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Ray Campbell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Ray Campbell <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Jun 2008 10:04:02 -0500
text/plain (49 lines)

Well, part 2 of my client's saga with renewing his AVG 7.5 license.  He
finally agreed to use his credit card on-line to renew the license.  I
got on the phone with him to do this.
1.  He got a dialog saying his license had expired.  I had him press
space bar on the Buy Renewal button.
2.  Next, we came to a dialog where he could choose to either buy
renewal on-line or renew on-line, can't remember which.
3.  After he hit space bar on this button, he got to a web page that
offered the choice of renewal of his license.  I had him press enter on
4.  We then came to a page that gave a choice of either renew and cross
upgrade, or, renew current product.  He wanted to renew his current
product, so I had him press enter on that link.
5.  A page came up where my client needed to put in his customer
information.  He filled in all of the required fields -- contact
information, credit card information, ETC.  The radio button which said
the product is licensed to an individual was already checked which is
what we wanted.
6.  Here's where our problem comes in.  He hit space bar on the next
button.  All it did when he did this was bring up the exact same screen
where he needed to type in his customer information again.  We cannot
get past this screen for whatever reason.  He cannot see if there are
any errors marked in a certain color because he is totally blind.

Anyone have any ideas on what might be going on?


Ray Campbell, Help Desk Technician
Adaptive Technology Center
Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired
1850 W. Roosevelt Road
Chicago, IL  60608
312-997-3651 (Voice/Relay) or
888-825-0080 (voice/Relay)
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AIM Screen Name: tclhelp

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