----- Original Message -----
From: "william" <[log in to unmask]>
> Gale wrote:
>> Referencing William's comment about genetics not being written in stone:
>> Right. But they are written in our DNA. And they don't change in our
>> lifetime. You are the DNA you were born with.
> Ah, but they do change. They can be enabled or disabled, by food choices
> for one.
I agree with William. I have spent the last 20 minutes checking through the
PBS website looking for a program that I saw last year that dealt with the
subject of genetics. The bottom line, as I remember it, was that yes, we do
inherit the potentiality for many disease conditions from our ancestors.
However, the good news at the end of the program was that through lifestyle
changes (I remember they mentioned "B" vitamins) we are able to override the
genes. Does anyone here remember the name of the program so we can look up
the reference?