I know very little about planting plants/veggies/fruites, etc. and have a
lot to learn, but I figured the tree would take 2 to3 years to produce
fruit. Wouldn't the pesticided have grown out by that time much like we get
rid of stuff in our body?
But again, if someone knows of an organic nursery I would much prefer to buy
organic fruit trees. In particular, we are looking for Honeycrisp apple
trees - my husband's favorites.
How do you find out what is native to the area? We live in TN now and not
only would I like to grow my own veggies and fruits, but I would like to
grow what is native. I assume paleo men/women would have eaten what is
native to where they lived. No?
>"You are what you eat".
>So are trees.
>This is my guess.
>No such thing as a stupid question.