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Rhonda Partain <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 9 Sep 2008 15:51:02 -0400
text/plain (148 lines)
Thanks....I needed that squeeze.......

-----Original Message-----
From: The Electronic Church [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Pat Ferguson
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 3:28 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Let's Get Rich Together

Dear Rhonda,

I'm sorry to hear that. Know that you are loved, and you are in my

Here's a big squeeze for you.

Pat Ferguson

At 11:22 AM 9/7/2008, you wrote:
>Well......that explains it then!
>My company sent me a "we regret to inform you that because of a
>in work we will no longer wish you to work for us......." email
>Thursday! Should have had that number 8 in my pocket!!!
>Goodness! The silly stuff folks's really sad when you
>think about it....people are searching for hope, for an answer, and
>are just looking in the wrong place...
>Jesus has always been the answer....some just don't know that yet!!!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: The Electronic Church [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
>Behalf Of Phil Scovell
>Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 6:33 PM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Let's Get Rich Together
>The Lucky Number 8
>By Phil Scovell
>      Listening to a late night national talk show, they announced
>they were having the Numbers Lady as their next hour's guest.  I'd
>heard her before and was far from impressed but I wasn't sleepy
>enough to go to bed yet, so I decided to wait passed the national
>news report on the hour, just a few minutes away, and then see
>what she had to say this go around.
>      This self confessed astrologist, and numbers expert, takes
>calls from the public, and using their name, associates numbers to
>them and predicts their future, or otherwise, gives psychic advice
>to assist in improving their lives.  That sounds ok, doesn't it?
>I mean, if you are doing nothing but help people improve their
>lives, how could that be wrong?  Anyhow,  her instructions is to
>write, or print, the #8 on a piece of paper, or a small card, and
>carry it, at all times, in your pocket, purse, or billfold.  Any
>place on your person is ok, she says.  The #8, according to this
>lady, is our lucky number, or the number which brings about
>fortune, and she does this on the air to prove to people that she
>knows what she is talking about.  I've even heard the host of
>some of these talk shows, report that they tried it, and two days
>later, they received big checks in the mail from one of their
>investments; directly attributing it to the fact they were
>carrying the lucky #8 in their pocket.  The result of that story
>is pretty obvious, I mean, the check was already in the mail, but
>it is still, so far, a free country, so he can believe whatever he
>      The recent night I heard her on, the host read an email from
>a listener who said he had tried the lucky #8 in his pocket for
>several weeks and absolutely nothing had changed in his life.  I
>reached over and turned up the radio because I wondered how she
>might talk herself out of this one.  I have learned, over the
>years, that astrologers and psychics, always have a way out, a
>trap door if you please, which they can drop through when, what
>they are promoting, doesn't work.  This lady was no different and
>her explanation was so utterly transparent, I had to laugh out
>loud.  She said that the reason this man's lucky #8 didn't work,
>and wasn't working, was that the #8 is a polarized number.  That
>is to say, it can be negative or positive in its effect.  Neutral,
>I suppose, too, although she didn't exactly explain it that way.
>She said that if you believed, yes, that was exactly the word she
>used, that if you believe the #8 would work, it would, indeed,
>work.  If you didn't believe, it wouldn't work.  Now there's
>something you can hang your hat on and live your life by.  She
>further explained that if you tried it for a few weeks, and you
>didn't improve financially, romantically, and any other form of
>prosperity, then it was clear you weren't believing.  She had an
>answer on how to change this, fortunately, so I turned up the
>radio even louder.  I mean, I certainly didn't want to miss this
>further explanation.
>      She said that the negativity in your mind needed to be
>turned, that is, converted, to a positive influence in order to
>cause the #8 to work for you.  You did this by a confession.  I
>forget the exact sentence now, or phrase, but it was something
>like, "I am always successful and prosperous.  I always have money
>to spend and to pay my bills.  I am never financially lacking."
>If, she explained, you did this for 15 minutes daily for several
>months, six months sticks in my mind right now but perhaps it was
>less, it would reprogram your negative thinking brain into a
>positive effective force that, in turn, would charge the figure 8
>you carried in your pocket or purse to do astounding things for
>you financially.
>      Now, I know where psychics got this idea because they all are
>copiers and not originators.  If you doubt what I just said, read
>the Bible, especially the book of Revelation, and right down all
>the copycat things you see the Enemy doing that resembles
>something God has already done.  It's a lot because they Enemy is
>not a creator; he can only copy God.
>      Moral of the story.  I now carry around a card in my pocket
>that has the number, 10,000,000 because that is my lucky number.
>I'm going to say, "I am a millionaire worth 10,000,000 dollars,"
>every day for the next 30 years.  Yes, I am confident it will
>work.  If it doesn't, I'll already likely be dead and since you
>can't take it with you, it won't make much difference.
>It Sounds Like God To Me.
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>Database version: 5.10650e

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