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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 17 Jan 2008 09:57:23 -0500
"KerryAnn at CookingTF.com" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Cooking Traditional Foods
"KerryAnn at CookingTF.com" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (75 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Here are the responses I received about the GF status of Wal-mart and Target
Brand products.

KerryAnn Foster
www.cookingTF.com/mailer.html - Traditional Foods GFCF Menu Mailer

I have inquired to this list about some of the WalMart products.  They are
very good about putting the 'cc' information on certain products.  I have
used a lot of WalMart brand products that state Gluten Free on the label
without any problems.  I am sorry right now I can't' think of any products
that contain that CC statement.  I think like the coffee creamer and certain
products like that.  
As far as Target.  I am 'frustrated' with the Archer Farms label.  I called
the Target company once and inquired about their brand of coffees,,,,,,"we
can look up the individual item and check the ingredients for you' is the
statement I got.  My time is worth something and there are plenty of
products that are similar that I can use so I really do not 'bother' with
TArget/ARcher Farms brand food items.  I have not inquired lately within the
last 6months anyway.  
I hope this helps.  And boy do I understand the leeriness about the Cross


Want to let you know that I've had just two interactions with Target about
the gf issue and they were wonderful! A year ago Halloween I looked a bag of
Target candy corn in the store, called the number listed on the package,
asked about gluten free status, and the rep told me, "There are no gluten
ingredients and it is manufactured in a plant that is free of gluten
ingredients." The whole process took about 2 minutes and I was able to bring
my candy corn to the checkout counter feeling very confident that it was
safe. On the other hand, when I tried to find out whether a Target brand
vitamin was gf, I never was able to get information despite multiple calls.


In our area, the Walmart cornstarch & baking powder carry the "make in a
facility that processes wheat, etc.."  

To me it sound like they buy in bulk & have do the packaged at a central
location rather than have the manufacture package it under their label.  

While Walmart does label many things g.f., I'm disappointed the can't do the
cornstarch & baking powder g.f. since g.f. is the norm rather than the
exception for other brands.  I wonder how many buy the GV brand w/ out
checking the label & just assume they are g.f.

They used to say to call...Walmart has different suppliers in different
parts of the country.  When you called, the first question asked was your
Zip Code...

In our area, Wal-mart have not been very helpful.  They just tell us they
have over 1200 products which are GF and you will see the sign on the front
of the product.  I don't think you will have to worry about cc issues, as
most of the products are meats, veggies and fruits, and you don't see much
cc issues with these. 
Target took our request to the home office for review 2 years ago; I am
still waiting for an explaination.

We haven't contacted them but my husband and daughter each have confirmed
celiac disease and eat Walmart brand food items all the time.  In fact, when
the name brand is labeled as contaiing wheat, we go to the Great Value brand
and almost always it does not.  Neither one has ever gotten sick from doing

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