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Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 31 Aug 2008 21:41:03 -0700
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ken barber <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (213 lines)
like you said in your city or state someone whoulf have at least been looking in a book. they sit on their thumbs down there. 

--- On Sun, 8/31/08, Tamar Raine <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> From: Tamar Raine <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: Republicans altering convention
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Date: Sunday, August 31, 2008, 11:04 PM
> Okay, Kyle, I don't understand why (at the time) nobody
> told Naglin or Gov. Blaanco, that they had to declare a
> state of emergency before they could get federal
> assistance??  I really wonder why no advosors told them. If
> my city or state were getting flooded I would be on the
> phone or pulling out a book to look up procedure!   
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> http://www.zazzle.com/TamarMag*
> Tamar Mag Raine
> [log in to unmask]
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Kathy <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 7:39:02 PM
> Subject: Re: Republicans altering convention
> While I'm loathe to give the Republicans any credit, I
> have to admit I 
> side with you on this one, Kyle.  FEMA, et al, have been
> prepping for 
> the Next Big Storm since Katrina, and it's not their
> fault Gustav 
> happened the same time as their convention and you're
> absolutely right 
> -- the NOLA officials dropped the ball big time with
> Katrina.  It takes 
> time and money to rebuild and what with all the fraud and
> panc three 
> years ago, I can see why it's taking time to verify
> things and make sure 
> things (such as the levees) work. The locals seem to be
> stepping up to 
> the plate this time as they damn should.
> What people don't remember is that New Orleans has had
> floods ever since 
> it was established by the French in 1718 - it survived them
> all and will 
> survive as long as there are people who are willing to live
> there.  
> Personally you couldn't pay me to live there or
> anywhere near the 
> Mississippi, but it's a great place to visit any time
> of the year 
> (except September of course).
> Kat
> Cleveland, Kyle E. wrote:
> > You're kidding, right?  You're saying that
> the logistics involved in dealing with this hurricane
> aren't taxing government transportation
> infrastructure?  Ergo, that the fact that public officials
> may not be able to go to Minneapolis because resources are
> being staged to deal with Gustav--AS THEY WERE WITH KATRINA
> THREE YEARS AGO???? (Yes, I'm shouting!).  Let me
> 'splain this again:  Federal resources CANNOT be used,
> according to the National Response Plan (in effect before
> Katrina), until local and then state resources have been
> exhausted).  Local and State officials need to request a
> Declaration of Disaster before federal resources can be
> used.  The blame for Katrina's effects on NOLA lies
> squarely at the doorsteps of Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco.
> >  
> > Please, Google the "National Response Plan"
> (NRP).  The DHS/FEMA website will give you a basic
> understanding of how this business works.  It doesn't
> have a *&^%^!-ing thing to do with the "sensitivity
> to folks in Louisiana".
> >  
> > Lawton Chiles (Florida governor during Andrew) failed
> to follow the existing requirement that the state executive
> MUST declare a disaster and make the request for federal
> aid--especially military aid--before Federal resources can
> be dispatched.  US Marines from Mayport NAS had Water
> Buffalos (mobile potable water tanks) staged at the fence at
> Homestead AFB to fill Homestead's resident's water
> containers.  They could not fill the containers because
> Chiles had not followed the simple procedures that would
> have allowed federal troops to provide assistance.  At the
> time, the Coast Guard was not "technically" part
> of the US Armed Forces and their units could be
> self-dispatched to provide aid.  Federal troops, such as
> the Marines, must follow narrow guidelines to use military
> equipment and personnel in non-Federal operations (ref. U.S.
> Code Title 32).
> >  
> > My God, man, do you think that there is a political
> agenda behind everything that "the Republicans"
> do?  Sometimes, just sometimes, Republican politicians
> actually do their jobs according to the laws set down before
> them.  Democrats work the same way.  Granted, both work
> the system, but there are some parts of Federal law that are
> so black and white that the system overides any political
> machinations.
> >  
> > I invite you to study the chonology of Katrina's
> effect on Mississippi and how Gov. Haley Barbour handled his
> crisis.  I suppose, though, since Barbour is a Republican,
> it was the power of the "vast right-wing
> conspiracy" that forced him to follow the guidelines of
> the NRP, thus minimizing the response and recovery efforts
> in his state.
> >  
> > Kyle
> >
> >  
> >
> >  
> >
> > "The views expressed here are mine and do not
> reflect the official position of my employer or the
> organization through which the Internet was accessed"
> >
> >  
> >  
> >
> > ________________________________
> >
> > From: Cerebral Palsy List on behalf of Anthony Arnold
> > Sent: Sun 8/31/2008 7:02 PM
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: Republicans altering convention
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm liking how the Republicans are altering their
> convention to show
> > sensitivity to the folks in Louisiana and offering
> assistance. Do they think
> > by responding quicker, we are going to forget about 3
> years ago? I don't
> > know about any of you, but I am going to vote for
> Obama based on the past 8
> > years not the past 2 months. I feel for the folks in
> Louisiana, but the
> > Republicans are a different story.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Anthony Arnold
> > Remote Troubleshooter for PRC
> >
> > 1-800-262-1984 ext. 494
> >
> > www.anthonyarnold.net
> <http://www.anthonyarnold.net/>
> > Proud Member of Speak Share
> <http://www.speakshare.com/>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -----------------------
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