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Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 25 Apr 2008 21:57:21 -0500
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Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (528 lines)
Hi all!

I found this in my work Email.  Anyone know about this event?  I know 
most of the groups here but I've never heard of the first one here.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 14:55:49 -0700
From: Gary Peterson <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: FW: Be a Part of Disability History!
Resent-Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 19:40:11 -0500 (CDT)
Resent-From: Gary Petersen <[log in to unmask]>
Resent-To: [log in to unmask]
Resent-Subject: FW: Be a Part of Disability History!

From: McKowan, Roger  - DH[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 2:55:42 PM
To: Roger McKowan
Subject: FW: Be a Part of Disability History!
Auto forwarded by a Rule

  Justice For All Email List logo

Be a Part of Disability History!
JFA Daily April 23, 2008

JFA is a free service of the American Association of People with
Disabilities (
Y3-w16taQlg_36fZLl2T2uRR4CZpm8affGV5J-C05ssZidBfTxqwEdJmtVryvPg=> AAPD)

Today's JFA:

Be a Part of Disability History!

BILL PASSES! Bill to Freeze Harmful Medicaid Regs Passes in the House

Paterson Adjusts to New Role as NY Governor

Settlement in Class Action Lawsuit about Health Care Access

2006 Low Income Housing Tax Credits

Lawsuit Charges Veterans Affairs with Failure to Prevent Suicides

NCD Recommends Improving Federal Data Describing Status of Americans
with Disabilities

Be a Part of Disability History!

Y3-w16taQlg_36fZLl2T2uRR4CZpm8affGV5J-C05ssZidBfTxqwEdJmtVryvPg=> Feel
the Power of the Disability Vote

National Forum on Disability Issues


The 2008 Presidential Candidates

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the American Association of People with Disabilities
(AAPD), the Ohio Disability Vote Coalition, and a growing list of
disability-related national and state organizations listed below, we
cordially invite you to join us as a sponsoring organization of a
presidential candidates forum in Columbus, Ohio on Saturday, July 26,
2008 at Veterans Memorial from 12:30 to 3:30 PM. The venue can
accommodate large crowds and we are anticipating over a thousand people
in attendance for the occasion.

This presidential candidates forum builds on the success of our November
primary-focused forum
yjVRP2DJNakWINe9poTO_i5y8BFAJAJvxHwEmHtNS0AyuQeD8J6T5ME=>  in New
Hampshire, where the disability community made history with its
first-ever disability presidential candidates forum with participation
from seven presidential candidates, five of them in person.

Our current list of hosting sponsors includes the following

1.	   American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)
2.	   American Federation for the Blind (AFB)
3.	   Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)
4.	   National Coalition on Mental Health Consumer / Survivor
5.	   National Council on Independent Living (NCIL)
6.	   National Spinal Cord Injury Association (NSCIA)
7.	   Ohio Disability Vote Coalition
8.	   Ohio Olmstead Task Force
9.	   Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE)
10.	  United Cerebral Palsy (UCP)
11.	  United Spinal Association
12.	  VSA arts

Becoming a Sponsor
Your organization can sponsor this historic national event as either the
hosting level ($1,500) or at the supporting level ($500). Organizations
will be listed with their logos in promotional and program materials at
their respective sponsorship levels.

To become a sponsor, please send the following items to Anne Sommers at
AAPD ([log in to unmask]):

1.	A written commitment from your organization and indicate the
level of sponsorship you will be providing (by Wednesday, May 7, 2008)
2.	An organizational logo (high-resolution or pdf) (by Wednesday,
May 7, 2008).
3.	Checks must be received by Wednesday, May 21, 2008, should be
made payable to Ohio Disability Vote Coalition - Presidential Forum, and
should be sent to:

The Ohio Disability Vote Coalition
c/o The Ability Center of Greater Toledo
5605 Monroe St., Sylvania, Ohio 43560
Attention: Kim Shankleton

We hope you'll join us as a sponsor of this historic event for our

If you have questions, please email Anne Sommers at
[log in to unmask]

In Solidarity,

Andrew Imparato
President & CEO
American Association of People with Disabilities

Sue Hetrick
Ohio Disability Vote Coalition

Bill to Freeze Harmful Medicaid Regs Passes in the House

Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 5613, the "Protecting
the Medicaid Safety Net Act of 2008," the intent of which is to freeze
until April 1, 2009 seven controversial CMS regulations, among which
include regulations which restrict coverage of rehabilitation services
for people with disabilities and case management services.

The Bush administration indicated an intention to veto the legislation,
which meant a veto-proof margin of 291 votes was needed. The final vote
to pass this legislation was 349-62.

Stay tuned for more details as they become available regarding next
steps, and thank you to all who placed calls in support of this

Paterson Adjusts to New Role as NY Governor

>From The New York Times (April 21):

A Blind Governor Adjusts, and So Does Albany

ALBANY - It is a phone number that just a handful of the governor's
senior aides know.

At the end of each day they call in and record briefings, laying out
what he needs to know about the following day.

They recite his schedule, read talking points and explain the
intricacies of issues likely to come up. They read memos from staff
members and relate biographical details about the people he is likely to

Lots of governors rely on thick briefing books and helpful e-mail notes
from their staffs. New York's governor, David A. Paterson, who is
legally blind, has his ears and what his aides call his Batphone...

...Read more
(registration may be required).

Settlement in Class Action Lawsuit about Health Care Access

>From The Daily Review (April 19):

Sutter Health settles class action lawsuit
Agreement to affect 28 medical centers across Northern California
By Malaika Fraley

BERKELEY - Sutter Health will greatly improve accessibility and patient
care for people with disabilities at its hospitals and other health care
facilities under a settlement to a class-action lawsuit announced

The agreement calls for sweeping changes in hospital policies,
architecture, equipment, staff and contractor training and outreach at
28 Sutter Health hospitals located across Northern California. The
changes are tailored for patients with mobility, visual, hearing and
speech disabilities...

...Read more
qylDusewSQOzO1I1Zn9yEUOsboSYkoqs_4QWOuCgvI1cWfYNOs8Gucg=> .

2006 Low Income Housing Tax Credits and the Lowest-Income Persons with

>From Steve Gold:

Information Bulletin #245

Progress is slow but steady. In previous Information Bulletins, we
explained how the Low Income Housing Tax Credits were NOT being targeted
to people with the lowest incomes. Don't get too excited, because
nirvana has not YET been achieved, but the 2006 data shows some small
progress. However, once again, there are tremendous discrepancies among
the states.

As background, each year each State's Housing Finance Agency receives a
per capita amount of housing tax credits from the IRS that a State can
award. Each year, each State must publish a "Qualified Allocation Plan"
in which "points" are awarded to developers of rental properties who bid
to receive the LIHTC.

Please remember that the "demand" for LIHTCs exceeds the supply by two
to three to one. Therefore, each State could [if the State wanted to]
award "points" for projects that "target" units to persons whose incomes
are either at the SSI level (Pennsylvania, for example, does that) or at
< 30% AMI. Clearly, developers want these LIHTC so badly and they are so
competitive that developers will agree to target to the lowest income
people IF the State Housing Finance Agency provides an incentive to
target the lowest income people! [Remember, SSI is at about 18% of the
AMI, so we really need to target at the SSI level.]

Advocates: whether a State Housing Finance Agency awards points depends
on your advocacy skills! If your State's QAP does not award extra points
to developers who agree to target a percentage of the units to the
lowest income [and agree to make those units fully accessible], then
developers will not do it.

Here is the list by State [from the 2006 NCSHA Annual Survey Results]
and the % of the units targeted < 30% of the AMI...

...Read the rest of Steve's bulletin
6BXOVyhgRDhkqGwX_vuvgN1-goZcBS5mIQ==> .

MODERATOR, Anne Sommers, JUSTICE FOR ALL -- A Service of the American
Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD).

To respond to a JFA email, submit an article, or contact the moderator,
email her at [log in to unmask]

ACCESSIBILITY: To request to receive a text-only version of this and
every JFA newsletter rather than the html version, please contact the
moderator at [log in to unmask]

DISCLAIMER: The JFA listserv is designed to share information of
interest to people with disabilities and promote dialogue in the
disability community. Information circulated does not necessarily
express the views of AAPD. The JFA listserv is non-partisan.

JFA ARCHIVES: All JFA postings from 1995 through October 2007 are
BSuxKTDpuZ7r> on the AAPD website. Archives of news and other articles
featured on JFA since October 2007 are available by category and date on
the JFActivist blog
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Lawsuit Charges Veterans Affairs with Failure to Prevent Suicides

>From the Associated Press (April 20):

Lawsuit: Veterans Affairs has failed to prevent suicides

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs isn't doing
enough to prevent suicide and provide adequate medical care for
Americans who have served in the armed forces, a class-action lawsuit
that goes to trial this week charges.

The lawsuit, filed in July by two nonprofit groups representing military
veterans, accuses the agency of inadequately addressing a "rising tide"
of mental health problems, especially post-traumatic stress disorder...

...Read more
AMGLJVM69rltqaF0p7NypNbISk096c15W-C1bFNlhxKWcWR7Bb_kkfglFf33wcMVPQ==> .

...Read a related article
"VA Hid Suicide Risks, Emails Show"

...Read another related article
fY_UdaosidSLPvsX0ZM3-VCGLBJp3au_2xUIFPaLbaD-itM=> "Democrats Seek
Resignation of Top VA Mental Health Official"

NCD Recommends Improving Federal Data Describing Status of Americans
with Disabilities

>From the National Council on Disability:

WASHINGTON-The National Council on Disability (NCD) today released
Keeping Track: National Disability Status and Program
Performance Indicators, calling on the Federal Government to do more now
to improve federal data describing the status of Americans with

This report is the result of a year-long effort. It describes what is
known about the status of people with disabilities in the United States,
and examines current data to assess the extent to which they
meaningfully measure the well-being of people with disabilities...


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