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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 29 Jan 2008 19:58:36 EST
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Alas! some of our leaders are waking up!
Re-forwarded from the pages of The Gambia Journal.
Letter To The Editor 

Jan 29, 2008, 08:41  
Culled From The Financial Times

As soon as he came to power  nearly eight years ago Senegalese President Wade 
and his coalition partners  swapped from Taiwan On China to Mainland China , 
leaving The Gambia to be Taipei  ’s main partner in the neighborhood.  So in 
yet another way the two sister  Senegambian states went their separate ways, 
one heading to Beijing ,   leaving the other on the road to Taipei . The Gambia ’
s road to Taipei is  wrought with financial scandals, including the one 
show-cased by  soldier-fugitive and now United States based Capt. Ebou Jallow. But 
the road to  Beijing and its reverse invasion of capital, goods and 
entrepreneurship also  brought its own storm with it. The storm is mainly from The West. 
See President  Wade’s response to this storm: 
Culled From The Financial Times
By  Abdoulaye Wade, Senegal ’s president 
Published: January 23 2008 16:28 | Last  updated: January 23 2008 16:28
When it comes to China and Africa, the  European Union and the US want to 
have their cake and eat it. In an echo of its  past colonial rivalries, European 
leaders and donor organisations have expressed  concerns that African nations 
are throwing their doors open too wide to Chinese  investors and to 
exploitation by their Asian partners.

But if opening up more free markets is a goal that the west prizes – and  
extols as a path to progress – why is Europe fretting about China ’s growing  
economic role in Africa ? The expansion of free markets has indeed been a boon  
to Africa . But as I tell my friends in the west, China is doing a much better 
 job than western capitalists of responding to market demands in Africa .
The  battle for influence in the world between the west and China is not 
Africa ’s  problem. Our continent is in a hurry to build infrastructure, ensure 
affordable  energy and educate our people. In many African nations, African 
leaders are  striving to reinforce robust economic growth in a sustainable manner 
and reduce  “brain-drain” incentives that have led to an exodus of 
well-educated Africans to  Europe .
China ’s approach to our needs is simply better adapted than the  slow and 
sometimes patronising post-colonial approach of European investors,  donor 
organisations and non-governmental organisations. In fact, the Chinese  model for 
stimulating rapid economic development has much to teach Africa  .
With direct aid, credit lines and reasonable contracts, China has helped  
African nations build infrastructure projects in record time – bridges, roads,  
schools, hospitals, dams, legislative buildings, stadiums and airports. In many 
 African nations, including Senegal , improvements in infrastructure have 
played  important roles in stimulating economic growth.

These are improvements, moreover, that stay in Africa and raise the  
standards of living for millions of Africans, not just an elite few. In Senegal  , a 
Chinese company cannot be awarded an infrastructure-related contract unless  it 
has partnered with a Senegalese company. In practice, Chinese companies are  
not only investing in Senegal but transferring technology, training, and  
know-how to Senegal at the same time.
It is a telling sign of the  post-colonial mindset that some donor 
organisations in the west dismiss the  trade agreements between Chinese banks and 
African states that produce these  vital improvements – as though Africa was naïve 
enough to just offload its  precious natural resources at bargain prices to 
obtain a commitment for another  stadium or state house.

In the past, the political power-play between Taiwan and China often  spurred 
Asian investment on the African continent. Today, however, economic  
relations are based more on mutual need – and the economic reality that the EU  and 
the US cannot compete with China . A number of big projects in Senegal had  
initially been funded by the Taiwanese, but in 2005, Senegal abandoned the  
politicisation of development and opted for decisions based on a free  market.

I have found that a contract that would take five years to discuss,  
negotiate and sign with the World Bank takes three months when we have dealt  with 
Chinese authorities. I am a firm believer in good governance and the rule  of 
law. But when bureaucracy and senseless red tape impede our ability to act –  and 
when poverty persists while international functionaries drag their feet –  
African leaders have an obligation to opt for swifter solutions. I achieved more 
 in my one hour meeting with President Hu Jintao in an executive suite at my  
hotel in Berlin during the recent G8 meeting in Heiligendamm than I did 
during  the entire, orchestrated meeting of world leaders at the summit – where 
African  leaders were told little more than that G8 nations would respect 
existing  commitments.

At the same time that China has been especially nimble, the prices and  
quality of goods coming from Asia give African governments no choice other than  to 
buy Chinese, Indian and Malaysian goods. For the price of one European  
vehicle, a Senegalese can purchase two Chinese cars. The proof is in the parking  
lot at the presidential palace in Dakar . Low-cost Chinese Chery and Great Wall 
 models are giving Senegal ’s middle and working classes access to a new car, 
a  sign of our emerging consumer class. We are even using these affordable 
Chinese  cars in a pilot project to reinsert unemployed women into the workforce 
by  creating a fleet of taxis called Sister Taxis. When products are 
affordable,  innovative programmes become realistic.
China , which has fought its own  battles to modernise, has a much greater 
sense of the personal urgency of  development in Africa than many western 
nations. Last year, the Chinese Eximbank  pledged $20bn in development funds for 
African infrastructure and trade  financing over the next three years, funds that 
outstripped all western donor  pledges combined. News of the Exim commitment 
caused a fuss in some quarters of  Europe . But western complaints about China 
’s slow pace in adopting democratic  reform cannot obscure the fact that the 
Chinese are more competitive, less  bureaucratic and more adept at business in 
Africa than their critics.

Today I find myself at the heart of an economic struggle with the EU. If  
Europe does not want to provide funding for African infrastructure – it pledged  
$15bn under the Cotonou Agreement eight years ago – the Chinese are ready to  
take up the task, more rapidly and at less cost. Not just Africa but the west  
itself has much to learn from China . It is time for the west to practice 
what  it preaches about the value of market incentives.
Abdoulaye Wade is President  of Senegal
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008  

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