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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 24 Jan 2005 17:18:45 EST
text/plain (51 lines)
From:   Nancy Dunham <[log in to unmask]>

> >My son is scheduled for two surgeries in February -- one for his
> undescended
> >testicles that have (within the last year) showed up and the other for a
> >mole that needs to be removed.

I would worry too.   Early or delayed puberty can be caused by
hypothyroidism.  That could mean, the problem is a thyroid one.

My son went from very tall to average height, and stopped eating.  At this
time his TSH was about 2.2, which I had taken only to rule out a problem similar
to mine.   His symptoms were completely different, and at the time, I didn't
know a change in rate of lineal growth was a primary symptom of hypothyroidism
in children, and some hypos develop anorexia and can be very skinny.

Fortunately, by the time I figured it out, Doc Don was participating on this
list so I knew where to go for treatment.  He went on thyroid treatment, his
appetite returned, and they say that typically the child will catch up to the
height he would have been, and at age 15 he is approaching 6 feet.

As for the mole, Dr. David Derry says that Lugol's Iodine Solution is
excellent for taking care of skin conditions.  I'd try that first.  Just apply it to
the mole.

As for a T3 that's too high, is that adjusted for age?  A couple times in
childhood, the thyroid is really supposed to kick into high gear, and one of
those has to do with puberty.  I've not seen age adjusted ranges for anything on
lab reports, let alone T3.

At the least, I would recommend a phone consult with Doc Don to get his
opinion.  (574) 287-6010.

Doctors tend to be morons.  They're not good for our health as a general


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