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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
"Day, Wally" <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 11 Jun 2009 17:26:46 -0600
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Geoff sez:

>For example it's been suggested by many scientists  that highly processed=
>foods are a key factor behind obesity=2C so there's no reason to suppose 
>that less-heavily processed foods such as boiled grassfed meats  don't also =
>cause obesity in a similiar fashion.

There's no reason to assume that they do either. 

>It's interesting also=2C that there is =
>mention in various places of the addictive nature of processed foods:-

Non-sequitur.Has nothing to do with the article.

>as that relates to my other points made re addictive substances found in co=
>oked-foods which over-stimulate appetite. I noticed this=2C myself=2C in th=
>e past.I'm sure members have noticed=2C like myself=2C that it's much easie=

Again, it has nothing to do with the article. There were no Pringles or M&Ms back then. The article was about cooked vs. non-cooked in the paleolithic.

>Now=2C I'll grant that constant high activity levels can reduce weight etc.=
>=2C but this is only easily achievable in tribal cultures like in Palaeo ti=
>mes=2C where daily activity levels were high enough to counter any weight-g=
>aining effect of cooked-foods.

Which seems to supoprt Wrangham's hypothesis that Paleos could have adopted cooking in order to ingest more calories. More calories per meal = more meals available for everyone.

Robert chimes in:

> ate too much (at least in terms of calories). Raw foods=2C by their very=
> nature=2C are primarily meat and veggies=2C and it's pretty hard to overe=
at on=20
> raw meat and veggies.

Maybe. I'll grant veggies because of their nature. But I find it easy to overindulge on meats - whether cooked or raw.

>Play.  (That last one is an easy, fun, and cheap way to get some good
>physical activity, but so few adults do it.)

Play with abandon like your dog plays. That will do it :) Me, I lift weights and put 

Geoff adds:

>I once had some chats with my now-deceased father=2C at various times=2C wh=
>o told me how he would go in for various blue-collar jobs=2C in his youth=
>=2C involving lifting great weights throughout the day(an example being job=
>s at railway-stations lifting heavy weights constantly). 

In college I knew several (American) football players who tried to get jobs at the local grocery store "throwing freight" for the same reason. Of course, I would also see them occasionally pushing cars around parking lots :)

> I was c.110 kg on a SAD-diet including dairy al=
>ong with a massive potbelly etc.=2C and ended up between 85 to 90kg on a ra=

At the same time, we used to have a subscriber named Philip Thrift (I still don't know whatever happened to him) who did pretty much the same thing on a mostly cooked paleo diet. I believe he reported losing 20 or so lbs of fat and replacing it with muscle. He cooked everything with a microwave.

Just sayin...