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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Jun 2009 21:15:25 -0600
text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1"; reply-type=original
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
I have noticed a regular strange problem using Eloquence when reading a 
document of a couple of pages or more.  It also does the same thing with the 
Real Sound voices by the way.  If reading, for example, continuously, all of 
the sudden, the speed does not slow down, but there is a pause of a couple 
of seconds between each and every paragraph.  since in my novels, there is a 
lot of conversation of individual characters going on, it is like reading a 
book on a jerky wagon over rutted roads.  Additionally, this can happen 
after several pages being red and edited, or proof read, or it can happen as 
soon as I begin reading and stop the reading of the text to correct a 
sentence or word or even a letter.  Then read line by line, or word by word, 
there is this 2 second pause before Eloquence speaks the character letter, 
word, or sentence in its entirety.  If I close up the file, then reopen it, 
and jump to where I left off, everything is back to normal for awhile.  As I 
said, it doesn't seem to matter the size of the document.  It does not ever 
do it in Outlook Express when reading emails, long or short, nor does 
Eloquence and jaws seem to do this went reading menus and the like.  I tried 
resetting everything in jaws to basic factory settings, then redefining 
speed settings and all but that made no difference.  I wrote Freedom 
Scientific and they want me to call and talk to a tech support person.  I 
haven't had too good of luck doing this in the past so before I do it, I 
thought I would ask if anybody has some ideas about what might be going on. 
We haven't tested out my wife's computer, we both use jaws 10 and XP, and we 
both have the same computer hardware, and she keeps a very long document 
files with addresses and phone numbers and appointments for the mobile vet 
she answers the telephone for.  It doesn't effect that file she accesses 
many times a day so I don't even know where to begin.  Anybody have any 
ideas?  One of my thoughts is that I have less memory, I forget just what 
now, than my wife's machine.  Her's is twice mine and I think mine is only a 
half a meg.  If that's the problem why doesn't it do it everywhere in Jaws 
menu structures and while reading emails?  Additionally, I have magic Jack 
loaded into memory all the time, generally Outlook Express is always open 
and ready to use, and a recording voice mail program which isn't very large 
but attaches voice mail audio recordings to any email you want to send, and 
of course, jaws is always loaded.  My wife doesn't have any of those 
programs.  So could that have anything to do with it?  I suppose I could 
unload, or suspend, all of those loaded programs and see what the results 
might be.  Also, as I mentioned, it is definitely related to paragraphing 
because at the end of each and every paragraph in MS Word, that is where the 
2 second hesitation occurs.  I'm wondering if jaws has some freaking 
paragraph setting.  You can see how little I know but being an appliance 
operator has never bothered me.

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