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Skipper Beers <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 13:58:14 EDT
text/plain (52 lines)
> Gail Diane Kuhns <[log in to unmask]>

>  If Prozac raises your cortisol and my Am cortisol was very low, I guess I
>  really do have an adrenal problem.
Unfortunately I don't think it helps us who for some reason are not capable
of producing enough cortisol.

But for those that follow Brenda Rosser's post:
"Many people are unaware of the very significant effects that elevated
cortisol has on thyroid function generally (release of, T4-T3 conversion,
peripheral uptake etc).

Elevated cortisol occurs in a number of conditions and circumstances such
as: depression, obesity, stress, illness, Cushing's disease (ACTH or CRH
producing tumours that are mostly benign but can be cancerous)."

Some people have the capability of over producing cortisol, especially under
stress, and some people who are always feeling under stress always have
elevated cortisol.  It has a tendency to make people mean (maybe even
homicidal, I saw my wife on prednisone which is a synthetic version of
cortisol with a few added features, and when in an emergency room for my
wife's throat swelling, before her thyroid was treated, I overheard a nurse
talking to a man who was going on it and she warned him it could give him
slightly aggressive tendencies.  I thought that an understatement.)  It also
causes weight gain around the middle, buffalo hump between the shoulder
blades, osteoporosis, and damages the brain.  In many cases when the thyroid
is not treated, a person's cortisol will be elevated to compensate if the
adrenals are capable.



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