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Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 1 Jun 2009 11:54:58 -0500
text/plain (125 lines)
Phil, That is Awsome! Praise God!

Thanks for sharing.


Pat Ferguson
At 12:46 PM 5/30/2009, you wrote:
>>Healing at 35,000 Feet . . .
>>I'm Jim Rogers, Associate Pastor at Bridge Way Church,
>>Denver, USA. Our church has a passion to see the Kingdom of God ministered
>>by every day saints to
>>our city and the nations. We are part of the relational
>>affiliation of churches called Global Legacy.
>>In January 2008, I was flying home from Europe after
>>ministering in Africa at Leaders' Conferences for the release of Kingdom
>>healing and the Father's
>>love. Little did I know that God was wanting to show me
>>that the power of the Kingdom was coming home to the US in new ways and
>>that he intended to heal
>>many on the aeroplane.
>>We were about an hour into the air when the stewardesses
>>gave us drinks. I was drinking Diet Coke and wearing a white shirt when
>>accidentally the stewardess
>>bumped my arm and pop went everywhere. My shirt was
>>stained and I felt some frustration. But I immediately felt the presence of
>>God come on me and I knew
>>I was not to get angry. The stewardess helped as best she
>>could clean up the mess. She was very surprised I didn't lose it. I
>>realise now that the enemy
>>was trying to stop what God had in mind.
>>I looked across the aisle and saw a lady squirming in her
>>seat. I wondered what her problem was. The Lord told me she had
>>hurt her back two weeks earlier
>>and He wanted me to pray for her. I was tired and just
>>wanted to read my book and watch a movie, so I initially told the Lord
>>"No." Isn't it funny ~ God
>>often wants to use us when we least feel like it? But,
>>God wouldn't let me go. After quite a few exchanges with the Lord I
>>finally said, "OK fine, Lord,
>>I will pray for her." I leaned across the aisle and asked
>>the lady if she had hurt her back two weeks earlier. That got her
>>attention and she asked how
>>I knew that. I explained that the Lord had told me, and I
>>also told her about my recent travels in Africa. Then I asked if I
>>could pray for her. She said,
>>"Yes." Then I asked if I could lay my hand on her
>>shoulder; she looked at me and said, "Oh, you mean now?" I told her I didn't
>>believe God wanted her in
>>pain for the next 8 hours. As I prayed for her, the Holy
>>Spirit fell on her and she fell out of her seat and landed on the floor
>>of the aisle. The stewardess
>>came around the corner; greatly concerned and asked if we
>>needed a doctor. I was trying to explain what had happened, that
>>God was ministering to her,
>>and that the lady was fine.
>>As we talked, the lady came out of the Spirit. The
>>stewardess asked if she was ok. The lady said, "Yes I'm fine and, hey, my
>>back doesn't hurt." I started
>>to explain about the lady's back when she cut me off. She
>>told the stewardess all about how she hurt her back on ice two
>>weeks earlier and that this pastor
>>prayed for her and she was totally healed. Caught off
>>guard and aware God was present, the stewardess said she had hurt her
>>knee 4 weeks ago and was in
>>constant pain. She asked if I would pray for her. I said
>>yes. Then she got a real serious look and asked if she would fall down.
>>I said I didn't know.
>>I prayed for her also and God healed her knee on the spot.
>>As I got up to go back to my seat, there were three
>>people lined up in the aisle asking for prayer. Apparently others had
>>noticed what was going on! I
>>felt the Lord urging me to continue. As I started to pray
>>for the first lady, I suddenly heard over the intercom the stewardess
>>that I had prayed for saying
>>that there was a pastor onboard who had been in Africa
>>praying for healing, and that when he prayed for her and the woman
>>with the bad back both had been
>>healed. She said: "If anyone needs healing they should
>>come to the galley between coach and
>>first class and he would pray for them." I thought to
>>myself, here we go"! Then a large gentle-man came up to me. He was from
>>England. He asked if he could
>>catch for me. I thought, Thank You Lord, at least there
>>is someone else here who knows what is going on. For the next  two hours
>>we had a healing service.
>>At one point the catcher came to me and said, "You need
>>to slow down, I am running out of places to put people." I looked in the
>>galley and saw people
>>lying everywhere.
>>We had 5 salvations during our time, including one young
>>man from Saudi Arabia. He was coming to the US for surgery on his torn
>>rotator cuff. He also had
>>other damage to his shoulder. God healed him and I told
>>him it was Jesus who had touched him. He said, "I know Jesus." I said to
>>him, "Yes, you know who
>>He is, but you need to know Him as the Saviour." As we
>>talked he accepted the Lord. One of his travelling companions was a
>>lady who came to me and said
>>she was a Christian and would see that he got into a
>>church. The people who didn't come forward for prayer were wide-eyed and
>>looking over their seats
>>throughout the cabin to see what was going on. When all
>>was finished, I sat down and I picked up my book and laughed to myself.
>>The book was 'Face to Face
>>with God,' by Bill Johnson. I thought to myself, God
>>certainly does have a sense of humour for this indeed was a Bill Johnson
>>moment ~ everyday saints
>>doing the stuff!!
>>Praise God for His wonderful love and desire to use any
>>one of us in His service! Feel free to share this testimony if you feel it
>>would be an encouragement
>>to others.
>>Jim Rogers
>>Associate Pastor
>>BridgeWay Church Denver, CO