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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 1 Jan 2008 20:09:47 EST
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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"haruna, as i always state here,we defer in understanding and  comprehension 
of the deen." Suntou.
We  probably do. However, misunderstanding and mal-comprehension in the deen 
of  Islam can be mitigated by the Quran, your quoted sunnah, your quoted 
Ulamaa,  etc. So no problem there.
"i  am not out to engage in any lenghty merry go round." Suntou.
There is and will not be a merry go round Suntou. Just share if you  
understand or not. If you do not understand, then you will display it again and  I 
will be forced to challenge your dawah again. That will be the merry go round. 
"i  understood your point view quiet well. i was again explaining about an 
order  that start around the person of amadou bamba." Suntou.
I  thought you said you were sharing another's view of the sect or faith. How 
can  you explain another's faith or religion?
"if  you think different from what i stated, fine by me." Suntou.
No  Suntou. I do not have a thought one way or the other about another's 
faith or  religion. What I tried to share with you was that Faith and Religion are 
 different from other matter that you are free to express an opinion on. The  
faith is for the adherents. Where the faith affects adherents of other faith 
and  religion is where it goes beyond its own bounds and must be challenged. 
Sort of  like the Ahmadiyya translation of the Quran into Mandinka, WOllof,  
"in  here ,whatever one state others have their own take on it." Suntou.
Except the faith and religion of others. Anything else is fair game  Suntou. 
You cannot have an opinion on another's faith or religion just like  another 
cannot have an opinion on your faith and religion. Ask somebody else  about the 
wisdom in this dispensation.
"that is what make it better to engage in communal discussions."  Suntou.
Communal engagement stops at community members' faiths and religions for  
salvation. Any community where its members engage in debate of each other's  
faiths and religion, is a community that will be short-lived. Think about it. We  
can share information on our faiths and religions with each other (dawah), but 
 it is counter-productive to qualify, assess, or render opinion on the faith 
or  religion of other. Allah I hope I am understood.
"i  am not out to influence any ones way of thinking," Suntou.
What is your intent in sharing your opinion on the faith of another then  
Suntou? Unless of course you are Mouride and we were not made  aware.
"i  am merely putting my points across. people have the rights and freedom to 
think  for themselves." Suntou.
Yes  Suntou. But not on another's faith and religion.
"in  your quest to understand me, you very much misunderstood were i am 
coming from."  Suntou.
No  Suntou. I was not on a quest to understand you where religion and faith 
are  concerned. That will be a foolhardy quest on my part. I shared advice in  
"sadly, we will continue to analyse each others statement with the wrong  
understandings and misjudgements." Suntou.
No  we will not. There is not enough time for that and besides the mere  
understanding of another's statement is not terribly valuable. Understanding  with 
a view to improving oneself is more valuable.
"i  am very familiar with brother Estes and his dawah team and i follow him 
and  other scholars of ahul sunah wal jamah. i know what i am saying, even if 
you  think i don't.thanks any way." Suntou.

All  I did was share with you what da'wah means. It is an arabic word. All 
religions  have their own interpretation of what da'wah means. That is why it is 
not  advisable to conduct da'wah by opining on another's faith and religion. 
Allah  told us that much.
"as  for the mo Ibrahim website, i made it clear i watch a program of it, the 
website  i forward was what the TV Chanel showed." Suntou.
I  know. 
"i  know you are capable of making your own decisions, certainly i have never 
 helped you make any decision in life, so i don't mean to offend you ,just a  
minor contribution." Suntou.
I  am not terribly worried about myself. In a community, we must always be 
mindful  of others and our impressionable youth. Plus, I always look forward to 
value  from your contributions here not necessarily to change my mind or view 
on a  certain issue.
"your advice on this one is misplaced. thanks for the contribution."  Suntou.
Very well. Will you then yield until we have a Mouride in our community  
here? That way they will have an opportunity to challenge your qualifications  and 
assessments. I am sure like you were insensed by Samsudeen's ire on the  
deceased, you wouldn't want to discuss persons absent from this here  community.
"as  for your comments about abubacarr and abu adar dah. it is rather 
unfortunate  such statements coming from you." Suntou.
Very well. You shared their shagrin with us. Albeit  incompletely.
"understand the context of their comments. they were humble and God  fearing 
individuals." Suntou.
I  should think they were God-fearing for they recognised their shortcomings 
in  that realm. That still does not absolve them from propriety in asking for 
advice  from Muhammad. I am confident you are God-fearing too. You still must 
be trained  on propriety every day or we don't wanna hear your complaints.
"the hadith convey their mere fear that engaging in worldly endeavours  made 
them loose out on valuable time which may rather be spend on acts of  
worship." Suntou.
What would you do if you recognize that you cannot moderate in all your  
engagements, worldly or not? Would you call a conference with Muhammad or would  
you begin to temper your engagements? I can't hear you. Why would you burden  
Muhammad with advice on something you do not share with him  completely???
If  you will be disappointed in me calling Abubakr and his friend 
knuckleheads,  please remember what about them you wish to share with us. In fact what 
does  that story you shared about the duo have to do with Suntou sharing hearsay 
about  Mourides? There is no moderation there.
Please be considerate. That's all I'm urging. I could have just  challenged 
what you shared that you heard about Mouridism etcetera. But I did  not want to 
engage in discussion of others' faith and religion that is why I  counseled 
prudence for you.
Masoud. MQDT. Darbo. AL Mutawakkil.
"wise man,i read your advice and truely i was indeed flatered.thanks but  i 
within the bounderies.i balance my life and on the centre is my  faith." 

Very well.

"i did not insult any body neither  did i made any derogatory remark against 
person or group."  Suntou.

Generally it is best to receive advice from friends and community  members 
before a crime is committed.

"what was stated is what i heard  concening that group of people." Suntou.

Exactly. What you heard from  other people regarding a certain other person's 
belief and religion. If ever  so slightly, you risked going outside the 
bounds of your own belief and  religion. What did Allah say about hearsay 

"i will continue to do  dawah the way the scholars recommend it." Suntou.

The idea is to discern  the colour of the scholars. I do not think you mean 
Christian scholars, or  Mormon scholars, or Ahmadiyya scholars, or Mouride 
Scholars do  you?

"if anyone think that make me a munafik," Suntou.

No Suntou.  Think! How can anyone think that following the edicts of your 
religion makes  you Munaafiq? What I want you to do is review the edicts of 
or  evangelism. At the base is the propagation of your belief and or 
Now then you must understand that other religions and beliefs also have  
edicts for their Dawah. You don't believe do you? The devil is in the manner  
fashion of Dawah. Read what Allah teaches you about Dawah.

"then  that is that person's opinion." Suntou.

It will have been an erroneous  opinion. Qualifying one's religion or faith 
is not Opining. It is dishonest  castigation. So if anyone says you are 
for following your faith or  religious edicts, send them to me. The idea of 
religion is harmonious  co-existence on earth. The worship of a supreme being 
is manifestation of  humility and recognition of creation.

"even sahabas of the prophet  muhammad (pbuh) were afraid of themself being a 
munafik let alone poor old  suntou." Suntou.

Have you ever tried to figure out why those sahabas of  your prophet would be 
afraid of being Munaafiqs?

"the story of  Abubacar and Abu adar adah can be recall here.the two very 
strong sahabas  one day fear that their business and private life is taking 
away from  the remembaranance of Allah." Suntou.

That seems to me a personal problem  of Abubakar and Abu adar Adah. Maybe if 
they were trained on propriety and  moderation, they will not have been 
What does that have to do with  Suntou and his faith. Besides I think those 
two are struggling with their  faith as you are now.

["they meet on the street and proceed to the  messenger of Allah .they 
narated their fears that the worldly materail  things make them forget to 
enegage in 
the remembarance of Allah.they told  the propeht that ''when we are with are 
our familes and in business we  forget to remember Allah ,we think we are now 
munafiks ''.the prophet  answered them that'' there is a time for worship and 
time for other world  things.what ever one do if you have the conscious and 
fear of Allah it is  worship''.] Suntou.

Helas!! Eureka. Suntou, did you understand your  prophet Muhammad's (Salla 
Llaahu alaihi Wa-Sallam) advice to the two  knuckleheads? Again what does 
have to do with Suntou's Dawah? You  notice they did not share with the 
Muhammad what it was that makes  them jittery. You could get more clues from 
these conversations you rely on  if you are trained on propriety in religion. 
Whatever  religion.

[sheik Anta diop says ''with a clear conscience fear no  accussation''.] 

Exactly. Suntou, you know I like Cheikh Anta  Diop, perhaps for different 
reasons than you, but read again what he shares  immediately above. To the 
knuckleheads, if their conscience was clear  and they were trained on 
all along, Allah will not have created  doubts of Munfiqr in their minds. And 
Allah is all knowing. Don't let the  zeal of Dawah lead you astray to offend 

"i am not an  extremist," Suntou.

Suntou, I think extremism is qualified by its affect  on your fellow citizen 
or human. Have you ever heard any sane individual say  he/she is not an 
extremist? Your extremism is recognized by the perceiver of  your extremism. 
If you 
are afraid of being an extremist, then temper your  debilitating affect on 
your community, fellow citizen, and fellow human. You  wouldn't know the 
of your extremism if it hit you upside the  head.

"neither a human right violator." Suntou.

The right to  association for worship and industry is an inherent human 
right. Are you  bearing irresponsibly on another's right to this inalienable 
That is  the question you ought to be asking yourself. If I were you I will 
begin  today by abandoning the quip: I am not or I am a human right violator. 
would hone in on the particular right in question and determine the quality  
of my affect on it for other. That is how we get rehabilitated. Funny words  
like human rights violator are too vague and they offer sanctuary for the  
idiot violator. Suntou you're making me upset. You should have just thanked  
for the advice and choose to or not to heed it. It would have been more  
appreciative of you. And I have a feeling you did not understand the advice  
I have the funny feeling you thought I was calling you a Munaafiq.  Read it 
again for God's sakes. You must be confident that Munaafiqs actually  know 
they are. If Abubakr and the other fella did not have conscience  problems, 
would have shared with the prophet what exactly they felt was  making them 
uneasy instead of the cockamayme story about "when we are in  business and 
our families shit happens to us". Why does being in honest  business 
with their faith if indeed they had believed? What you  should have used that 
example in is to show the trials of journeys toward  faith. You would have 
done good Dawah then. Now you see what I'm sharing  with you don't you?

"my recommendation haruna is to add the web page of  mo ibrahim to the global 
democracy project .here is the link."  Suntou.

I'm sorry I didn't understand. You mind telling me why you think  I ought to 
add Mo Ibrahim's web page to The Global Democracy Project? If it  is good 
advice, I will thank you for it and heed it. If it is not good  advice, I 
thank you for it anyway but I will share with you my view on  it. That may 
out to be good advice for you in the end. And I expect  your behind to thank 
for it unconditionally.

"i was watching a  programm on it today." Suntou.

Well what did you learn that may be  valuable to me or The GDP? You Muslings 
don't even know how to add value to  your fellow human if your lives depended 
on it. Dawah my left  eyelash.

( Suntou.

Thank  you for the URL. I shall visit when time allows me. You could have 
given us  an idea of what you're talking about. Oh by the way, I read your 
at  The Echo and besides a bit more editing, it was a good piece. I hope you  
read it out loud to yourself before submitting it or did you submit it  
the blogging advice I shared?

Oh Suntou my dear. How do you  suppose your Dawah will yield value for you 
when you castigate others'  faiths in the process. It seems to me an 
and foolhardy way to go  about Dawah. And don't tell me your prophets told 
that is how you  complete Dawah. What in the name of Religion???????

Sheikh Masoud. MQDT.  Darbo. AL Mu'Umin. I feel like sharing another 
installment from Julius  Caesar I think will be appropriate here. It talks 
about Dawah 
and snakes in  green grass and circumstance. Anyway, Suntou I strongly 
recommend you read  my advice to you again. If possible, allow another of 
school mates to  read it and share their opinions with you on it. Jesus 

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