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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 27 Mar 2007 16:38:16 -0400
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleo Phil <[log in to unmask]>
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C. Kuni:
> I'm looking for ideas or clues as to why I have stopped losing weight.

If we can figure that out, maybe I can find out how to put on weight while
trying to remain as Paleo as feasible (the Paleo diet has brought me weight
down to where it was in high school--too thin).

> I
> started my paleodiet journey last fall and immediately started dropping
> about a pound a week.  The holidays came and I was repossessed by the
> sugar
> demon.  Gained back 2 of the ~5 pounds.

Yeah, I allow myself more honey and sugar now (blood sugar has not been a
problem for me lately, after hypoglycemia symptoms in the past, though I do
notice a little of that again now on occasion) and it does seem to add a few

> Nearly three months later, and I am stuck going nowhere and I want at
> least
> another 10 off. 

Yeah, I'm kind of stuck too and would like to add 10 pounds. Maybe we can do
a fat transfer? ;-)

> As a marathoner and full time mom/homeschooler, I
> know I
> am burning lots of calories.  The running literature is full of diet
> advice
> that isn't paleo, and the Paleo For Athletes book seems to assume that
> the
> reader is at an ideal weight already.

I haven't been exercising much lately, but still can't put on the weight. I
had hoped that might help.

> Here are my suspects (and I may be overlooking something entirely):
> 1. Eating too much fat?  I'm not strictly following Cordain, and many
> of my
> meats are fatty, such as grassfed lamb.

It's possible. I tend to eat lean because I don't like the taste or mouth
feel of animal fats and have difficulty swallowing them--so I've been trying
to add more oils to salads and meats. Fats are more calorically dense than
lean meats and studies have found fats to be less satiating. I find that
myself as well. Lean meat really fills me up. Others here report
experiencing the opposite, however.

> 2. Eating too much?  ie. too large portions?

That's always a possibility. 

> 3. Cheating on carbs?  Hey! I never signed up for perfection-- lol.

That's the most likely culprit yet. I find the most important thing for
weight loss and sticking to a diet is to keep the modern carbs out of the
house. This can be difficult if other household members are not on board
(which is one of the most common reasons for diet failure).

> This
> last one really seems like the most likely, as I have transgressed
> frequently in very small ways, 

I agree.

> I know this is an uncommonly scientific group, and I wish I could give
> you
> more numbers, but I don't have gram/calorie counts and such to offer.

I don't bother with that. I just take a mental note of how much I've been
eating and then increase or reduce the portion sizes to try to adjust the
weight, as well as consume more or less of the calorically dense foods
(carbs and fats). For example, in trying to gain weight I might eat 3 bison
patties instead of 2, have a fruit smoothie instead of water, and try to
remember to have snacks every day.

It's so difficult for me to add weight on a Paleo diet--because many of the
foods are low-carb, low-calorie and filling, and it's so time consuming to
cook and eat fresh meats and vegetables (I'm usually one of the last to
finish eating since I went Paleo because I'm chewing on meat, salad and
fresh fruit while others are vacuuming up soft modern foods like sandwiches,
pizza and mashed potatoes)--that I suspect that most (though not all) people
who don't lose a lot of weight after going Paleo are cheating by eating
things like modern carbs, cheese, butter, etc. here and there, thinking it's
not adding up while it probably is. So far the only way I've found to add
weight is to increase my cheating. It's a bit of a catch 22--the only way I
have found to gain weight so my doctor won't think I'm dangerously thin and
possibly anorexic is to eat some unhealthy foods.