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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Daniel Moran <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 Dec 2008 09:04:41 -0800
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Daniel Moran <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

To all of you great celiac friends who sent a nice email to me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I was going to thank you one by one. That would take me till the next year. So many of you sent nice emails saying that I was helping you.

 It is my dream to some day that we can walk into a place to eat and sit down and be comfortable in what we order. 
To be able to look at a menu and eat more than 3 items they choose.
Be able to have food we remember when we weren't celiac or have food that it melts in our mouth.
To travel and not be afraid to eat at a restaurant because they are not gluten free.
Every one to have a chef Daniel "P" restaurant form to give to the chef.

I am not here to sell you anything like some have said to me. I am trying to share what I know works. I sell flour on my site only because the people I have made it for or the ones who have bought it said that it remains them of the food they used to eat. This is a way of trying to share my god gift talent that I was given.

A fellow celiac asked me to help her make a raisin sauce that she remember as a kid growing up. (posted it on my web site) There was no charge just my love of what I can do and this is what she said.

"Chef Daniel,
  THANK YOU so much!!!!  Wow, the ingredients sound like this 
is the recipe I remember from my younger days -" 
 "Your instructions are wonderful - easy to follow and 
understand.  I like that you explain why and how about the techniques " 
"It's been a long 
time since any of my family has had the treat of gingerbread cake with warm 
raisin sauce - it will bring back a lot of fond memories. Your efforts are 
greatly appreciated. "

Now that feels good. It took some time from me but it didn't cost me a cent and I was so happy to help out. That is the greatest gift a person can get when the times are so terrible. 
Some of you said you have had trouble with other list serve people and it is part of this group. I am not thick skin and I don't get paid to do this. When you work in the resort business and some one is paying you, you have to bite your lip and customer is always right. I still got some one to say that since I follow a certain cook book that I am not celiac.  I shouldn't be giving my advice since I am not celiac. On the buttom line of my emails it says this "A fellow celiac who happens to be a chef and wants to help you."  I am a fellow celiac, I was scared to death when I found out even though I could cook. I have said this before that I ate Ice cream for 3 months straight because I had no one to turn to. That is why I started lending my hand out.

Where to go now? I don't know, I want to help and it is so clear that I am helping some people by the over whelming emails I got. Time does heal all wounds they say. 
I invite you to send your emails just like a fellow celiac did for her raisin sauce   I do have some clients that I must help because they do pay me but I promise I will help you if you want help.

I am your professional chef if you want.

 Chef Daniel "P"

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Articles, recipes, restaurant forms ,Traveling help.

A fellow celiac who happens to be a chef and wants to help you.


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