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Dianne Cooke <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 3 Jan 1998 22:39:32 -0500
text/plain (31 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

We saw the specialist again this morning for a follow-up.  He went over
Christopher's test results in detail; basically they say he doesn't have
celiac disease, nor does he have a fat malabsorption problem.  This was
indicated by his high D-xylose asorption, the absence of fecal fat, and
the completely normal gliadin and endomysial IgA and IgG.

This is good news, of course, but it doesn't explain why he doesn't grow!
The next test they want to do involves a possible problem with sucrose and
maltase (the breath test).  If those tests are negative, they want us to
contact the allergist and have her test for wheat, oats and bananas (since
he reacts to all three).  Because there are no signs of malabsorption and
the entire panel of celiac blood work is negative, he doesn't want to do a

Since his 15-month checkup (3.5 weeks ago), Christopher has gained 6 oz.
This is the same amount he gained in the previous THREE months.  We've
been reducing the amount of wheat and oats he consumes within a week, but
we didn't cut it out entirely because the doctor asked us not to.  Now,
however, he has given us the OK to feed whatever we think will work.  So
as of this morning, Christopher won't be having anything with gluten
in--anyone with a suggestion for a good small, portable toddler snack (a
replacement for Cheerios/Rice Chex, which he loves) please email me.  I
don't, at this point, care at all how much work it is, as long as my boy
grows!  I was *so* excited to see he'd gained a whole 6 oz  The doctor
didn't think it was a big gain, but to us it looked huge.

mom to Christopher 8/24/96