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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Fri, 17 Mar 1995 10:20:59 AST
Stephen Moss <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (198 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The following is taken from CPS.  I included the CPS disclaimers for
the obvious reasons.

I would like any additions/subtractions/cautions that you know of that
would augment this list.

This is Canadian, so people in other countries should beware.



The following table lists manufacturers who do not use gluten
and is based on information provided voluntarily by the
manufacturers for preparations included in the CPS.  In some
cases, raw materials used in the manufacturing process
are obtained from sources other than the pharmaceutical industry
and may contain traces of gluten. It should not be
assumed that manufacturers not listed use gluten. This list is
not exhaustive and should serve as an initial screening
tool only. For information on specific drug products, consult
the Supplied Section of individual CPS monographs or
contact the manufacturer directly.

Reviewed  1995

Abbott Laboratories Limited
Albert Pharma Inc.
Alcon Canada Inc.
Allerex Laboratory Ltd.
Allergan inc.
Amersham Canada Limited
Amgen Canada Inc.
Apotex Inc.
Ashbury Biologicals Inc.
Astra Pharma Inc.
Axcan Pharma Inc.
Baker Cummins Inc.
Bausch & Lomb Canada Inc.
Baxter Corporation
BDH Inc.
Benarth, Produits Pharmaceutjques
Bencard Allergy Laboratories
Berlex Canada Inc.
Berna Products, Corp.
Bioniche Pharma
Block Drug Company (Canada) Ltd.
Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd.
Boehringer Mannheim (Canada) Ltd.
Boots Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Bristol Laboratories of Canada
Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Inc.
CamCos Distributing Inc.
Canderm Pharmacal Ltd.
Carnation Nutritional Products
Charton Laboratories
Chattrem (Canada) Inc.
Ciba Pharmaceuticals
Ciba Self Medication
Ciba Vision Ophthalmics
Clintec Nutrition Company
Connaught Laboratories Limited
Connaught Novo Nordisk Ltd.
Dermtek Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Dioptic Laboratories
Dormer Laboratories Inc.
Draxis Health Inc.
Duchesnay inc.
Du Pont Pharma
Efamol Research Inc.
Eli Lilly Canada Inc.
Endo Canada Inc.
Fabrigen, Inc.
Faulding (Canada) Inc.
Ferring Inc.
Fisons Corporation Limited
Fujisawa Canada Inc.
Galderma Canada Inc.
Geigy Pharmaceuticals
Genderm Canada Inc.
Genentech Canada Inc.
Genpharm Inc. Pharmaceuticals
Germiphene Corporation
Glaxo Canada Inc.
Glenwood Laboratories Canada Ltd.
Guardian Laboratories
Hoechst-Roussel Canada Inc.
Hoffmann-La Roche Limited
IAF BioVac Inc.
ICN Canada Ltd.
I-MED Pharma Inc.
Immuno (Canada) Ltd.
lolab Pharmaceuticals
Janssen Pharmaceutica Inc.
Johnson & Johnson Inc.
Kenral Inc.
Knoll Pharma Inc.
KSL Laboratories
Laboratoire Riva Inc.
Lederle Cyanamid Canada Inc.
Leo Laboratories Canada Ltd.
Mallinckrodt Medical Inc.
Marion Merrell Dow (Canada) Inc.
May & Baker Pharma
McNeil Consumer Products Company
McNeil Pharmaceutical
Mead Johnson Canada
MerckSharp & Dohme Canada
Miles Canada Inc.
Milex Products, Inc.
Novo Nordisk Canada Inc.
Novopharm Limited
Nu-Pharm Inc.
Organon Canada Ltd.
Organon Teknika Inc.
Ortho Biotech
Ortho Pharmaceutical
Pfizer Canada Inc.
Pharmacia Inc.
Phamadex Laboratories Inc.
Pharmascience Inc.
Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals Canada, Inc.
Purdue Frederick Inc.
Reed & Carnrick
Rh Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Rhodiapharm Inc.
Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Canada Inc.
Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Consumer Inc.
Richmond Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Gluten is a complex protein, present in wheat and to a lesser extent
in rye, barley and oats. A fraction of the gluten in
these cereals called prolamines, causes damage to the small intestine
in sensitive individuals with celiac disease.  The
prolamines of corn and rice are not toxic. In the monographs, the
statement "contains gluten" refers to the gluten
derived from wheat, barley, oats and rye.
The following table lists products that contain gluten and is based
on onformation provided voluntarily by the
manufactures for preparations included in the CPS.  In some cases,
raw materials used in the manufacturing process
are obtained from sources other than the pharmaceutical industry and
may contain traces of gluten. It should not be
assumed that products not listed are gluten-free.  This list is not
exhaustive and should serve as an initial screening
tool only. For information on specific drug products, consult the
Supplied Section of individual CPS monographs or
contact the manufacturer directly.

   Reviewed 1995

Product                        Manufacturer

Colchicine tablets             Welcker-Lyster
Coptin tablets                 Jouveinal
Digitaline tablets             Welcker-Lister
Dimetane Extentabs             Whitehall-Robins
Dimetapp Extentabs             Whitehall-Robins
Diovol tablets                 Horner
Diovol EX tablets              Horner
Donnatol Extentabs             Wyeth-Ayerst
Doryx tablets                  Parke-Davis
Dyazide tablets                SmithKline Beecham
Fibyrax tablets                Lederle Consumer Health
Honvol tablets                 Horner
Leukeran tablets               B.W. Inc.
Lipidil capsules               Jouveinal
Maltlevol-M tablets            Horner
Metamucil_Fibre Wafers         Procter & Gamble
Modulon tablets                Jouveinal
Nadostine tablets              Nadeau
Nadostine vaginal tablets      Nadeau
Neutralca-S chewable tablets   Desbergers
Quinobarb tablets              Rougier
Ursofalk capsules              Jouveinal
Yohimbine tablets              Rougier
Yohimbine tablets              Welcker-Lyster

Stephen Moss                      [log in to unmask]
St.Thomas University
PO Box 4569, Fredericton, N.B.
Canada, E3B 5G3
506-452-7700  ext 484