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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 10:18:34 -0500
text/plain (43 lines)
I've found that my ability to deal with local doctors with issues such as
thyroid replacement medication and interaction with other medications I'm on
(example heavy duty prednisone, or Cytoxan, or chemotherapy) depends upon
the locality where one lives.  If one lives in say, Bethesda MD, or in a
place which produces many doctors, and the doctor/patient ratio is high, the
ability to communicate is easier, and there is greater selection of other
doctors to see if communication is a problem.  If one lives in a locality
which is isolated (and beautiful), far away from centers of knowledge, the
local choice of doctors is limited and  the patients are treated as
mushrooms.  An informed patient can be perceived as a threatening.

I came across this by happenstance, when I went to a local rheumatologist
for an injured inflamed knee.  It turned out our paths had crossed
professionally a couple of times in the past and he too had sought the
boondocks.   Out of the blue he stated  "with your background it must be
very difficult for you to get medical treatment".

From: "Elizabeth Whitaker" <[log in to unmask]>
> No matter what the specialty, there are indeed doctors who
> don't deal well with intelligent, informed patients.


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