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Thu, 22 May 2008 01:06:36 -0400
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Folks,
My surgery went well. My doctor prescribed Vicodin which my pharmacist cleared as Lactose Free before I had the surgery (I knew it was gluten free) . He didn't feel that Darcocet wouldn't carry me through long enough. I am having no problems with it. 
I had another e-mail to add to the summary:
www.rxlist.com give the inert/fillers in medications as well as the active ingredients. I usually check there first when I'm looking to find a g.f. drug as many contain only cellulose or magnesium stearate. 

I'd call the doctors office to see what they usually prescribe for the procedure your are having.  When I had my gallbladder removed outpatient style, I had a rx for a heavy duty drug but only took it for a day or two. I found that my usually g.f. naproxin sodium worked worked just as good and had with fewer side effects.  

Check w/ the pharmacist to see if the med need to be or can be taken w/ food, which would dilute the effect of the small amount of lactose in the pill.  If lactose can't be avoided, you can take lastase enzyme with it--A pharmacist with celiac recommended that for a severely lactose intolerant friend of mine who needed to take his Synthroid on an empty stomach... 
Thanks to all,
Diana in RI

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