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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 13:39:05 +0000
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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suntou touray <[log in to unmask]>
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Wassa, that comments of yours highlight the need for a quick
unconditional marriage between our warring folks. Let them think
Gambia and make uniform statements, and see what the masses will do.
Cowards don't fall for halve hearted actions, and it time we say
enough is enough. Yahya's power hold is base on few axis:
Manipulation, expionage, and brutal surprise sackings. This makes
unprepared brothers and sisters endlessly selling their souls to the
A united fund for opposition is a necessity has Haruna highlighted.
This effort should be launch as soon as possible.
Suntou Bolonba
On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 9:30 AM, Wassa Fatti <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Bro Jallow,
> Thanks for this info. Such actions by the UDP are long over due. Defiance
> against the repressive tactics of the regime is the only way to cut the
> bullshit of this repressive regime. As long as the people see that the
> parties are ready and willing to demand for their basic rights, it will
> rejuvinate politcal action to break the environment of fear this regime
> created since imposing itself on the nation in 1994.
> The parties (all parties) must now show solidarity with UDP to free Femi
> Peters. They must not show limitations of the past, where Koro Cesssay's
> death, the butchering of soldiers, the slaughtering of 14 school children,Ver
> the muder of Deyda Haidara, the shooting of lawyer Ousman Sillah and the
> rampant torture on detainees are left unchallenged and failing to force the
> regime to bring those responsible to account for their crimes or force the
> regime to investigate these crimes. The lack of public pressure through
> consistent protest and the failure of the politcal parties to rally the
> people around such national crisis made the regime to believe it can do
> anything with impunity and to assume that the people are cowards. This is a
> myth. It is the opposite. The regime is a cowardly regime and therefore
> can only rule through putting fear in the psyche of the populace that the
> regime can kill and nothing will happen. Fear destroys people. Gambians can
> now compare the past with the present and be ready to find answers to their
> present condition. It is the myth around this regime that need to be broken
> and the regime succeeded in creating it because of the way the believe
> system is embedded in the tradtions of the society. This is why our old
> mothers and fathers can be rounded up in the villages and poisoned for being
> withches. It is because our society believe in such practices. The believe
> that one is in power because God place him there is a myth and this is why
> religion becomes a tool in hands of this baffoon in power. The believe that
> only God can remove him from power is a myth because God has nothing to do
> with injustice. However, it is a believe in our society. That myth that one
> is or can be a super natural being is in our psyche and the regime  is using
> that believe to its own advantage. Just look at the air of arrogance
> surrounding the appearance of Yaya.
> The parties must use this unlawful arrest of Peters to turn a new page in
> our battle for justice and to ensure that this regime is tamed. What I can
> assure all parties is that the biggest fear of this regime is to have any
> major national crisis such as mass killings or mass arrest of the citizens
> that will bring the calamity of our nation to international scrutiny. The
> present global climate is not in favour of brutality.
> So let the parties face the challenge realise that it is UPD today and it
> will be some one else tomorrow.
> Wassa
> ________________________________
> Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 15:40:52 -0500
> From: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [>-<] UDP defies the unjust law of APRC. The New Approach!!
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Bro Haruna, Suntou et al;
> Any ways nice to see these threads running.
> I join the rest of you to condemn these lawless acts.
> The good part here; the UDP is cooperating with information.
> I encourage them to continue doing that in making sure these goons of the
> APRC are exposed.
> Kind regards,
> yj
> There is no god but Allah (SWT) and Muhammad (SAW) is His messenger. Fear
> and Worship only Allah alone!
> ________________________________
> Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 09:15:29 -0400
> From: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [>-<] UDP defies the unjust law of APRC. The New Approach!!
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Thank you Suntou for sharing. I think Sillah and Sarr are doing yeoman's
> work and they must be commended and supported. I enjoyed the interviews and
> I will place a call of commendation to Sillah and Sarr as a show of support
> to their efforts in highlighting the odious state of affairs in Gambia. We
> will place a link to GRTS International on The GDP's site when possible to
> help spread the good news for Gambia. We will also propose a comprehensive
> partnership with the Save The Gambia Democracy Project and The Gambia
> Journal to accentuate our common purposes.
> Thanx again Suntou for sharing. Haruna.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: suntou touray <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Sent: Tue, Oct 27, 2009 7:03 am
> Subject: Re: [>-<] UDP defies the unjust law of APRC. The New Approach!!
> In fact GRTS international radio interviewed many more people, The
> like of politicians Ousainou Mbemga, Banka Manneh, Essa Bokar Sey,
> etc.
> Suntou
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 10:43 AM, suntou touray <[log in to unmask]>
> wrote:
>> Thanks Paco for the good statement. In fact we all by now knows about
>> the unlawful arrest of Dr Peters. The Gambiajournals branch, the GRTS
>> International onilne Radio did a good interview with Ousainou Darboe
>> UDP leader, Legal expert Lamin J Darboe, My humble self and may be
>> others. Find the interview below:
>> Ousainou's defiance is long over law one may say, but he has always
>> stood up and challenge the unlawful activities of the APRC leadership.
>> Now the time is ripe for lawful and legitimate open challenge to the
>> thugs of the APRC.
>> Right thinking Gambians will continue to stand with Ousainou, Femi and
>> others in the quest for a better and free Gambia.
>> Suntou Bolonba
>> On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 7:28 PM, Paco Faal <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Bro Suntou,
>>>    This strategy is long overdue.   I hear people say Jammeh has too much
>>> political capital to be defeated, but what he actually have is bunch of
>>> goons bullying the opposition and giving them no fighting chance to come
>>> close to winning an election in Gambia.  This new strategy is not going
>>> to
>>> remove Jammeh from power but it will force his hand and give the
>>> opposition
>>> a fighting chance.
>>> Jammeh has succeeded in creating a political climate so hostile that the
>>> regular Gambian does not want to discuss anything political for the
>>> simple
>>> fact that govt spooks are everywhere ready to pounce on and punish them
>>> for
>>> exercising their basic fundamental human right of "freedom of
>>> expression".
>>> At some point Darboe and his sympathizer's must start punching back.  All
>>> we
>>> can do is sit here and rant, alert the world of their plight or help them
>>> raise funds but the real fight must be done by the people on ground.
>>> Here's to exercising your constitutional right Mr Darboe!  Thanks
>>> P. Faal
>>> On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 2:21 PM, suntou touray <[log in to unmask]>
>>> wrote:
>>>> [ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering by suntou touray
>>>> <[log in to unmask]> ]
>>>> The Gambia a country for all of us, why should our politicians allow
>>>> an unjust law to be upheld? The new front line strategy of the UDP
>>>> will be supported by all its youth wing and sympatisers. No issue will
>>>> be henceforth be left unaswered. With credit to Gainako solo for the
>>>> news item.
>>>> Suntou Bolonba
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