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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Donna &/or Kieran <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 15 Mar 2008 10:22:23 -0500
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Donna &/or Kieran <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Following advice from list members, I went to the Greenleaf store and was 
not pleased when I saw their salad bar.  The one place I know I can eat in 
Nashville doesn't seem to have much in the way of gluten containing items in 
their salad bar, but Greenleaf's had croutons, couscous, and barley 
surrounded by other salad items.  It wouldn't have been so bad if they'd all 
been bunched together.  So I spoke to the guy behind the counter who said 
no, there was nothing there he would advise me to eat.  His girlfriend has 
CD and works in the sushi bar, which is safe enough but was closed at that 
hour.  I asked about the prepared foods served out of big dishes, and the 
guy working there said that he knew some of them were GF but not which ones. 
I figured that if he didn't know any more than that, it was better not to 
risk it.  THEN I would up talking to an employee who used to be their GF 
baker before the place changed hands.  She said there was way too much flour 
from the pizza dough to even consider any food made or handled in that part 
of the store.  I suggested she see if they would let her bake in the sushi 
bar section when it was closed, but it's too small.  We discussed what a 
shame it is that such a place cares no more about what could be a very 
faithful customer base.  Then I ate a bar I had handy in my pocket while my 
husband ate some kind of pasta stuff.
    Next night we went to a place called The Curry Pot, where I talked with 
the owner about what gluten is.  He learned that "all purpose flour" is made 
from wheat.  Then he said the dosas were traditionally made from lentils and 
rice and the filling would be fine.  They also brought some lentil soup and 
pappadums and sauces for dipping.  The food was WONDERFUL, but I don't know 
if the problems I had the next day were from gluten, or hot peppers, or my 
period starting unexpectedly when I thought I was well into menopause.  I 
had the runs and was in a daze (something that happens on the first day of 
my period).  Could have been gluten, could have been the other factors. 
There were none of the usual gluten aches and pains.  But I will say that if 
I lived in Chattanooga, I would sure spend some time with those people till 
they had the GF stuff down pat.  The food was exceptional.  Mind you, I have 
very little restaurant experience, but it wasn't the usual MSG enhanced 
    Another day we went for lunch to The Big River, where I was prepared to 
drink my coffee and watch my companions eat.  I did ask about a few items on 
the menu and the waiter went to ask the cook.  He came back and suggested 
the chicken and grilled veggies.  I asked, "And are these veggies going to 
be grilled right where a bunch of stuff with gluten have been cooked?"  He 
answered hastily, "Oh no, they clean off the grill and use fresh utensils." 
I was really impressed that he knew what he was talking about, but I added, 
"And they aren't going to top them off with soy sauce either?"  He said 
definitely not.  So I just got the veggies, and they were fantastic, all I 
could have eaten anyway.
    The thing that I don't think most restaurants realize is that if just 
one person in a couple or family or group of friends requires GF food, they 
will attract the entire party by offering what that one person needs. 
Donna in Cookeville 

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