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wayfarers <[log in to unmask]>
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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 4 Jul 2005 02:29:07 +0200
text/plain (66 lines)
hi (especially to Baron)

the reply by Baron to Edith & Laurie (17May) <I'd recommend it (Wilson's
protocol ) to anyone & everyone with hypothyroid condition who is still
symptomatic despite everything> seems like it could be the answer to my
The 2 symptoms hardest for me to cope with apart from fatique, are the
danger of weight gain for spinal problems & horrific muscle cramps in my
legs (esp. at night when my legs 'jerk around' with muscle spasm) I am
relatively used to a lot of general pain & aches in my legs because of nerve
damage in my spine from degenerated disc problems, but this spasm is way out
of control
Having read about Wilson's I started taking my temp. regularly during the
day. It was highest on waking but never above 35.9 ( about 97 I believe )
daily average was 35.6 or 7 (about 96.6). I got my wonderful local GP to
give me tetroxin ( your cytomel) even though the endo did not want to even
try it. He gave me the lowest dose - 1 tablet am (my pharmacist says it is
20 micrograms & is taken once a day, but does not know, & doesn't seem
willing, to help with any further info).  Within only 2 days I felt far more
'alive'  but the leg cramps seemed much worse in the evenings (esp. if
relaxing in the evenings watching TV or reading.) When I read about the
evening dose <if I'm even a few minutes late I'll crash> I decided to divide
the dose. The muscle cramps were not as severe but still a problem,
and I felt less alive/ everything was an effort again.  I then took a full
dose am & pm. That was just yesterday - but the effects seem almost
immediate ( can't be just in my head, can it?). Today I feel very 'jumpy' -
finding it hard to think staight, even typing, every second letter is wrong
and I even get dyslexic, which I last had when my thyroid problems started
after an accident causing my lower back & neck fusions to be redone with
further disc damage repaired. I think that triggered off the whole thyroid
thing in the first place. ( I was diagnosed hashi's when my first blood
tests were done. My immune system was compromised & I was hyper - it
gradually reversed & I became hypo. My blood tests are now in the normal
range but symptoms remain. Classic Wilsons/Hypo?). I also  halved the dose
of T4 yesterday and am planning to stop it in a week or so - not too cold
I am sure I am on the right track because my temp is over 36 for the first
time ever. Any advise if I need to do things differently? I know my GP will
be happy to read up on literature  I am getting some excellent facts off a
site I was given by Andre Shirley -a neighbouring South African I found on
your site - .( I am so grateful for my GP -
esp. after reading this week's dicussion ) I can't expect him to drop
everything to treat me so I am wanting to get started. I will rush to him if
necessary, but in general I want to get going and moniter myself. I don't
want to bother him so often that he gets tired of the 'looney lady' and  may
not be so patiently helpful ( besides the fact that I can't afford visits
every second day )

Can anyone else out there give me any other suggestions. advice or warnings?
I did pick up from letters as far back as 1999 that ,as long as you are
careful, you can titrate the dosage & moniter how you feel

Many thanks all for the feedback.

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