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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Momodou Buharry Gassama <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 15 Mar 2009 15:12:55 +0100
Momodou Buharry Gassama <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (277 lines)
Hi Jabou!
Thanks for your response. Your posts are also always very refreshing 
and educative and I do really enjoy them.

What I wrote was neither a recipe for nor an endorsement of 
?maslaa?. It was meant to provoke a process of retrospection and 
introspection. You are right that good governance and tyranny shall 
always be such. I have not argued anywhere that people ignore facts and 
accept fantasy explanations or that they should not express outrage at 
anything they view as deserving of such. I agree that there should not 
be ?divided camps in how we view tyranny and why it has to take all of 
us, in and outside of The Gambia being on the same page to defeat it.? 
What I argued was that in order to ?be effective conduits of 
progressive change, we should realign our thought patterns and think on 
the level of the average Gambian and learn to identify the issues that 
Gambians hold dear and not the issues we expect them to hold dear.?  We 
cannot just assume that all Gambians view the government as tyrannical 
because that would be fallacious. You also stated that we ?may 
understand that those who are closer in proximity to the tyrant 
government of Yaya Jammeh are less free to express themselves for fear 
of reprisal.? That is why we should not be so condemning of them if 
they fail to express outrage the way we do thousands of miles away. The 
argument is not about expressing outrage. It is about how the outrage 
is expressed. Most of us would not be expressing outrage the way we do 
in Stockholm, London, New York etc. if we were in Banjul, Serrekunda, 
Bakau etc. We cannot be telling people to take to the streets and do 
this and that without any contingency plans to aid them should they be 
arrested, fired from work, killed etc.

You wrote: ?I am also of the firm belief that those of us who are able 
to speak  without fear have a responsibility to do so and yes indeed, 
we speak for those who cannot or are too timid to do so, or even out of 
sheer ignorance and even if they do not recognize or appreciate this.?
What some us do is not only claim to be speaking on behalf of those who 
are silent. We condemn them over and over without even knowing the 
reason for their failure to participate. We expect them to carry out 
what we deem necessary without even knowing if they agree with what we 
believe in. 

The case of Malcolm X and the Black Power Movement is different from 
ours. The Black Power Movement from the Black Muslims, the Black 
Panthers to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), The 
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and followers all had 
organization and ability. The SCLC and SNCC were able to organize civil 
disobedience because they had the logistics, manpower and organization 
to effectively do so. The Black Muslims and Black Panthers had the 
guns, organisation, willpower etc. to take radical stances. That is why 
Bobby Seale could lead a group of Panthers to the California Capitol 
with guns and get Ronald Reagan running. If you go to Africa, the ANC 
had organization, manpower, a military wing and the will to bring down 
Apartheid. The Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) did not adopt its ?one 
settler one bullet? without the necessary infrastructure to attempt to 
make good its pronouncements. What do we have? Sitting at my computer 
in Stockholm after having a nice lunch of Benachin, washing it down 
with Coke and some attaya and telling people in Banjul to confront 
soldiers who will not hesitate to arrest or shoot them is at best 
wishful thinking and at worst irresponsible. Martin Luther King did not 
sit in Atlanta and direct people to march against the brutal and racist 
states of Alabama and Mississippi with their brutal police. He was 
there in the trenches with them taking the blows and humiliation 
together with them. If I am not willing to go to Gambia and be on the 
frontline with the masses for whatever reason, then I do not have the 
right to condemn them for the little they do given their circumstances. 
If the average Gambian can muster the courage to condemn something with 
words such as ?I am sad that this happened? instead of ?this happened 
because the brutal dictatorship??, I should respect the fact that he / 
she is operating in an environment where the circumstances make it 
difficult or even dangerous for him / her to take the more radical 
stance.  If PDOIS or UDP can only offer open letters, press releases 
etc., that is what they are able to do under the circumstances. If we 
want them to do something different or against their policies and 
principles, why don?t we provide the logistics, manpower etc. to enable 
them to do so? We have over the years seen warriors come and go online, 
blowing hot air and forcing what they deem solutions, albeit 
unachievable, on people through intimidation. I have always wondered 
what some people would do if they had the mandate and power Yaya Jammeh 
has because of the way they behave online without either power or 
mandate. Jabou, you have vigorously argued your beliefs online but I 
don?t remember you constantly forcing your beliefs and trying to force 
people to accept them and constantly condemning them for refusing to do 
so. Other people have vociferously condemned injustice and argued their 
points of view without condemning people for refusing to accept their 
viewpoints. They have presented and defended their case and then let 
the people choose what they want and finally agreed to disagree.

I don?t disagree with the need for enlightenment. That is why I am a 
PDOIS sympathizer. Thanks again for your contributions. I hope I have 
addressed the issues you raised. Have a good day.


----Original Message----
From: [log in to unmask]
Date: 2009-03-14 17:51 
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Subj: Re: [&gt;-&lt;] Of Militants, Cowards and Fence-sitters: 
Disaporan Gambians and the Political Situation in Gambia


Always appreciate your insight and input and hope you will keep it 
Having said that,  I must say that the commentary by LJ Darboe in 
response to your article expresses exactly my sentiments on the points 
you raised in your article.

The fact is that tyranny is tyranny by any definition and good 
governance is good governance and pacifying tyrants by "masla" or 
creating and living in our own fantasy shell of ignoring facts and 
accepting fantasy explanations that we know are blatant lies such as 
when fellow Gambians were clearly murdered as in the case of Daba 
Marenah and co. will not move us forward. While we may understand that 
those who are closer in proximity to the tyrant government of Yaya 
Jammeh are less free to express themselves for fear of reprisal, we 
cannot afford to have divided camps in how we view tyranny and why it 
has to take all of us, in and outside of The Gambia being on the same 
page to defeat it.

I am also of the firm belief that those of us who are able to speak  
without fear have a responsibility to do so and yes indeed, we speak 
for those who cannot or are too timid to do so, or even out of sheer 
ignorance and even if they do not recognize or appreciate this.

The late Malcolm X used to say of those Black folks who were too 
to be identified with the Black Power movement and eventually teh 
rights movement that20" we will set you free, even if we have to stuff 
freedom down your throats".  Those same Black folks out of fear, 
isolated self interest and pure ignorance even went as far as speaking 
out against and labeling people like Malcolm X as trouble makers even 
though all they were engaged in was having the courage to speak out 
against an injustice and humiliation that those same people opposing 
them were living on a daily basis. Today, how Black folks appreciate 
and revel in that freedom for which Malcolm X and co., the so-called 
trouble makers of that time were the pioneers fought and died to 
accomplish and that they were motivated by nothing more than a love 
their people and a desire to see them accorded equal rights. Those of 
us who speak out want the same for our people and although it may not 
be realized and appreciated, it is a duty that those who are able must 
undertake and we represent the interest of even those who think that 
do not.

People chose to "masla" only for two reasons, selfish personal gain 
while disregarding the suffering of their neighbors or lack of 
knowledge as to what constitutes good governance and the fact that we 
cannot consider ourselves to have prospered if we are only concerned 
about our own individual well being.
Those who choose to "masla" must be enlightened about the fact that 
there is a better way that will benefit all and that it takes the 
ition and acceptance of the reality of our collective situation 
under Yaya Jammeh's tyrannical regime to liberate our country from 
tyranny and that all will  truly benefit only when that happens. All 
our people must be educated to the fact that although those on the 
ground must undertake their daily survival, they do not have to like 
the conditions that take away their dignity and must do whatever they 
can, even if not outwardly, then internally and clandestinely if 
possible so that we are all on the same page because that is the only 
way we can move forward to accomplish any meaningful change.
I will also add that even those of us outside the country are affected 
profoundly because we are separated from our loved ones and extended 
families and have no idea when we will see them and will undoubtedly 
loose and have lost loved ones before we are able to set eyes on them 
Jabou Joh
LJ Darboe wrote:

"On first impression, your observation appears not to embody any 
controversy, but its orchestral harmony may collapse on further 
examination. Are we right in assuming that the average "Samba or 
is unconcerned about the human rights violations that are fixtures of 
Gambian public life, that he believes Daba Marena and others escaped 
whilst being transferred from Mile 2 Central Prisons to wherever, 
notwithstanding being completely shackled? I take the view that human 
beings are generally endowed with t
he ability to distinguish right from 
wrong, and this may be the only explanation for murderous dictators 
engaging in generous displays of affection toward their children and 
spouses, even as they subject the children and spouses of others to 
great trauma through all manner of gratuitous brutality. I contend for 
the proposition that the average "Samba or Demba" embraces the view 
that Daba Marena's whereabouts is a responsibility properly assigned 
the Professor and his government.

Although there may be an argument for expediency in particular 
circumstances, it should be rejected as a general philosophy of life. 
The "average Samba or Demba" hustled what he could out of Jawara, and 
he is now wilfully partaking in the excesses of the Professor. I am 
unsure as to what "average" denotes, but urge that you examine Barmy 
Jagne's declaration on the Mighty that the Professor is the preeminent 
propounder of of Pan Africanism among the current coterie of African 
leaders. This kind of pronouncement by a resident of the United States 
of America is more akin to wilful disregard than cluelessness. Barmy's 
deliberate mis-analysis places him in the same category with your 
"average Samba and Demba" who, with faculties intact, is fully aware 
the unacceptable human rights situation that obtains in the 

Transiting to what Yusupha said on return from a Gambian visit some 
years ago, the concern was less with the veracit
y of his factual 
narration, and more with the prognosis he suggested for the opposition 
segment of Diaspora Gambia. Yusupha's central contention was that  in 
the battle for the hearts and minds of the Gambian electorate, the 
opposition should embark on some community development efforts to 
counter the strides mad by the Professor, especially on visible 
infrastructure such as roads. If the opposition cannot fund serious 
election campaigns, I do not see how it could come up with the 
humongous amounts necessary to challenge on development projects 
properly the responsibility of the State. Even if such funds are 
source-able, we must remember that with a totalitarian system, the 
opposition would be prevented, with force, if need be, from embarking 
on any independent development initiative. The police power resides 
with the State, and the Professor is not known for his timid 
of national power.

At the time, and in eloquent support of Yusupha's prognosis, Ousman 
Gagigo argued that all of the Professor's victims were in The Gambia. 
Even after the intervention of some three years worth of weeks and 
months, Ousman's contention stays with me for the simple reason that 
the Professor's policies are draining the country of capacity for 
development. Those who are staying out of the country because they 
to are as much victims as  anyone within territorial Gambia. I accept 
there is a difference in so far as bodily integr
ity is concerned, but a 
wasted pool of talent is a tragedy on both the personal and national 

Moving The Gambia forward means nothing less that dislodging the 
Professor's government from power. Our national struggle is about the 
political values we want at the core of our governance system. On the 
one hand are governmental minimalism, and constitutionalism within the 
broader context of the rule of law in a democratic society. On the 
other hand is totalitarianism that rejects, any, and all restraint on 
its power. As far as the Professor is concerned, there is no middle 

-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 9:38 am
Subject: Re: [>-<] Of Militants, Cowards and Fence-sitters: Disaporan 
Gambians and the Political Situation in Gambia


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