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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 10 Apr 2008 19:46:24 -0500
ryan blokzyl <[log in to unmask]>
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ryan blokzyl <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (118 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Okay so I am adding another mystery symptom on to my list for my 3 1/2 year
old son- Ryan.  I don't think this has anythgin to do with Celiac but I have
gotten good advice/info in the past so thought I would put this out there
too-  in case anyone else has experienced this or if it is related to his
other health issues??? .

(my origianl e-mail with Ryans symptoms are below this e-mail)

So yesterday afternoon ryan was complaining his testciles were hurting.  He
could not walk and was limping and in pain.  A few hours later the scrotum
was swollen and very bruised.  We went to the ER ( a childrens hospital) and
they did an ultrasound , urinalysis and bloodwork and nothing was abnormal.

They asked if he had any trauma yesterday or if anyone  could have hit
him???  I was home with him all morning and nothing unusal happened and he
didnt cry or anything...

I followed up with our pediatrician this mornign but they are unsure what
could have happened  and we are supposed to watch him and if he gets worse
go back to the hospital.  But he was running around today and doing much
much better. Still very bruised but he can run etc...


> Sender:       Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List
> <[log in to unmask]>
> Poster:       ryan blokzyl <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject:      what could be going on?
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------
> <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to
> your situation.>>
> Hello Everyone,
> I have written a few times about my 3 1/2 year old son and gotten many
> replies on things to look for or test for so I thnak you.
> I am not sure
> where to start but things are still not going all that well
> for Ryan.  He has Celiac and has been gluten free for 2
> years.  He has been to a slew of doctors and gotten many
> tests done and bloodwork but we still can not pin point anything.
> Here are his symptoms:
>   He says his legs are tired from walking  (it seems worse
> when he is tired or after al ot of exercise)
>   Doesnt always like to climb stairs
>   Hungry all the time
>  Bruises easily
> Don't get me wrong though he is an active little boy too-  he
> goes to soccer class once a week and we play at the park a
> lot and he runs aroudn the house.  But he complains a bit too
> much about his legs being tired and wants me to carry him.
> When this happens he is also irritable and very sensitive.
> He cries easily and soemtimes seems sensitive to be picking
> him up by his arms and says that hurts.
> His platlets were very low over christmas break and he was
> anemic after a virus and the flu and was admitted to the
> hospital and also checked for leukemia.  Since then he has
> been to the hematologist 3 times for checks and his platelets
> are normal.  His hemoglobin is 10.4 and Hematocrit is 32.
> His SED rate has been elevated-  (between  40-70) but they
> say that can be high when they have a virus or cold or sore
> throat  etc...  and he has had the sniffles this winter.
> At the time of admittance he also had a rash and hives and
> red streaks remained for a few montsh which they called
> (dermatographai)
> His vit D levels were normal.
> Blood sugar is normal
> We jsut saw the rheumatologist and he is doing   a few muscle protein
> tests:  LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) and CPK (creatine kinase)
>   I dont knwo much about that but jsut read al ittle bit
> about it.  Has anyone experienced or had muscle diseases???
> They are checking for lupus , myalgia/myositis,  ITP  and
> doing another CBC,  TSH,  free T4,  fibrinogen.
> Ryan has also had a CT of his abdomen and pelvis and chest
> and we saw an orthopedist and podiatrist.
> Just wanted to gather more info and was wondering if anyone
> had any other insight on what coudl be going on or what to
> test for or questiosn to ask the doctor.
> His diet is VERY restricted and I am keepign a food diary.
> He is only  with me  and still experiencing problems.  I have
> called all the companies from the food that he eats to
> confirm it is gluten free
> Other history:  He did have a parasite in june 2007 and went
> on medicine and further tests showed the parasite was gone.
>  He had an endoscopy in sept 2007 and we see his GI doc
> regulary who we love and specializes in Celiac Disease.
> Thanks you for any advice/ comments.
> Suzanne
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