Paleolithic Eating Support List


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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 10 Jan 2008 15:57:25 -0800
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Although I have not done the analysis and therefore don't know the numbers, I find it hard to believe that living out of balance with nature is somehow better to the planet than living in keeping with nature.  I know the argument is that we now have too many on the planet for us to actually balance with nature, but as I said, I have not looked at the numbers.
  Living on the paleo diet is one way I try to reconcile my species with nature.  There are others as well.  
  I fear for the public falling for the Vegan message.  It is wrong on so many levels.   I believe that it is so wrong for humankind and the planet (potentially turning back brain evolution not to mention eliminating the rationale for animals and humans living together) that I'm willing to evangelize for the paleo diet without having run the numbers.
  So far, for me, the paleo diet has pushed me toward better quality food and I am happy to do my best to not support factory farming.  I understand that this may not now be an option for everyone.  But the history of humankind is the history of finding ways to make food cheaper and more plentiful.  I think that if we applied ourselves to that problem under the given of a paleo diet (that which is most benefiicial for the health of the species), who knows what we might accomplish.

Lynnet Bannion <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
  On Wed, 09 Jan 2008 16:56:09 -0700, JK Gatto 


> Nonsense.
> Agreed. Does man really believe he can alter the entire planet by what 
> he does or doesn't do, whether it be cars, cows, or consumption? Such 
> horsepucky and monumental ego. This is pure power politics and a huge 
> deep pocket for taxes and other extortions. We are bloody ants on the 
> planet in comparison to the overall picture. Oliva
I'm sorry, Oliva. More than 6 billion of us little ants, pouring out 
pollution, poisons, CO2, etc., onto this planet, can make a difference. 
Half the biological productivity of
the planet is already going to feed humans. If we were living a paleo 
life (all 5 million of us that the Earth could support this way) we would 
have NO impact on the climate, but that's not the case.

And we all know where the power politics comes into play: for the benefit 
of the mega-corporations and the hyper-rich, not some poor slob trying to 
reduce his carbon footprint.

I'm sorry, I know this is off-topic, but I just couldn't let it pass. I 
to shut up about it now.


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