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Thu, 31 Jul 2008 08:33:24 -0500
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Jim Swayze <[log in to unmask]>
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (124 lines)
Cordain is great but in my opinion fails to acknowledge that, while  
wild meat is naturally lower in fat than modern grainfed meat,  
mankind selected the fattier parts of the carcass for consumption.   
But you'd go a long way toward health, as your experience has shown,  
following Cordain's advice to a T.  He deserves no bashing, just a  
mild correction IMHO.

On Jul 31, 2008, at 6:58 AM, Stanevich, Ron L wrote:

> Hello,
> I've been following Cordain's recommendations for about a year now.
> More so with his Athlete's book as I'm a competitive cyclist, and I've
> had great success with it.
> I have been following this email group for several months now... "long
> time follower first time sender".
> I'm curious as to why so many people bash Cordain.  I understand where
> one may disagree and I think it's great that everyone can simply agree
> to disagree.
> But to say..."That Cordain should be locked up".... I'm curious  
> Ashley,
> (and it's non of my business) what is your expertise in this area and
> nutrition in general?
> I do not want to pick on the author, but Neanderthin was published  
> when?
> 1996 or something like that.  (I have not read it as it's pretty
> difficult to find)  Whatever one may say about Cordain and his  
> ideas...
> he does seem to back it up with pretty good and current research. yes
> I'm sure there's plenty of research to say otherwise... Remember in  
> Good
> Calories Bad Calories how Taube talks about all the studies that  
> caused
> us to go down the wrong path, or at least a not as efficient path?   
> It's
> good to realize that two different people can read the same studies  
> and
> come to two different conclusions is often the case.
> I'm just curious if more people bash Cordian and Lean meats due to the
> fact they like their steaks marbled?  And their salads wilted with  
> bacon
> grease.  It's common sense that the animals of the day didn't just  
> graze
> around like cows and pigs do today.  If anyone has ever eaten wild  
> boar
> it's nowhere near as fat as the bacon you see at Krogers, or if you've
> ever ate a wild turkey... same thing.  I feel Cordain wants the fat
> trimmed because of the society we live in today is different than back
> then... animals had to run for their lives, etc... the food they ate
> then is different than now, and that it's the nutritional content of
> animals today versus the nutritional content of animals back then.
> That's my thought..  Cordain's advice has done wonders for me, and  
> he is
> constantly out there promoting this diet, doing research, sending out
> free newsletters, etc...
> I really wish some of these people that bash him would state their
> reasons for bashing him, his book is more current, his studies are  
> more
> current, etc..   Plus I would not bash Neanderthin as that author  
> surely
> knows more about what he's talking about than I ever could... it's not
> my expertise.
> But that's my $0.02,  Ashley, hope you are not offended, as I was not
> intentionally calling you out, it's just your phrase very well sums up
> what appears to be several peoples opinions about Cordain..  I
> personally think they are misguided, but in life there are more ways
> than one to remove the epidermis layer of a feline.  Cordain versus
> (insert favorite author here) is much the same way I feel.
> Cordain has worked for me, so I'll side with him.
> (sorry in a rush, didn't check my spelling)
> Ron Stanevich, PE
> District One, Design Engineer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paleolithic Eating Support List
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Ashley Moran
> Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 5:12 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Newbie Question - Organ Meats
> On Jul 31, 2008, at 2:31 am, Elizabeth Hawxhurst wrote:
>> Ray does mention trimming meat in Neanderthin, BUT there is a
>> caveat.  The
>> only place in the book where it mentions trimming fat is in the
>> chapter
>> "Before Getting Started on Neanderthin" and there is a footnote on
>> page 79
>> of my paperback that says that the discussion of fats in that
>> chapter is
>> based on conversations with Dr. Cordain.  So it's really Cordain
>> recommending that fat be trimmed and not Ray himself.  I wish Ray
>> hadn't
>> included that bit with Cordain's ideas in it because it seems to run
>> so
>> counter to the rest of the book and then gets misconstrued as being
>> Ray's idea.
> Hi Elizabeth
> Thanks, I feel sane again now :)
> Personally, I think Cordain should be locked up for promoting people
> eat lean meat.  It is the single biggest mistake ever made in a paleo
> book!  God only knows how many people have experienced rabbit
> starvation trying to follow his recommendations and came to the
> conclusion paleo is wrong.
> Cheers
> Ashley