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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 9 May 2008 20:50:04 -0400
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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I was dumbfounded by Maya Angelou.



-----Original Message-----
From: SS.Jawara <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Thu, 8 May 2008 7:35 pm
Subject: Re: Clinton supporter desperation turns uglier

The super delegates are in fact fluxing to the Obama camp. "Obama adds seven 
super delegates," was the latest headlines some two hours ago. And wins 
praise from John Edwards. Let's keep the spirit high for the Obama. I was 
mostly disappointed with Maya Angelou whom i had great admiration. 

Thanks for sharing ! 



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Y Jallow" <[log in to unmask]> 

To: <[log in to unmask]> 

Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2008 2:04 AM 

Subject: Re: Clinton supporter desperation turns uglier 

Sister Jabou, 

Are you still there? It is a tasteless race now. I see you are harder on 
them at the last minute. I just happen to be thinking that the super 
delegates would have to flux someone out soon. 

Enjoy below - 


In the beginning, it was a race. That is true! A race in bold and capital 
letters. From there, it was all about the delegates. You got defeated on 
delegates, number of states and majority votes - all of sudden you are 
excessive on “elect ability.” Yes, you are elect able but you are trailing 
far behind in everything. Now you began racial comments by talking about 
‘white’ votes. You are also talking about Florida and Michigan as if it was 
your opponent’s fault from the onset. Florida and Michigan broke the rules 
and they should reap what they sow. You ran heck of a provoking and 
unethical campaign. Whatever seating should be engaged, at least, not at the 
advantage of the two of you. Honestly this race is tasteless now. 

In my inner self, I keep asking, why do you think America of all countries 
will shift this to you? I don’t want to witness that history. Do your self a 
big favor and leave before you loose the remaining love on the sleeves of 
your shirt because as noticeable the super delegates are fluxing you out. 
You also ran out of cash. 

Good job though for running this far but is time you suspend your campaign. 
If you disagree, stay on and I understand it is a competition. 

 > Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 19:58:43 -0400> From: [log in to unmask]> Subject: Fwd: 
Clinton supporter desperation turns uglier> To: [log in to unmask]> 
 > Clinton> Supporters Send Last-Ditch Obama Attack Emails To Supers> > > > 
As the Democratic primary nears its long-awaited conclusion, undecided> 
superdelegates have been drowned under a sudden deluge of angry, sometimes> 
vicious emails from Hillary Clinton supporters urging them to not fall in 
line> behind Barack Obama. > > > > The letter writing campaign picked up 
steam late Thursday evening when> several superdelegates confirmed that a 
coordinated effort had been launched,> apparently independent of Clinton's> 
campaign, to raise last-minute concerns about Obama's candidacy and present 
the> specter of voter defections should the Illinois Democrat become the 
nominee. > > > > In more than dozen messages sent yesterday evening and 
shared with The> Huffington Post, supporters of Clinton> emailed a laundry 
list of political and exceedingly personal attacks on Obama's> candidacy, 
including criticisms of his prior associations and claims that he,> not 
Clinton, had played the race card. The letters underscore the high> 
emotional pitch of the late stage Democratic primary as well as the utter> 
conviction among many supporters of both campaigns that their candidate is> 
solely worthy of the nomination. > > > > Such campaigns targeting 
superdelegates have mostly been avoided out of fear> that the party 
officials would react negatively to outside pressure. And at> least four 
superdelegates on the receiving end of yesterday's emails suggested> that 
they did more harm to Clinton's> cause than good. > > > > In one exchange, 
Donna Brazille, Al Gore's campaign manager and a stalwart> of the Democratic 
Party, responded with frustration to a writer's threats of> defection. 
"Honestly, this is the 9th email today," she wrote before> 8:00 pm. "So I 
believe you're ready to not only destroy Roe versus Wade,> voting rights, 
civil liberties and civil rights. Perhaps adding trillions more> to the 
deficits through non-stop tax cuts to the wealthy and 100 more years in 
Iraq.> Yes, please join Rush and McCain asap. The train has left. Catch 
it."> > > > The Clinton campaign did not> return a request for comment as to 
whether it was behind the email campaign.> One author said that she was 
responding not to the senator's staff, but to> commenters on the blog of 
Taylor Marsh,> a committed supporter of the New York Democrat whose readers 
had gotten a hold> of a list of email addresses. > > > > "It was a 'spur of 
the moment' idea brought about by a blog (Taylor> Marsh)," explained Shirley 
Luther, a Texas Democrat who threatened to vote> for McCain should Obama be 
the nominee. "Tonight several of our bloggers> came up with the idea of 
writing the super delegates. Someone on the blog found> a list of emails and 
posted it.... Everything I wrote is the truth about my> political 
background. The exit polls show I am not alone in refusing to vote> for 
Obama and opting to McCain. This probably would not be possible if there> 
was any other Republican running. But there are a lot of moderate Democrats 
who> do respect his service."> > > > [Added Later]: Taylor Marsh denied any 
involvement in the> affair, saying her readers and commenters were 
responsible for their own> actions. > > > > Luther's email, compared to the 
nearly dozen provided to The Huffington> Post, was mild in tone. Beyond 
threatening defection from the party, authors> attacked Obama for his 
relationship with Reverend Jeremiah Wright and William> Ayers, the 
unrepentant Weather Underground member who is a Chicago> acquaintance of the 
senator. One writer accused the Illinois Democrat of> playing the "race 
card" against the Clintons> -- a proposition most political observers argue 
is reversed -- while several> others called him a misogynist. > > > > "How 
can we elect someone who has never accomplished anything, refuses> to take 
stands on issues, befriends anti-American terrorists, attends a church> for 
20 years with Wright, and denies ever hearing anything controversial, and> 
then stages a *public fight* so he can finally denounce him, takes credit 
for> bills in the Senate that he had nothing to do with, and is propped up 
as the> candidate of change??" wrote one Democrat. > > > > Added another: 
"Obama, in my opinion, will NOT survive the general> election against 
McCain. But even if he does, he will be beholden to the> old-time politics, 
politicians and bundling interests that raised him up to> where he is. It's 
not new, better politics. It's a sales job that's been done> by the old 
power guards... Look at the presidential loser's club that has lined> up 
behind Obama: Walter Mondale, George McGovern, Gary Hart, Ted Kennedy, Bill> 
Richardson, Chris Dodd, and John Kerry. Agents of change? Hope, Unity? A 
new> way to do politics?"> > > > At least two other party insiders wrote the 
Huffington Post expressing> concern over the scope ("I've received emails 
like this for weeks but> tonight it started in mass) and negativity of some 
of the Obama attacks,> including one red-state Democrat:> > > > "I spent my 
entire life in the two reddest states in the entire U.S. so> please excuse 
me if I fail to discern the nuances of the arguments sent my way> this 
evening in what appears to be an orchestrated campaign to intimidate the> 
remaining unpledged delegates by threatening to leave the party and vote for 
a> third Bush term if I and others like me don't vote for Sen. Clinton,"> 
wrote the exasperated superdelegate. "I have been uncommitted throughout> 
this campaign because I wanted to see how the candidates performed in a 
variety> of settings. I am proud of them both. But I am horrified by this 
effort to> threaten votes for McCain if super delegates don't vote for Sen. 
Clinton. I> have received hundreds of emails from both sides - but I can say 
without> exception that I have not received a single email from an Obama 
supporter that> threatened a vote for McCain if I didn't support Sen. Obama. 
You really ought> to be ashamed."> > > > UPDATE:> > > > Phil Singer, a 
spokesman for Clinton,> emails to say that the campaign knows nothing about 
the emails. Meanwhile, two> readers write in to say they saw the campaign 
being coordinated at the friendly> Clinton website, as> well 
as the blog page on Clinton's> own website.> > > > > > > > ?> > > > 
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