Hi Tom,
Headache resolution on a gluten-free diet has repeatedly been documented.
Here are 11 peer reviewed research and case reports (not speculative) of
headache in association with celiac disease. Unfortunately, one is in
Italian and another in Spanish. However, 9 are in English.
Headaches and their resolution on a G-F diet have also been documented in
other peer reviewed publications, but I can't find a more complete list just
Best Wishes,
1: Ertekin V, Selimoglu MA, Altnkaynak S. Prevalence of cyclic vomiting
syndrome in a sample of Turkish school children in an urban area. J Clin
Gastroenterol. 2006 Nov-Dec;40(10):896-8.
2: Zarkadas M, Cranney A, Case S, Molloy M, Switzer C, Graham ID, Butzner
JD, Rashid M, Warren RE, Burrows V. The impact of a gluten-free diet on
adults with coeliac disease: results of a national survey. J Hum Nutr Diet.
2006 Feb;19(1):41-9.
3: Rashid M, Cranney A, Zarkadas M, Graham ID, Switzer C, Case S, Molloy
M, Warren RE, Burrows V, Butzner JD. Celiac disease: evaluation of the
diagnosis and dietary compliance in Canadian children. Pediatrics. 2005
4: Bushara KO. Neurologic presentation of celiac disease.
Gastroenterology. 2005 Apr;128(4 Suppl 1):S92-7.
5: Zelnik N, Pacht A, Obeid R, Lerner A. Range of neurologic disorders in
patients with celiac disease. Pediatrics. 2004 Jun;113(6):1672-6.
6: Cicarelli G, Della Rocca G, Amboni M, Ciacci C, Mazzacca G, Filla A,
Barone P. Clinical and neurological abnormalities in adult celiac disease.
Neurol Sci. 2003 Dec;24(5):311-7.
7: Spina M, Incorpora G, Trigilia T, Branciforte F, Franco G, Di Gregorio
F. [Headache as atypical presentation of celiac disease: report of a
clinical case] Pediatr Med Chir. 2001 Mar-Apr;23(2):133-5. Italian.
8: Roche Herrero MC, Arcas Martinez J, Martinez-Bermejo A, Lopez Martin V,
Polanco I, Tendero Gormaz A, Fernandez Jaen A. [The prevalence of headache
in a population of patients with coeliac disease] Rev Neurol. 2001 Feb
16-28;32(4):301-9. Review. Spanish.
9: Faulkner-Hogg KB, Selby WS, Loblay RH. Dietary analysis in symptomatic
patients with coeliac disease on a gluten-free diet: the role of trace
amounts of gluten and non-gluten food intolerances. Scand J Gastroenterol.
1999 Aug;34(8):784-9.
10: Crosato F, Senter S. Cerebral occipital calcifications in celiac
disease. Neuropediatrics. 1992 Aug;23(4):214-7.
11: Battistella PA, Mattesi P, Casara GL, Carollo C, Condini A, Allegri F,
Rigon F. Bilateral cerebral occipital calcifi
> On Behalf Of Tom Bri
> Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 8:11 PM
> Interesting but speculative article. Lots of interesting
> links on the page.
> I was interested in the article on the side-bar linking
> gluten to migraine.
> I found that out by accident when I started paleo, and this
> is the first I have seen it documented.