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Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 25 Aug 2007 12:58:20 -0700
Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
ken barber <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (201 lines)
also in the beginning the state legislatures appointed
the senators. 

--- kat <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I should add that they are selected to represent
> their districts and 
> theoretically, class shouldn't have mattered but
> considering most 
> Americans then couldn't read or write, it was
> usually  the wealhier and 
> more educated citizens who were selected for the
> Electoral College.
> Kat
> kat wrote:
> > Yes I did - the concept of the right to vote is
> relatively new in the 
> > scheme of history.  Our "Founding Fathers' didn't
> trust the common 
> > citizens to decide the leaders but left it up to
> the Electoral 
> > College, whose body was then made up of the
> gentlemen farmers and 
> > leaders of the communities they professed to
> represent.
> >
> > Kat
> >
> > ken barber wrote:
> >> it has always been the electorial college from
> the
> >> beginning.
> >>
> >>  did you know that the constitution does not
> garantee
> >> the "right to vote?"
> >>
> >> --- kat <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >>
> >>  
> >>> Yes but let's face it - politics has become so
> much
> >>> marketing to the masses that you have to appeal
> to the widest segment
> >>> of the population to win -- and then if the
> majority isn't big enough,
> >>> it's up to the Electoral College and then the
> Supreme Court.
> >>>
> >>> Kat
> >>>
> >>> Linda Walker wrote:
> >>>    
> >>>> Sorry I disagree. It's up to the parties to
> lead
> >>>>       
> >>> the people by giving    
> >>>> them the hard truth, not just talking to win. I
> am
> >>>>       
> >>> disgusted with the    
> >>>> Democrats for not standing strongly for peace
> and
> >>>>       
> >>> negotiation over    
> >>>> war. I like Gore. I'd love to see Kerry with
> his
> >>>>       
> >>> exotic wife as First    
> >>>> Lady and I like Edwards best right now.
> >>>> I'm scared of Romney of course and everyone
> should
> >>>>       
> >>> go see September    
> >>>> Dawn, the movie about the Mormon massacre of an
> >>>>       
> >>> immigrant train. This    
> >>>> is still how the fundamentalists believe and it
> is
> >>>>       
> >>> frightening. Altho    
> >>>> some commentators have said this is not the
> >>>>       
> >>> Mormons and criticized the    
> >>>> wording of the sermons in the movie the fact is
> >>>>       
> >>> they used the sermons    
> >>>> practically word for word and Brigham Youngs
> >>>>       
> >>> bloody sermons are    
> >>>> available on the net. 1857 was a brutal period
> in
> >>>>       
> >>> the history of the    
> >>>> Mormons and they have still not removed blood
> >>>>       
> >>> atonement doctrine from    
> >>>> their so called good books.
> >>>>
> >>>> At 12:01 PM 8/25/2007, you wrote:
> >>>>      
> >>>>> Com'on you know she can't say anything
> definite.         
> >>> She's got a nomination
> >>>    
> >>>>> to win first and then an election. I really do
> >>>>>         
> >>> wish Gore would run
> >>>    
> >>>>> because I like his environmental policy the
> best.
> >>>>>         
> >>>  We wuz robbed in
> >>>    
> >>>>> 2000.  Yes, I'm still angry about that.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Kat
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Linda Walker wrote:
> >>>>>        
> >>>>>> I don't like Hilary for this reason. She has
> >>>>>>           
> >>> been wishy washy on the
> >>>    
> >>>>>> war. I will vote for anyone who voted against
> >>>>>>           
> >>> the war from the
> >>>    
> >>>>>> beginning. Probably won't have a choice to do
> >>>>>>           
> >>> that though so I will
> >>>    
> >>>>>> vote for the lesser of two evils again. If
> only
> >>>>>>           
> >>> we could have back
> >>>    
> >>>>>> those good old Ike Republicans I might even
> >>>>>>           
> >>> vote for them.
> >>>    
> >>>>>> At 11:42 AM 8/25/2007, you wrote:
> >>>>>>          
> >>>>>>> Ken, we are in the *ss so far we can't see
> >>>>>>>             
> >>> daylight anymore. Hillary
> >>>    
> >>>>>>> knows this.  Eisenhower was right when he
> >>>>>>>             
> >>> criticized the American
> >>>    
> >>>>>>> military industrial corporations. For those
> >>>>>>>             
> >>> too young to remember:
> >>>     
> >>
> >>  
> >>>>>>> For a Republican, Ike was wise.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> ---- Original message ----
> >>>>>>>            
> >>>>>>>> Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 10:52:43 -0700
> >>>>>>>> From: ken barber <[log in to unmask]>
> >>>>>>>> Subject: Re: It's things like this...
> >>>>>>>> To: [log in to unmask]
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> may i ask why hilery will not commit to
> >>>>>>>>               
> >>> taking all
> >>>     
> >>>>>>>> troops out of iraq. inquiring mind.....
> >
> -----------------------
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