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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 23 May 1999 20:27:10 EDT
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Assalaamu Alaikum Samba,

Mashallah, May Allah Ta'ala reward you for sharing this with us.l have 
removed the codes that were in it for easier reading if anyone wants to go 
through and read it again.May he, Dhul Jallali Wal ihram, increase you in 
knowledge and Imaan, and reward you with Jannah.


Asalamu alaikum List Members,
  Alhamdulila after having a long brake from the list, am back again
 to share with  you the words of Allah the Almighty.And may Allah!
 give us the understanding of this message.
 Mankind with his Associates:
 The association of man  are four folds:
(a) with Allah, 
(b) with Nature
(c) with Other Beings 
(d) with Mankind.

 with Allah:
The Ultimate goal of man should be Allah the Almighty.
The association of man to Allah should be a union, whereby Man will dwell in 
the destiny of Allah enjoying and responding to all his  beatiful attributes.
 Man`s associates with Allah should be realized in actual life and not
 merely to be perceived in a world of contemplation.It should
 realistic as those with our parents even more,in the sense that is
 the provider.
 He gives me to eat, drink, restores me to health when I am sick, give
 me life and death as He desires. It is said in the holy Qur-`aan sura
 (20:124)"And who so ever turns away from My Massage, verily  for him is a
 life narrowed Down,and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of
"This is a deep psychological hint to all thinkers, regarding the present
 paradox, dissatisfaction and dejection prevailing in the very midst of    
 riches and prosperity in the modern  world. We may also be attracted to
  Him our inner perception."
 In brief,spiritual connection with Allah have to be revealed both
 inside ourself and in the world outside. Allah said in the holy Qur-
 àan sura (41:53) "We shall show them our portens on the Horizons and
 within themselves until it will be manifest unto them that it is the
 truth.Furthermore He said, "How are they still in  doubt  about meeting
 with their Lord? Lo! is not He  surrounding all  things? sura (41:54).
 Allah is a permanent companion, and a sure helper in emergency if
 approached right. But men often mistake His help for apparent
 causes. He is with you, where ever you may be,and Allah (SWT)
 sees what you do.As the wollof said ("Daw Yalla!Ham foo Jem").  
 The holy Qur-àan points out fundamental truths about nature, so as
 to enable man to start his own detailed study and make use of his
 enquiry as He can.
 He Allah is the First and the last  and  and He is
 the knower of all things inherent in His knowledge, finding
 expression through His Manifestation.But despite His manifestation
 He is incomparable. Qur-àanic Quotation:"say:He is Allah The
 One.Allah is He on whom all depend. He begets not, nor is He    
 begotten. And none is like Him."sura (112:1.)
 So the whole Universe is based on Truth which pervades it through
 and through, and there is a purpose behind it everywhere.
 All the celestial bodies are bound by some law in their behavior.The
 whole universe is guarded with knowledge, and therein has its own
 equilibrium, which keeps it in position. No two things in the Universe
 are identical, all have their own identities, determined distinct,called  
 "TAJA-LI-YAT"(the things that can be seen) though it may not be
 always easy to the difference.
 "<The whole universe adores Allah, and some of mankind",(sura:22:18).Man
 is gifted with a will by origin and given the sense of  reasoning of which 
he is
 above all creation,therefore he is held responsible of his conduct.At any 
 their is life,knowledge and Expression in all the objects of nature has
 got its own significance,not even a gnat, is unworthy of attention.
 The Qur-àan thus invites man to study nature and to cultivate a living
 interest and sympathy with his natural surroundings-all living a life
 of aim and purpose. 
 With Other Beings:
 There are other beings like Angels, Jinns,Devils etc which all have
 some degree of associate with Man. There are beings in other
 planets that are not even aware of the creation of Adam. This is why
 Allah is the First and the Last,Inward and the Outward.
 His portents are manifested everywhere that`s why He is
 "ALLAHOU - AKBARR" (Allah is great).With all these,Man is
 paramount in creation as declare him "khaleefa" or (viceroy) on
 earth.He should not be under the control of nothing but Allah the
 Almighty,the most Exalted.
 Man is superior to Angles and Jinns,and being most advance by
 nature in knowledge and Devotion.
 Man symbolizes much of Allah`s portents and demonstrates Allah`s
 greatness. Man is the center of the Universe his small image
 manifest all the occurrence of the universe.
 When man stands in prayer he demonstrates all the four different
 modes of existence.His "standing" demonstrates all that are standind
 straight, his "Ruko" demonstrates all creatures walking on four legs,
 his "Prustration" demonstrates all creatures without legs and his "sitting"
 demonstrates all unmovable things like mountains, stones etc.
 When man raise his hands up in "salat" it demonstrates the birds
 and all flying creatures.This is why the"salat" is very significant to
 man,because it is the link between man and Allah ( SUPERNA -
 WATALA),and between man and all other creatures.
 When ever man called the"Adzan" he has made a spiritual
 accession  through the seven heavens and seven earths and stand
 in front of  Allah and testify that by saying"LA-IE-LAHA-IE-
 LALAHU"(There is  noting but Allah).
 Man is therefore a great being if only he or she knows it and act
 right.But if man begins to fall in the physical and moral grades of
 creation, he may fall to the lowest in his deeds, indeeds lower than
 the animals do by nature.Qur-àanic quotation,"We have indeed
 created Man in the best of molds,then do We abuse him (to be) the lowest of
 the low, except such as believe and do righteous deeds for  they shall have a
 reward unfailing "sura 95:4-6.
 With Mankind: 
 Among the associates of man is his fellow mankind.Man to man
 should be an act of love,help, respect and honor.Man should act
 right and be tactful to his fellow mankind.
 Man`s carefree and nagative behavior to his fellow man could
 sometimes be very detrimental.
 As we have learnt that Man is the "Khaleefa" of Allah on earth and
 some have a very high place in the Divine set-up.They are honoured
 and love by Allah who so ever pleases them will be please by Allah,
 on the other hand who so ever offend them will be crushed by Allah.
 Therefor our relationship with each other should be of mutual love
 and understanding.
 Do on to your neighbor as you would like him to do onto you.
 Love for neighbor what you love for yourself.The prophet
 Muhammad (S.A.W) said in a Hadith, Nobody is a true believer until you
 love for your  neighbor what you love for yourself "
 Man is favoured by Allah and is given the wisdom to rule and  emerge above
 all creation.Man was given the sence to know what is  right and what is wrong
 as said in the Holy Qur-àan: (sura:3,4,6)"He  hath revealed unto thee
 (Muhammad) the Scripture with truth,
 confirming that which was (revealed) before it even as He revealed  the 
 and Gospel"Aforetime, for a guidance to mankind, and  hath revealed the
 citerion(of right and wrong)." He it is who  fashioneth you in the wombs as
 pleaseth Him.There is no God  save Him,the Almighty, the wise". 
 Before Man was created,Allah has made all the necesary
 arrangements and preparation for the convenience and good living
 of man. 
 My Sheikh, Sheikh Ebrima Nyasse(R.A) used to say that:
 Allah established this earth on a Sunday bring forth the rivers.
 Monday:He created the Sky and all the planets e.g the sun, moon
 stars etc.
 Tuesday:He created the animals and other creatures.
 Wednesday:He created the trees and plants.
 Thursday:He created heaven and hell.
 Friday:He created Adam in the early morning and Awa in the
 Saturday:Was a day that Allah created notting.
 So we can see that man was created last after setting everything
 ready for him,as said in the holy Qur-àan (sura:2 verse:29)
 "It is He who hath created for you All things that are on earth;
 Then He turned to the heaven and made them into seven
 firmaments.And of all things He hath perfect knowledge.
 Allah favoured Man and made him victoryious upon the angels who
 themselves want to be in the position of "khaleef" (viceroy)as said in
 the holy Qur-àan:(sura:2 verse 30 - 32).
 "And when the Lord said unto the angels Lo! I am about to place a 
 "khaleef" (viceroy)in the earth,They said: Wilt Thou place therein
 one who will do harm therein and will shed blood while we do
 celebrate Thy praise And glorify Thy holy(name)?" He said:"I know
 what ye know not." "And He taught Adam all the names, then
 showed them to the angels, saying Inform me of these names if ye
  are thruth." "They said:Be glorified! We have no knowledge save
 that which Thou hast taught us. Lo! Thou art the knower, the wise.
 Surely then man is well honoured by Allah and therefor in turn man
 should be very loyal to Allah is to be loyal to your fellow man.
 Whatever you want to do or give to Allah must be send through
 mankind.Everything reaches Allah`s hand through man`s hand.
 This beautiful and complex creation(Man) should always praise his
 Lord with the word "Al-Hamdu-Lila" which covers all the associates
 of man, and yet give Allah the most beautiful praise of Uniqueness.
 Everything else hymn Allah`s praise everytime,but man.Some of
 mankind are reluctant in serving Allah and yet Allah in His mercy
 provide their needs.
 This Merciful Lord, This Beneficient Lord, This powerful Lord,
 This Exalted Lord does not care whether you serve Him or not He
 always cater for you your share.If all the world turn to serve Allah,
 it will not add to Allah notting, on the other hand if all the world refuse
 to serve Allah it will not lessen nothing from Him.The holy Qur-àan
 (sura:22 verse:18)."Hast thou not seen that unto Allah payeth
 adoration whosoever is in the Heaven and whosoever is in the
 earth, the sun,the moon,the stars, the hills,the trees,the animals
 and many of mankind"? But a great number are(also)such as are
 Fit for punishment:and such as Allah shall disgrace-non can
 honour: For Allah carries out all that He wills.
 So the world leaders of today,you have to be very careful of how
 you treat your fellow mankind because anything you do good is for
 your own benifit tomorrow,and whatsoever you do bad you will face
 the punisment tomorrow whether you know it or not the penalty is
 waitin for you.
 You can do what ever you want to do evil,no matter what possition
 you have in this world today,one day you are going to put in the
 Look at Adolf Hitler with all his power and  weapons,he is no more
 existing neither do his battalion or weapons exist.
 So be careful of what you are doing,Allah is not sleeping,He is
 always watching.The wise!!!!!
 May Allah!(The Almighty) gives us good understanding and guided
 us to the rigth part.....Ameeen!!!!!
 Alaahumasalli alaah saidina Muhammadin wa alaah ali Muhammadin.
 Samba Goddard.