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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 24 May 2009 08:49:07 -0500
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
"Kristina K. Carlton" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
Hi Marilyn,

I actually switched to low carb eating in 1996 and to a paleo type diet in
2003. I have never been strict paleo though in that I have continued to take
thyroid meds and supplements and I used to cheat about once a week,
sometimes less. What is strange in my opinion is that I felt AWESOME in
July/August last year. I reacted to hardly any foods and then in August I
started reacting to eggs. In September I noticed a reaction to beef and
lamb. Then came pork and on it went. In September I spent 14 days with
abdominal distention. It went away 4 days then came back 29 days. Since I
was used to cyclical abdominal distention due to hormones, I figured it was
hormonal. But then in November the abdominal distention went from cyclical
to constant and since then I have been going down hill.

The latest development is my elevated heart rate. I am not sure what to make
of it. I had an echocardiogram on Thursday but won't get the results until

My guess is that the leaky gut test is incorrect. I talked to an old friend
of mine in Germany who is a naturopath. She feels that there is no way that
you can have food intolerances but NOT have leaky gut. I sort of have to
agree. How else would fungi cause food intolerances.

I do feel miserable right now and every day is a struggle. I have been
dealing with health issues for a while now but it has always been
manageable. I have been able to eat out, go on vacation, and still enjoy
myself. Now going out is a chore. Going on vacation is stressful. I just
want to be left alone and stay home which makes me sad.


".Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free."
John 8:32

-----Original Message-----
From: Paleolithic Eating Support List [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Marilyn Harris
Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2009 8:19 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: fungal overgrowth

Whatever you do I certainly hope you get better - from your posts you seem 
to be suffering way too much!!

I am guessing that your negative leaky gut result on your test is caused by 
your recent conversion to a more paleo-type diet, and the positive fungii 
results indicate earlier leakage before the dietary change...

Anyway, good luck in whichever route you take...


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