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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 24 Jan 2008 22:33:31 EST
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Hey Bailo,
Can't you see I'm busy?? Ok I'm free now. What're you talking about  anyway?? 
I told you you're too handsome to upset me. Just as soon as you jet the  
evian water. Just imagine, he wouldn't even drink Gambia tap water. I wonder if  
evian is the water of choice at the politburos? You guys are too funny.
"Haruna, Halipha Sallah is an honourable man and one of the most  genuine 
articles of the human species." Bailo.
What da khell? "genuine article of human species". I give up men. I just  got 
one question; why do you spell Halifa's name Halipha when I spell it  
Halifa??? I'm just sayin'
"He is no saint though but he is a decent, honest, inspiring Gambian. So  is 
Sidia Jatta and Sam Sarr and many other Gambians  at home or abroad."  Bailo.
So you're the Saint I presume.
"Some of you folks criticise these PDOIS gentlemen as if PDOIS were the  
arhitects of the on-going misery of Gambians." Bailo.
Which folks? What is wrong with you?? It ain't gonna work on me my good  
friend. How do you guys create phantom victims of PDOIS, Halipha, I mean Halifa,  
Sidia, and Sam???Men!!! You diehards are the vrai misery mongers for  Gambia.
"Humans can't live on hope alone. Bread and rice is needed for living as  
well as fish and meat otherwise poverty and malnuitrition becomes more and more  
prevalent as is already the trend in our homeland." Bailo.
I suppose you'll share that with OBAMA and Mr. Jobarteh.
"Currently in the Gambia, when the Senegalese and Guineans put their  tools 
down for whatever reason, Fish and bread becomes scarce in the part of the  
Kombos I live. We have to stock up fish before the Senegalese fishermen leave  
for eid festivals or the annual maggal should we want to eat fish while they are 
 away." Bailo.
I'll be damned!!!! Why wouldn't you pick up the tools when the Senegalese  
and Mauritanians lay them down??? That is what Yahya has been trying to tell you 
 PDOIS folk for the longest. It is simply not enough anymore to criticise  
workmen. We must endeavour to produce too you know. Sometime. That brings me to  
this from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar:
Flavious: Hence home, you idle creatures, get you home. Is this a holiday  
(or is it self-imposed famine?)? What? Know you not, being mechanical, you  
ought not WALK upon a labouring day without the sign of your profession?  Speak, 
what trade art thou?
Idiot: Why sir a carpenter
2nd PDOIS: Truly Sir, in respect of a fine workman, I am but, as you  would 
say, a cobbler. A trade sir, that I hope I may use with a safe conscience;  
which is indeed sir, a mender of bad soles. Truly sir, all that I live by is  
with the awl: I meddle with no tradesman's matters, nor women's matters, but  
with awl. I am indeed, sir, a surgeon to old shoes; when they are in great  
danger, I recover them. As proper men as ever trod upon neat's leather have gone  
upon my handiwork.
"Meanwhile, unidentified trawlers would be catching fish by night in our  
waters day in day out for export at profitable prices. In the meantime, there  
are lots of Gambians who are unemployed and with families to feed."  Bailo.
Does it content you to spread rumours of unemployment and distress but  
hoarde to manufacture famine?
"This is no fiction, it's the truth! Sometime ago, when PDOIS advised the  
Government of the Gambia to invest in acquiring fishing trawlers which would  
generate more employment and fish for Gambians, some so-called intellectuals  
damned such ideas as dangerous Communist and Socialist ideology and a system  
that would eventually usher in the socialisation of every personal entitlement  
even wives." Bailo.
What did you do, that is the question. Forget what some intellectuals  did. I 
suppose you didn't like those intellectuals anyway. What did Bailo  do?????
"The polytricks set in and the voters were bombarded with pure lies and  
fabrications about what PDOIS represents." Bailo.
And what did Bailo do?????
"I guess then you were in Jamahiriya." Bailo.
I suppose so. I don't know. FYI I was in Tunis. Anyway, at least I have  an 
alibi. Now what did you do and where were you?
"Such false propaganda against PDOIS still goes on mostly by armchair  
critiques with no proofs to back up their hatred of PDOIS." Bailo.
Oh brother!!! Bailo, settle down men. Try doing something, if only to  
counter false propaganda. Oh I forgot, that's what you are doing here. 30 years  
later than the false propaganda. Unless of course you think Haruna is the false  
propaganda incarnate. FYI. I don't frigginganda. I have no time for that. What 
 is wrong with this man??
"The acquistion of political power should be the means to a healthy,  
dignified outcome for the greater masses and not only for a small clique of  people 
who crave for a coronation but no system change." Bailo.
"The quality of leadership that PDOIS is endowed with is what Africans  both 
aspires for and deserve." Bailo.
OK. I'll take your word for it.
"We need honest, dedicated and accountable leaders not self-annointed  
saviours." Bailo.
Lemme know when you find them.
"What would you do should Edwards subsequently endorse Obama?"  Bailo.
I know you're crazy now. You mean when OBAMA withdraws and endorses John  
Edwards as he inevitably would sonn? You guys are all hope mongers.
"I guess follow the leader and the crowd." Bailo.
NO, No, No. Bailo. You got it wrong. John Edwards and I don't follow. We  
lead. We don't copy the mould, we make it. Go figure.
"Remember as you respect and honour  Edwards, so do thousands of  Gambian 
respect and share the principles of Halipha." Bailo.
OK. So where's the problem???
"Nuff respect! Is the USA ready for change? I have a dream!"  Bailo.
Dream-on Brother. I suppose you'll go hoarding the greenbacks for the  
ensuing famine of dollars. New Gambians!!!
[Haruna, you wrote:  "Its time y'all wake up and smell the coffee  before its 
too late. If OBAMA becomes president at this time, blacks will live  to 
regret it for their entire life. If they think that life is sorry now, they  
aint seen nuttin yet. The days of settin on your fanny and expecting a  
knight in shining armour to rid you of your misery is OVER."] Haruna,  re-presented 
by Bailo.

"Do you really believe that  Barack will bad for blacks including negroes?" 
YES. At this time in the life of Amarika.
"I often feel sorry for Obama when he is put on the defensive with the  
accusation that Obama is a Moslem." Bailo.
What does that have to do with OBAMA being or not being Musling? The man  
told you he is Christian. Why do you keep propagatin this musling bit. Don't you  
think you guys give sustenance to charlatanry and cluelessness unawares and 
then  you conjure up phantom villains??? And how do you stray from you 
quotation  of me into musling and circumstance?? You guys drive me nuts. If I go crazy 
 like Ginny, its your friggin fault.
"It's an accidental underpriveleged status to be a Black in the US."  Bailo.
Wait a minute. Just speak for yourself Bailo. Don't upset  me.
"Therefore, Obama cannot be seen to share the same faith with the  Al-qaeda 
leaders. I think the race card is being trumped against Obama."  Bailo.
And he goes on ad-infinitum.
"If USA could have a Mormon president or a female president for the first  
time since the declaration of Independence in 1776, why not a black president  
for the first time?" Bailo.
And who said a Mormon, or a female will be president of USA???? You  didn't 
hear that from me did you??? And plus, female and Mormon is different  from 
Black, white, and negro. There are mormons and females who are black and or  
white. You want to look at this statement of yours a bit further?
"And why would Obama be bad for blacks?" Bailo.
I'm not tellin. He just would be. Ask Moribolong and Mr.  Jobarteh. Not me. 
Not unless you settle down.
"It's a great pity when a blackman thinks like this." Bailo.
Which black man??? Think like what??? Why don't you ask the black man who  
thinks a mormon and female can be president of Amarika but not a black negro.  
Why are you trying to put words in my mouth. I know you're waiting for someone  
to say those things. He ain't here. Not with me anyway. For I know  better.
"It's called mental slavery." Bailo.
Tell him Bailo.
"George bush is a president but Obama should not be because some people  are 
concerned that the Ku Klux Klan may come back." Bailo.
Have you had a run-in with the KKK Bailo???? I want you to know that not  all 
KKK are white or latino. You'll be surprised to find a negro under the  hood. 
So you think all NIA are Jola?? That's what I say about you people. You're  
so friggin nervous, you're liable to kill yourself.
"The color of Obama and the people who support him is immaterial and  
insignificant to what the future holds for USA." Bailo.
I'm glad you understand that. Now share it with Maria Del  Sol.
"What the USA requires is a leader who understands and respects the  
diversity of the world; a person who will deliver a significant break from the  
current Bush policies of shock and awe in Iraq and Afghanistan. This doesn't  mean a 
capitulation to Al-qaeda's brand of terrorism." Bailo.
Bailo, I hereby nominate you as under-secretary of the John Edwards  campaign 
for President of these Unanted Istates. You sound like my friend from  
calcutta. Uttam Das.
"Best wishes!" Bailo.
You just wanted to upset me today. I am not gonna get upset. I'm not  falling 
for it. You PDOIS people think you're smart. You got another thing  comin. 
Beta ax somebody. Maman dem know beta. mo BETA BLUES. Did you see  Denzel's new 
movie, about debaters?? I like Denzel, do you Bailo???
Your broda, Haroun Masoud. MQJDT. Darbo. I want you to know the J is in  
honour of you, Galleh, CHerno, and Alagi Yorro. How you like me now??? I had  
another Shakespeare to share but it seems to escape me for the moment. I am to  
Shakespeare what Moribolong is to compooters.
Bye men. I'm tired.


"Bill and Hilary seem so desperate to get  back." Bailo.

Bailo, ifanang. Ikeebaayaatale. I beg of you, do not yield  to listless 
gossip and gaucherie. Ginny is crazy's all I can say. Can you  believe 
hating and slandering admittendly without reason? If that  ain't crazy, I 
know what is.

"I hope America is at least ready  for a mixed raced President in the White 
House. Amen! I have a dream!"  Bailo.

You guys still don't get it. America, like the UK, France, Italy,  Sweden, 
Denmark, Norway, and Australia etcetera, HAVE ALWAYS BEEN READY FOR  
STRAIGHT-RACE, SKEWED-RACE candidates. For AMERICA, that just  ain't BARACK 
OBAMA at this time. God I hope you guys don't let  sentimentalism and 
untethered and listless hope confound you. At least not  my Bailo and 
Moribolong. I may 
have lost Mr. Jobarteh already, but I'll be  damned if I'm gonna lose you and 

Please reconsider your  unconditional attachment to Barack for President of 
America. If you don't  like John Edwards, please support Hillary Clinton. 
Barack will make a great  Secretary of State in either an Edwards or a 
Presidency. Then in  2012, he will have been ready to be President and all of 
including  Edwards and CLinton will make sure he is President. Don't go 
that I  think Barack needs more experience. NO THAT IS NOT what I'm saying 
and  frankly I think Barack has enough experience to be President somewhere. 
Just  not America. Barack will only be an effective President of America in a 
more  benign atmosphere. Not Now. We got a lotta work to do in America to 
the sails after my friend W leaves office. Barack is not suitable for those  
challenges. One reason is he does have some conflicts of interest that will  
malign his foreign policy. Two is he lives in fantasy land about bringing  
independents and republicans to join democrats and move the country forward.  
ask yourself, if independents, republicans, and democrats were to join  
together, would his administration be needed to do anything??? That is the  
far side 
of this fairy tale that our other friend Bill Clinton talks about.  In my 
eyes, Duval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts will have gotten my  vote were 
to run for President at any time. I know he supports Barack. He  has a 
different reason for doing that. Bailo, I don't want to go on and on  for God 
knows I 
want Barack to get as many black votes as he could, but you  guys castigating 
the Clintons and every body else for your support of Barack  is detrimental 
Barack himself. Don't get carried away by Ginny. You don't  know Ginny's 
politique. Even she doesn't know her own politique quite well.  No comment on 
Maria Del Sol. She will deal with her own unique deamons. And  tell joe to 
settle down. Anytime he opens his big mouth, you think  the skies are falling 
and life's over. I don't know about you Bailo, but I  intend to live for 
another year. I must say though that I agree with him  this time about giving 
idiots a pass. He's just too nervous for my sanity.  He's the fear-monger 
keeps talking about. And of course my other  friend John McCain. I didn't 
know that McCain cannot raise his two  hands past his head. I always thought 
was clowning around when he spread  his arms wide as he raised them. Men. I 
kinda like his fight though, just  like I love the fight in John Edwards.

Ok I gotta go now. My contractor  knocks at the door. Masoud. MQJDT Darbo. AL 

Haruna Darbo  wrote:
I just saw a picture of Halifa without his Afro hair-do!!! Men is he  
beautiful. I don't know why in the world he would hide all this beauty under  
a wooly 
Afro. Men. New Gambians!!! Check it our at  _www.senegambianews.com_ 

Suntou, did  you ever see Halifa without his Afro and don't you think he's 
more handsomer  without it?


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