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"Peter W. Vakunta" <[log in to unmask]>
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African Association of Madison <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 10:41:51 -0500
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                             10TH AFRICAN FEST ANNIVERSARY

                                SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 2008


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 Mugabe and his "sit-tight" peers on the African continent are an eyesore!

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"The day will come when history will speak... Africa will write its own history... it will be a history of glory and dignity." - Patrice Lumumba

----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Yarl <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, June 13, 2008 2:38 pm
Subject: Zimbabwe Leader Warns of Violence...
To: [log in to unmask]

> **********************************************************
>                               10TH AFRICAN FEST ANNIVERSARY
>                                  SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 2008
>             CONTACT "[log in to unmask]" FOR MORE INFO
>                        RENEW YOUR AAM MEMBERSHIP FOR $25!!!!
>            MAIL YOUR CHECK TO AAM, P. O. Box 1016, MADISON, WI 53701
>  **********************************************************
>  : Yahoo News Zimbabwe leader warns of violence if he loses vote 
>  June 13, 2008  51 minutes ago 
>  HARARE, Zimbabwe - President Robert Mugabe said Friday that his 
> supporters are ready to fight if the opposition wins an upcoming 
> presidential runoff election, hardening the rhetoric of a campaign 
> that already has seen widespread violence against government 
> opponents.  
>  "I'm even prepared to join the fight," the 84-year-old Mugabe told a 
> conference of his party's youth wing.
>  Mugabe said the veterans of the war of independence in 1980 had 
> approached him after the first round of voting in March and threatened 
> to take up arms again if opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai wins the 
> June 27 runoff.
>  Tsvangirai finished first in a field of four in the first round but 
> failed to win the majority needed to avoid a runoff.
>  "We can't allow the British to dominate us through their puppets," 
> said Mugabe, returning to a campaign theme of portraying Tsvangirai as 
> a pawn of Western powers, a charge the opposition denies. "A vote for 
> the (opposition) is a vote for the British to have once again not just 
> a foothold but real power."
>  A High Court judge, meanwhile, ordered police to bring No. 2 
> opposition leader Tendai Biti to court Saturday and explain why he 
> should not be immediately released, according to opposition lawyer 
> Selby Hwacha.
>  Biti was arrested Thursday upon returning to Zimbabwe from 
> neighboring South Africa. The United States was among the governments 
> that said the arrest of the top aide to Tsvangirai only deepened 
> concerns the runoff would not be free and fair.
>  Since picking up Biti at the airport Thursday, police have refused to 
> say where he was being held or when they might bring him to court. 
> They have said he faces a charge of treason, which can carry the death 
> penalty.
>  Tsvangirai, speaking on the campaign trail Friday, called the charge 
> Biti faces "frivolous."
>  "Tendai has not committed any crime, he has not committed any offense 
> to warrant the arrest," the candidate said.
>  The party said Tsvangirai himself was released overnight after being 
> detained by police.
>  Tsvangirai was stopped twice by police as he tried to campaign 
> Thursday, according to the party, which said he was held for about two 
> hours the first time and late into the night the second time before 
> being released. Such incidents have become common as Tsvangirai 
> attempts to reach out to voters, and the opposition says 66 of its 
> supporters have been killed.
>  In 2004, Tsvangirai was acquitted after a treason trial that lasted 
> more than a year.
>  Botswana, a fellow member of the Southern African Development 
> Community, was the first neighbor to condemn Biti's arrest. Its 
> Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it had summoned the Zimbabwean 
> ambassador to express its concern.
>  "Botswana is alarmed by these arrests and detentions as they disrupt 
> electoral activities of key players and intimidate the electorate thus 
> undermining the process of holding a free, fair and democratic 
> election," said Clifford Maribe, ministry spokesman.
>  It was unusually strong language from a fellow African government. 
> Zimbabwe's neighbors, particularly regional power South Africa, have 
> for the most part refused to confront Mugabe.
>  The arrest of Biti and police harassment of Tsvangirai are the latest 
> examples of efforts by Mugabe's government to defeat the opposition. 
> The harassment has included using security forces to confiscate a 
> large U.S. food donation and giving it to Mugabe supporters in a 
> country where many people are poor.
>  The United States, long a sharp critic of Mugabe, said Thursday that 
> whatever pressure the neighbors had so far brought to bear had been 
> ineffective. It called for immediate action by the U.N. Security 
> Council. 
>  News emerged that a 20-ton shipment of U.S.-donated grain, beans and 
> oil being sent to a school in eastern Zimbabwe was hijacked by 
> security forces and then passed out to Mugabe backers at a rally last 
> week. 
>  In Washington, officials said the United States, which now holds the 
> rotating presidency of the Security Council, would try to raise the 
> Zimbabwe issue next week. 
>  U.S. Ambassador James McGee said Friday the clampdown on aid work has 
> left some people surviving on less than one meal a day. 
>  "The situation right now is bad and it's continuing to get worse," 
> McGee told reporters in a conference call from Harare, Zimbabwe's 
> capital. "If this continues much beyond the elections, it will be 
> disastrous for Zimbabwe." 
>  Aid group World Vision, which has projects across the country, 
> appealed to the government Friday to allow delivery of basic 
> humanitarian assistance by reversing the suspension. 
>  "As a child-focused organization, we are particularly concerned for 
> the close to 400,000 children we would have assisted this month 
> through school-feeding and our ongoing development work," said Wilfred 
> Mlay, vice president for Africa for World Vision. "We hold grave 
> concerns for the 1.6 million orphans and vulnerable children across 
> the country who will now not receive critical assistance from 
> humanitarian agencies operating in the country." 
>  World Vision said the suspension was keeping more than 30 groups from 
> delivering food and other aid. It said up to 4 million people are in 
> need of aid. 
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