: When Are WE Going to Get Over It? 
> For much  of the last forty years, ever since America "fixed" its race 
> problem  in the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, we white people 
> have  been 
> impatient with African Americans who continued to blame race  for 
> their 
> difficulties. Often we have heard whites ask, "When are  African 
> Americans 
> finally going to get over it?  
> Now  I want  to  ask:  
> "When  are we White Americans going to get over our ridiculous 
> obsession  
> with skin color? 
> Recent reports that "Election Spurs Hundreds'  of Race Threats, 
> Crimes" 
> should frighten and infuriate every one of  us. Having grown up in " 
> Birmingham 
> " Alabama in the 1960s, I  remember overhearing an avalanche of 
> comments 
> about what many white  classmates and their parents wanted to do to 
> John and 
> Bobby Kennedy  and Martin Luther King.  
> Eventually,  as you may recall, in all three cases, someone decided to 
> do 
> more  than "talk  the  talk."  
> Since  our recent presidential election, to our eternal shame we are 
> once  
> again hearing the same reprehensible talk I remember from my  boyhood. 
> We white people have controlled political life in the  disunited 
> colonies 
> and United States for some 400 years on this  continent. 
> Conservative  whites have been in power 28 of the last 40 years. Even 
> during the  eight Clinton years, conservatives in Congress blocked 
> most of his  
> agenda and pulled him to the right. Yet never in that period did I  
> read any 
> headlines suggesting that anyone was calling for the  assassinations 
> of 
> presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, or either of the  Bushes. Criticize 
> them, yes.  
> Call  for their impeachment, perhaps. But there were no bounties on 
> their  
> heads. And even when someone did try to kill Ronald Reagan, the  
> perpetrator 
> was non-political mental case who wanted merely to  impress Jody 
> Foster. 
> But elect a liberal who happens to be Black  and we're back in the 
> sixties 
> again. At this point in our history,  we should be proud that we've 
> proven 
> what conservatives are always  saying -- that in America anything is 
> possible, EVEN  electing a black man as president.  
> But  instead we now hear that school children from Maine to California 
>  are 
> talking about wanting to "assassinate  Obama."  
> Fighting  the urge to throw up, I can only ask, "How  long?"  
> How  long before we white people realize we can't make our nation, 
> much  
> less the whole world, look like us?  
> How  long until we white people can - once and for all - get over this 
> hell-conceived preoccupation with skin color?  
> How  long until we white people get over the demonic conviction that  
> white 
> skin makes us superior?  
> How  long before we white people get over our bitter resentments about 
> being demoted to the status of equality with non-whites?  
> How long before we get over our expectations that we should  be at the 
> head 
> of the line merely because of our white skin?  
> How  long until we white people end our silence and call out our peers 
> when they share the latest racist jokes in the privacy of our  
> white-only 
> conversations?  
> I  believe in free speech, but how long until we white people start  
> making 
> racist loudmouths as socially uncomfortable as we do flag  burners? 
> How  long until we white people will stop insisting that blacks 
> exercise  
> personal responsibility, build strong families, educate themselves  
> enough to 
> edit the Harvard Law Review, and work hard enough to  become President 
> of 
> the United States, only to threaten to  assassinate them when they do? 
> How long before we start "living out the true meaning" of  our creeds, 
> both 
> civil and religious, that all men and women are  created equal and 
> that 
> "red and  yellow,  black and  white" all  are precious in God's sight? 
> Until  this past November  4, I didn't believe this country would ever 
> elect an African  American to the presidency. I still don't believe 
> I'll live 
> long  enough to see us white people get over our racism  problem.  
> But  here's my three-point  plan:  
> First,  everyday that Barack  Obama  lives in the White  House that  
> Black 
> Slaves Built, I'm going to pray that God (and the  Secret  Service)  
> will 
> protect him and his family from us white  people. 
> Second,  I'm going to report to the FBI any  white  person I  overhear 
> saying, in seriousness or in jest, anything of a  threatening nature 
> about 
> President Obama.  
> Third,  I'm going to pray to live long enough to see America surprise 
> the  
> world once again, when white people can "in  spirit  and  in  truth"  
> sing 
> of our damnable color prejudice,  
> "We  HAVE  overcome."  
> ************************************** 
> It takes a  Village to  protect our President!!!  
> ____________________________________
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