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Tue, 18 Mar 2008 11:47:56 -0400
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello, I have just been diagnosed with Celiac Spru 2 weeks ago. I have been sick since Jan. I have lost over twenty pounds. I am trying to learn as much as I can from this group and others on the internet. I have called both our local hospitals to see if there is a support group in this area and there is not. Nor do I know of any other people with this. This is all so overwhelming. The dr. just told me I had this, blood test confirmed. Gave me a diet sheet and said I will see you in 6-8 weeks. Any way the health food store told me to try these things, I also have LPR which is like gerd only it is high in the larynx. Calcium Citrate, L- glutamine, probotics, apple cider Vinegar, aloe vera juice. The aloe Vera is to sooth my throat, The cider vinegar acts the same as enzymes would, would help with my acid too. She also said to get on mulituble vitamins. I used to take all in one powder, it is gluten free. I can not swallow pills. My ent who treats me for the LPR said not to take any vitamins cause it would interfere with the medicine he has me on. I am on protonix twice a day. I need to get back on them cause I am not getting any nutrients. Has anyone took any of these and how does it work for you. I am only going to start one at a time to see how my body reacts. I am starting the probotics today. Would like any feed back anyone can give me. I feel all alone in all this. I live in Lima, Ohio. If there is anyone in this area, feel free to contact me.. Thanks for reading this and God Bless..  Jan  [log in to unmask]

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